Have Heart Disease? Steer Clear of These Foods

tampa cardiovascular associates tampa florida

tampa cardiovascular associates tampa floridaWhat we choose to feed our bodies is important. It is the fuel we run on. It is the building block for new cells to be created. It is what gives us energy, and vitality, and enables us to keep going year after year.

If you have heart disease diet is even more important. Let’s take a look at the top four foods to avoid giving your heart and cardiovascular system the best chance at good health.

Processed and refined grains
Whole grains are good for you. Refined grains are not. Processing removed much of the original nutrition. Worse yet, they add fat, sodium, and sugar, all of which can lead to weight gain and high blood pressure.


  • instant oatmeal
  • white bread
  • white rice
  • Processed breakfast cereals

Refined and Processed Sugars:
Sugar has a negative effect on the heart. It provides the body with “empty calories” that crowd out the benefits from the healthier foods you consume at the same time, essentially canceling them out. Eating high amounts of refined sugar can raise your blood pressure and triglyceride levels and can contribute to the onset of type 2 diabetes.


  • Soda
  • Frozen foods
  • candy and sweets
  • Canned foods

Saturated and Trans Fats
Unsaturated fats are good for you (coconut oil, avocados, macadamia nut oil, peanut butter, etc.) While trans-fat is arguably more harmful than saturated fat, they both can do harm to the body by raising “bad” cholesterol and lowering “good” cholesterol.


  • deep-fried foods
  • pie crust
  • margarine
  • microwave popcorn

Our kidneys are capable of processing a limited amount of salt. Excess sodium can increase blood pressure in the arteries. It can bring on high blood pressure and put you at an elevated risk for heart attack and stroke as well as kidney failure.


  • processed meats
  • fast food
  • packaged snack foods
  • chemical-laden salad dressings

Tampa Cardiology Associates offers nutritional services as well as cardiology and vein health help. WWW.TAMPACARDIO.COM 813-975-2800. Visit our site to learn more or give us a call to schedule your appointment.

Vein Treatments Can Restore Your Leg Health

West Florida Vein center safety harbor tampa florida

West Florida Vein center safety harbor tampa floridaBeautiful Legs Can Be Yours Again!

As we begin to age, small issues begin to surface. It is important to listen to your body. Varicose veins are a symptom of Vein Disease.

One of the most common issues in aging is the weakening of the body as a whole. As muscle mass can begin to soften and decline the support around the vein walls in your circulatory system may begin to weaken as well.

What happens when Varicose Veins Form?

When vein walls weaken, they can actually collapse. This collapse can lead to blood pooling and pushing on the walls causing them to expand. Blood can rise to the surface causing patches of reddened skin and over time ulcerations. Blood may also begin to clot. If a clot forms and then breaks loose it may travel through the circulatory system, if it reaches the brain, the heart, or the lungs, you may end up experiencing a stroke, a heart attack, a pulmonary embolism, or possibly death.

This is why paying attention to your vein health is so important. The best time to seek the help of a professional Vein Specialist is as soon as you begin to notice signs and symptoms of varicose or spider veins. This also includes extremely tired and possibly swollen legs, ankles, and feet at the end of a long day. Vein issues often start well under the visible layer of skin and eventually rise up over time.

Modern vein treatments cut off the issue at the source. While they do not guarantee that no new issues will ever form, they do stop current problems from spreading, deepening, and becoming a far bigger more painful problem down the road.

At West Florida Vein Center of Safety Harbor Florida in the Tampa Bay region you will sit down, one-on-one with Dr. Mark Zuzga, D.O. who will assess your personal health situation and history building a customized vein treatment plan just for you.

If you are ready to “re-age” your legs and feel better than you ever have, give us a call at 727-712-3233 or visit us on the web at www.westfloridaveincenter.com to learn more about our practice and what options we offer.

A Look at Sclerotherapy – Veins Vanish Nearly Instantly

west florida vein center dr mark zuzga

west florida vein center dr mark zuzgaSclerotherapy Laser Treatment is a state-of-the-art procedure intended to help eliminate unwanted painful spider veins and smaller varicose veins.

These visible veins result from damaged and broken-down valves. They form both due to age and related health and lifestyle issues. These damaged valves cause blood to flow backward causing pooling and stagnation. As the blood pools larger varicose veins can form as the vein stretches to hold the excess.

When a person with venous deficiency remains stationary for long periods of time, this can mean standing or sitting it can cause issues. Non movement can place extreme pressure on the veins in the lower legs. When varicose veins start to cause you distress, it is time to speak with a Dr. Mark Zuzga, D.O. a vein specialist at The West Florida Vein Center to discuss treatment options.

What Is Sclerotherapy?

