Vein Disease – What Can I Do To Help Prevent It?

varicose veins west florida vein

varicose veins west florida veinThough you can’t fight genetics the way you live has a major impact on your circulatory systems health and the resulting possibility of vein issues.

Keep Your Weight In Check

Obesity can put you at risk for a heart disease, cancer, and vein issues.

Many studies have shown a direct correlation between obesity and the risk for vein disease.

Carrying too much extra fat adds extra unnecessary pressure on your entire circulatory system. This is especially problematic in the pelvic region, where the veins from our legs re-enter the main body cavity. When inner hip veins are compressed it increases pressure on the valves within the upper veins of the leg, leading to the failure of those valves which results in circulatory issues in our legs aka varicose and spider veins.

Elevation is Key

Putting your legs up allows gravity to assist blood flow back to your heart. Directions: 15 minutes two to three times a day. Making sure your legs are above your heart.


Avoid constrictive clothing, especially shoes with high heels as these could lead to vein disorders.  Do not wear spanks, girdles, garters or socks that have tight elastic bands. Now, this does not mean compression hosiery. Compression socks are specifically designed to help the veins rather than hinder. Modern compression hosiery is now made out of materials and in styles that makes it fashionable and attractive for anyone to wear. Quality compression hosiery provides pressure to protect the veins in our legs and help feel better and less tired at the end of a day.


Staying active is the best thing you can do to prevent or minimize vein problems. Muscle builds and supports the circulatory system. The act of walking naturally expands and contracts the leg muscles pumping the blood throughout our bodies. Walk more, sit less.


Simply said? Don’t smoke.  Smoking narrows the blood vessels. It is detrimental to your health and can spur on the onset of vein issues.

Stay hydrated. Drink 1 gallon of water daily to keep your blood clean and flowing as it should. 

If you start to see any hint of spider or varicose veins you will want to pay attention to the advice above. If you see it start to advance come into West Florida Vein Center in Safety Harbor, Florida serving the Tampa Bay region and have Dr. Mark Zuzga evaluate your condition so that you get the best possible results. or call (727) 712-3233.

Could Athletes Benefit from Wearing Compression Stockings?


compression-stockingsMost of us would never have thought to group the words “Athlete” and “Compression stockings” into one sentence let alone suggest that they might be a good idea to wear during athletic activities. After all, aren’t compression stockings just for little old ladies?

As it turns out, not even close. Over the course of the last few years, top medical investigators have joined with world class athletes in the distance biking, triathlon, and marathon fields.

One of the toughest problems they all has to overcome was cramping. It is sometimes referred to as “hitting the wall” which is caused by lactic acid build up. This build-up takes place when the aerobic threshold reached and pushed past.

The findings prove that wearing graduated compression stockings can help. These graduated stockings have the highest compression starting at the ankles and get less tightly compressed as you move up past the knee.

How They Help

Wearing these stockings helps to prevent the pooling of blood in the muscles and affects the arterial flow to the muscles. The muscle in the arterial wall relaxes and this increases in the dimeter of the veins help with performance via higher cellular oxygen as well as faster recovery times.

Marathon Runners – A Study

A conjoined study including 19 marathon runners used running socks for three months during training as well as competition came to the following conclusions:

  1. Sixty percent of runners who suffered from muscle and tendon aches in the lower leg or experience pain in the ankle joint reported feeling relief from these aches as a result of wearing compression sport socks.

2. Forty seven percent of the group experienced an easier run over all and fifty three percent said the calf muscles were more relaxed.

The Real Question: Are They Comfortable?

The group report no significant issues as far as comfortability of stockings even out in the heat. Especially as they can be sprayed down with water during a run on a particularly hot day.

Are you an athlete? If so we are glad you stumbled on to this article. Help protect the health of your veins and circulatory system by considering proactively wearing compression stockings during workouts and competitions.

If you are in the Tampa Bay Florida area and need a Vein Specialist look no further. West Florida Vein Center has you covered. Give us a call to schedule today. 727-712-3233 or visit us online at

What Exactly IS a Vein Specialist?