Sclerotherapy is the most common forms of treatment when it comes to spider veins. The procedure involves injecting a salt solution directly into the damaged area. The solution irritates the lining of the vein, causing it to collapse. The lining of the now collapsing vein sticks together and the vein closes. The damaged vein then becomes scar tissue and fades away absorbing back into the body while rerouting the former blood flow.


Before the treatment begins, Dr. Zuzga,D.O. will examine you to determine if you are a good candidate.

It is advisable to stop taking certain medications before the procedure. Avoid ibuprofen or aspirin at least 48 to 72 hours before sclerotherapy. We will advise you on which specific medications to avoid before your treatment.

Please do not apply any lotion, perfume, powder, or cologne to your legs prior to treatment. You should drink plenty of water and bring compression socks to the office to wear aftertreatment. All other clothing should be comfortable and loose fitting.

The Procedure itself

The solution is injected into the patient’s vein directly using a very fine needle. The area is numbed before the needle being inserted. You may feel some discomfort or pressure while the solution is injected into the vein. That feeling could last for one to two minutes per vein. The number of veins injected during a single procedure depends on the location and size of the veins and the general health of the patient. The entire process often takes around 15 to 30 minutes to complete.

This procedure has been performed for many decades by doctors, dermatologists, and vein specialists. The procedure is performed in-office, and most people can go back to their usual activities following the process. However, you are advised not to do any aerobic or other strenuous exercises a few days after treatment.

Some patients experience side effects after treatment, such as itching, which may last for a few days. You may also experience redness or bruising at the injection site that should go away a few days after the procedure.

We Serve the Tampa Bay and Safety Harbor areas of Florida!

Ready to change your life?

Vein surgery can be life changing for many people and a huge boost of confidence. If you are ready to feel better and look your best we would love to see you in our office for a consultation. www.westfloridaveincenter.com 727-712-3233 to schedule with Dr. Mark Zuzga, D.O,

Chronic Depression & Heart Disease


chronic-depression-heart-diseaseIf you’ve ever experienced depression you understand that it can sometimes feel like you have a broken or heavy heart. 

Research has shown both that heart disease can cause depression and that depression can cause heart disease. The answer is yes, chronic ongoing depression can lead to physical heart problems.

Things to consider:

  • Depression is the leading cause of disability throughout the entire world.
  • 1 in 3 Americans will die from heart disease.
  • 1 in 20 adults in America experiences major depression each year.
  • 1 in 3 heart attack survivors experiences major depression each year.
  • Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States.
  • People with a history of depression are 4 times more likely to experience a heart attack within 14 years than those who have no history of depression.
  • Heart disease patients with depression are 4 times more likely to die within 6 months than those without depression.

After reading the above statistics regarding heart disease and depression, it is obvious that heart disease and depression are related, though how and why they are related is a much more complex issue. Let’s begin by examining the potential ways in which depression can lead to heart disease. Have you ever heard the phrase “stress kills”? While this statement may seem a little overly dramatic, it does have a lot of basis in medical facts. When a person is stressed out, the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline are released and the sympathetic nervous system is activated, oftentimes referred to as a person’s “fight or flight” response. When a person is depressed, it often results in a chronically elevated level of these hormones, a situation that can have detrimental effects on the heart over time.

On the other hand, depression has been known to occur as a result of heart disease. In one recent study, nearly half of all patients examined a week following a major heart disease surgery showed beginning signs of clinical depression. But why is this? While the relationship between heart disease and depression is still under study, one possible answer is that patients who have recently undergone major heart surgery tend to feel slow and sluggish, finding it difficult to get back into their regular routines. If their regular routines have been threatened by heart disease or they must change their lifestyles drastically in order to adjust to new health concerns, they will understandably start to feel a sense of discouragement and hopelessness.

In addition, heart disease patients with depression often do not receive the correct medical treatment in order to address both issues simultaneously. This can in part be due to the actions of the patient directly, as depression can make it difficult for people to remember to take care of themselves, and patients may forget to take their medications or simply not feel the motivation to do so. Similarly, they may also lack the motivation and energy to keep their follow-up appointments even simply. Furthermore, many cardiologists and primary care doctors simply don’t have the experience with or exposure to patients with mental illness the way psychiatrists and psychologists do and may not be able to properly recognize when a patient is experiencing depression. For this reason, heart disease patients with depression often get overlooked for their depression and are not effectively treated for it the way a patient seeking treatment for mental illness specifically would.

While there are still a lot of unknowns regarding the relationship between depression and heart disease, both conditions can be effectively treated with proper recognition and monitoring. For compassionate cardiologists who care about the overall health of their patients and not just medical issues addressed by them specifically, contact the Tampa Cardiovascular Associates by calling (813) 975-2800 today.

Our physicians are always here for you and are happy to address any concerns you have related to your heart health or to refer you to a qualified mental health specialist. WWW.TAMPACARDIO.COM. 

Online Screening for Vein Issues

Online screening vein issues

Online screening vein issuesDid you know that step one in getting your vein health back can be done right from the comfort of your own home?

You might be surprised how much our Vein Specialists can tell you from just a quick introductory email containing a few questions.

Your West Florida Vein Specialist will asses your answers that have been entered into a secure contact form housed on a HIPPA compliant server. Your information is safe and confidential. It will be studied and compiled and a specialist will follow up with you to answer you directly. You will receive a response from a  live specialist, not an online programmed robot.

If your questionnaire answers and current health condition sound like they could potentially be a situation that would require treatment, they may recommend that you then follow up with an in-person office visit. If your condition does not require an in-person follow up, they will tell you that as well, possibly making simple suggestions for at-home care, preventatively.

Making steps that help to ensure your health are always positive. If your legs exhibit signs of possible venous disease, take a minute and fill out the online consultation. The consultation is completely FREE and you are under no further obligation.

Signs you may have venous insufficiency:

  • Tired legs
  • Achy legs
  • Restless legs at bedtime (twitching)
  • Visible varicose veins
  • Visible spider veins
  • Leg cramps
  • Itchy Legs
  • Odd skin textures on your legs
  • Wounds or ulcers that will not heal

These uncomfortable issues can be corrected through proper care.  Let the specialists at West Florida Vein Center set you on the right path back to leg health. If you have more questions or would prefer to see our doctors in person please visit www.westfloridaveincenter.com or call 727-712-3233.

Sun Exposure and Varicose Veins


Vein-health-and-sun-exposure-west-florida-vein-centeIf you live somewhere where sunshine is a year-round presence you will want to know how it can affect your vein health! 

The Importance of sunscreen when it comes to veins

These days most of us do put on sunscreen when laying out catching some rays. Sunscreen can deter UVA and UVB rays from doing skin damage, aging the skin or leading to cancer. While many are aware of the dark spots or wrinkles the sun may cause but what many don’t think about how sun exposure can egg on spider veins to form on the nose or cause already active vein disease in the body to worsen. With people currently flocking to South West Florida for the end of the beach season, it’s important to be aware of how to protect your skin from the sun whether it’s on the beach or just gardening in the yard.

Can the Sun Actually Cause Varicose and Spider Veins?

Yes and no. The sun can cause spider veins. It cannot cause varicose veins.

Many people believe a good tan will hide the appearance of spider veins, which is true. However, it’s a temporary measure and one that can backfire if you get too much sun, causing even more spider veins to spread.

Should I Avoid the Sun?

The only time you really should avoid sun exposure is if you have recently had a vein removal done. It is important to protect the skin after such treatment. Doctors recommend that people who have undergone vein treatment surgery should remain out of the sun anywhere from 3 to 8 weeks. The sun’s rays can cause pigment changes in the skin. Once the doctor clears you to go in the sun, it is important to apply sunscreen to the area to protect the skin.

Spider Veins: The sun breaks down collagen under the skin and in blood vessels right beneath the surface causing spider veins to appear. Sun exposure may also cause veins in your face to do the same, especially in light-skinned individuals.

Varicose veins: On the other hand, varicose veins are never created by the sun. However, veins that are diseased may worsen in hot weather. The sun’s heat can cause the veins to dilate and enlarge causing venous distention. Venous distention is a condition in which veins swell due to being filled with more blood than is needed. An increase in blood and size means swelling and pain.

Sun exposure vein health West Florida Vein center

When Is the Best Time of Year to Get Veins Treated?

The winter months are the ideal time to get skin looking healthy for the summer. Most people don’t think of their veins during the colder months because we wear so much clothing, but it can make life a lot easier to get problems fixed before summer beach weather returns.

Why Winter Treatment is Ideal:

  • Veins can worsen in winter months from inactivity.
  • Veins could require additional treatments, so there is plenty of time to be ready for the warmer weather.
  • Compression hosiery is often worn before and after varicose vein procedures. These stockings are easier to wear or hide in cooler months.

Learn More About Sun Exposure and Veins

If you have concerns about sun exposure on your spider or varicose veins or have any other questions about treatments, schedule an appointment with a vein specialist. If you are in the greater Tampa area, you can schedule a visit with Dr. Zuzga of the West Florida Vein Center at (727) 712-3233. www.westfloridaveincenter.com.

Sun Exposure – What You Need to Know When it Comes to Varicose and Spider Veins


Sun exposure vein health West Florida Vein centerSummer in the sunshine state means shorts, bathing suits, and cool summer wear. It can be massively frustrating and limiting to have vein issues. It is just too hot out to be wearing long pants all the time.