The only credentialing body for the treatment of veins in the office setting is the Intersocietal Accreditation Commission or the IAC.

IAC - Vein specialist

You may have heard that if you are dealing with venous insufficiency you will need to consult with a Vein Specialist. 

Are all Vein Specialists created equal? Unfortunately, the answer is No. This is where you need to look for an accredited office and physician.


The IAC is made up of representatives from 9 medical societies including:

  • Society for Vascular Surgery
  • Society for Clinical Vascular Surgery
  • American College of Surgeons
  • American Venous Forum
  • American Academy of Dermatology
  • American College of Phlebology
  • Society for Vascular Ultrasound
  • Society for Vascular Medicine
  • Society of Interventional Radiology

These societies have joined forces to stop the dangerous practice of treating veins by unqualified doctors thereby establishing national standards of patient safety.

For your own protection and peace of mind, please only choose a vein doctor with this national certification. There are many “med spas” that pop up around the country and tend to be fly by night operations. Though, yes they are actual doctors who run them, they are not specialists in the true nature of the word and may have only taken a weekend class certification in venous issues.  It takes years to master the art. You do not want to be someone’s practice piece.

While there are now several routes to becoming a “Certified Vein Specialist” if you want your health entrusted to the best, choose a doctor, such as Vein Specialists very own Dr. Joseph Magnant, who is a Vascular Surgeon with over 26 years of experience. They are the only specialists who have focused their practice solely to vascular disease.

True excellence comes from experience and this proficiency develops from treating damaged veins day after day, year after year, one patient, one case at a time.

Vein Specialists holds the IAC seal as it is displayed right on the website itself.

If you are in the Fort Myers | Bonita Springs, Florida area we would love to work with you to get you on your way to the best vein health possible. The first step can be taken right now, right here online by going to and clicking the Confidential FREE vein screening button at the top the page or by calling 239-694-VEIN (8346).

Massage & Varicose Veins


massageWhen we are in pain, we look for any and all possible solutions to get to a place of feeling well again. When your muscles get tight a therapeutic massage can help to work the tension out. It only makes logical sense that you may wonder if massage would be a viable solution for the pain of varicose veins. The answer is, unfortunately, no.

Why is massage not a good option to relieve leg pain caused by weak or damaged veins?

Even though your legs are experiencing swelling and pain similar to what you might feel with overworked muscles, the root cause of the pain is entirely different.

The uncomfortable sensations in your legs are due to venous insufficiency which created by veins that have sustained damage.

The valves inside of these veins are no longer working and functioning fully. This can cause blood to pool inside of the veins, creating that heavy, achy, painful feeling. The increase in the volume of blood causes the vein walls weak due to increased pressure. Massage does not fix this problem like it does with tight muscles.

It is imperative that if you still choose to get a massage, that you inform the therapist of your condition.  Some therapists are specifically trained on venous and lymphatic diseases and may offer you a different sort of massage that may better offer you some relief. Its also not a great idea to apply too much pressure on damaged areas of veins so letting them know is beneficial all around.

If you are in pain due to varicose veins, the best solution is to contact a vein doctor such as the ones here at Tampa Cardiovascular Associates.

Their specialists can advise you on tips to alleviate pain at home, and also guide you as far as what your options may be in getting rid of the damaged veins. New technology has given way to easy, minimally invasive procedures that require no recovery time and are performed in the doctor’s office.

If you live in the Tampa bay area, please call us at 813-975-2800 or schedule an evaluation through our online form. Patient comfort and care are a priority here at Tampa Cardiovascular Associates.

Are You Covering Up Your Leg Veins?

spider veins

spider veinsSpider and varicose veins in your legs are unsightly and can feel embarrassing to some.

It may be tempting to simply try and hide them. Makeup, wearing long pants, avoiding beaches and the pool for fear of putting on a bathing suit – these can hamper your ability to really enjoy life.

Avoidance may work but all it is doing is covering up the root problem: Venous insufficiency. It isn’t simply a cosmetic issue. Veins, once damaged, if left untreated can spread and become worse over time leading to bigger problems such as achiness, leg, ankle and foot pain, swelling and edema, skin issues and even ulcers on the legs.


If you begin to have veins that are visible it is advisable to seek the advice of a Vein Specialist. Going through offices such as where they offer FREE online screenings can give you peace of mind and some professional knowledgeable advice as to your current state and the very best medical recommendations for your health now and in the future.


Treatment options are numerous and with the advances that have been made in vein care, you no longer simply have to live with embarrassing or painful veins. Diagnostics are simple, quick and pain-free. The solutions are all outpatient procedures with very minimal recovery times. The majority of those who undergo treatment remark that they wish they had done it sooner.


To get started go to for a confidential FREE Vein Screening right online. Dr. Joseph Magnant is a board certified vascular surgeon and Dr. Nero is a board certified general surgeon. They have dedicated their lives to this surgical practice with the singular focus on the treatment of venous insufficiency. 239-694-VEIN (8346) to schedule an in-person appointment.

Spider Veins: Anyone Can Get Them

Anyone can get spider veins, but why can anyone get them? There are many reasons why a person of any age or gender, can get spider veins.

So, what are spider veins?

Spider veins, also known as telangiectasias or sunburst varicosities, are small, thin veins that lie close to the surface of the skin. These veins are connected to the  larger venous system, but are not an essential part of it. Spider veins are small, do not bulge, and are less likely to cause pain or turn into a vein disorder.

There are a few ways a person can form spider veins. Spider veins emerge from increase pressure on the veins. Common reasons spider veins develop are due to heredity, pregnancy, hormonal shifts, weight gain, prolonged sitting or standing, and certain medications. All of these things listed cause pressure on the veins.  With age, it becomes even easier for these veins to emerge, because the venous walls are weaker.

For those who have a genetic history of these veins in their family, there is a good chance they will develop the unsightly, fine veins despite any and all preventative efforts.

Since they won’t harm you, you can live normally with these veins; however, many people hate the sight of them and seek out treatment. Sclerotherapy sessions help the veins appear lighter; two or more sessions are usually needed. For those who have spider veins, they will most likely come back, and be a life-long battle. The body continues to produce them. Vein treatments for spider veins only treat currently visible spider veins, they do not prevent future occurrences.

Overall, don’t fret! For the most part, these type of veins aren’t a health risk for a young person, just blueish, purple branch-like patterns on the body. If you’re tired of seeing them on your body, Dr. Zuzga of West Florida Vein Center can treat them for you. To schedule an appointment with the vein doctor, call 727-712-3233 or click here.

5 Herbs for Healthy Circulation


Diabetes, damaged veins, and heart conditions can all benefit from a healthy diet infused with herbs that help with circulation. Peripheral arterial disease tends to be caused by lifestyle choices such as obesity, smoking, and lack of exercise. If you or someone you know has this condition or any venous insufficiency, herbs can be a wonderful way to increase blood flow throughout the body. Some people have circulation problems such as Reynaud’s disease that can benefit from home remedy

Healthy circulation uses home remedies such as herbs and vitamins to support its system. Of course, if you decide to take herbs to help with your condition, please consult with your doctor. Medicine interactions can occur and it is best to be safe before taking herbs by getting your doctor’s okay.

Important herbs for circulation:

  • Parsley: this common herb can be found in many dishes. It helps to open up the arteries and veins for better circulation
  • Cayenne Pepper: the heat of this herb is its dominant trait. Its ability to help blood flow is why it is a common herb found in circulatory supplements.
  • Ginger Root: in addition to this herb calming the stomach and digestive track, it also helps to open up blood vessels.
  • Horse Chestnut: it is important that you are aware that it is deadly to eat this herb raw. It is poisonous. It is safe to take in a processed form when an ingredient in supplements, though.
  • Prickly Ash: a stimulant, it is recommended for rheumatism, impurities of the blood, those with Raynaud’s disease. Great for digestion and circulation issues.

The herbs above all help increase circulation, however, if you have vein problems you need to consult with a vein doctor. Dr. Joseph Magnant of Vein Specialists is an expert in venous insufficiency and circulation problems. To schedule a consultation, please call 239-694-VEIN or online at