Sunscreen and Vein Issues

Most of us do wear sunscreen when laying out getting some sun. Wearing sunscreen can deter UVB and UVA rays from doing skin damage, skin aging or stimulating cancer cells. While many are aware of the dark spots or wrinkles the sun may cause but what many don’t think about how sun exposure can egg on spider veins to form on the nose or cause already active vein disease in the body to worsen. With people currently flocking to South West Florida for the end of the beach season, it’s important to be aware of how to protect your skin from the sun whether it’s on the beach or just gardening in the yard.

Does the Sun Cause Varicose and Spider Veins?

This is a complicated answer. The sun can cause spider veins. It cannot cause varicose veins.

Many people believe a good tan will hide the appearance of spider veins, which is true. However, it’s a temporary measure and one that can backfire if you get too much sun, causing even more spider veins to spread.

Varicose veins: On the other hand, varicose veins are never created by the sun. However, veins that are diseased may worsen in hot weather. The sun’s heat can cause the veins to dilate and enlarge causing venous distention. Venous distention is a condition in which veins swell due to being filled with more blood than is needed. An increase in blood and size means swelling and pain.

Spider Veins: The sun breaks down collagen under the skin and in blood vessels right beneath the surface causing spider veins to appear. Sun exposure may also cause veins in your face to do the same, especially in light-skinned individuals.

Is the Sun to Be Avoided?

In general, no. However, after vein removal procedures it is important to protect the skin. Doctors recommend that people who have undergone vein treatment surgery should remain out of the sun anywhere from 3 to 8 weeks. Sunshine may cause pigment changes in the skin. Once the doctor clears you to go in the sun, it is important to apply sunscreen to the area to protect the skin.


What Is the Best Time of Year to Get Veins Treated?

The winter months are the ideal time to get skin looking healthy for the summer. Most people don’t think of their veins during the colder months because we wear so much clothing, but it can make life a lot easier to get problems fixed before summer beach weather returns.

Winter Treatment is Ideal:

  • Compression hose are often worn before and after varicose vein procedures. These stockings are easier to wear or hide in cooler months.
  • Veins can worsen in cold weather months due to lack of activity.
  • Veins could require additional treatments, so there is plenty of time to be ready for the warmer weather.

 More About Sun Exposure and Veins

If you have concerns about sun exposure on your spider or varicose veins or have any other questions about treatments, schedule an appointment with a vein specialist. If you are in the greater Tampa area, you can schedule a visit with Dr. Zuzga of the West Florida Vein Center at (727) 712-3233. www.westfloridaveincenter.com.

Vein Ligation and Stripping – The Recovery Process, What to Expect

When a patient decides to have any type of procedure performed it is important that each detail not only of the procedure but also of the recovery expected is to be discussed. No one likes surprises when it comes to their health and healing.

Though the vein treatment may take only a few minutes, your body will need some additional care and rest afterward.

Your own recovery time may vary. Everyone recovers at a slightly different rate. This is based on the average experience of all of our patients.

What to Expect Post Vein Ligation and Stripping

Please continue to wear tight compression dressings for the first 3 days post-surgery. If you have stitches they will dissolve on their own or your doctor will let you know they need to be removed if non-dissolvable within 14 days.

Make sure to rest for 3 to 7 days. Veins removed will be immediately nonvisible. Those injected will take time to fully dissolve and disappear from sight.

Your legs may feel a little stiff or sore for a few weeks. We do prescribe pain medication to manage this so your recovery period is comfortable. Your legs in the areas they worked on may be slightly bruised.

Self Care at Home

  1. Get plenty of sleep
  2. Limit activity for a few days as instructed by your physician
  3. Walk. Add a few more steps each day
  4. Avoid strenuous activities
  5. Prop your legs up on a pillow many times throughout the day
  6. Do not drive until you are given the go-ahead
  7. You may shower after the compression dressing comes off. Please do not take a bath for the first two weeks.
  8. Take all medicine as directed
  9. Ice and elevate. 10-20 minutes at a time. 
  10. Follow up with your physician as directed.

If you have any questions do not hesitate to call – especially during your recovery. 

Schedule your consultation today: www.westfloridaveincenter.com (727) 712-3233.

Varicose Veins – Think You Know the Facts?


veins-tampa-florida-tampa-cardio-vein-centerOur circulatory system is an amazing mechanism. Veins run throughout our entire body. They feed blood to every organ and cellular tissue. When veins sustain damage from trauma or vein disease – venous insufficiency they begin stages of venous insufficiency. 

Damage to valves along with pooling blood is the cause of varicose veins. Though varicose veins are sometimes thought of as a cosmetic issue the effects can be medical as well. Varicose and damaged veins can lead to leg pain, swelling, ulceration, itching, aching, and even death of areas of flesh due to decreased circulation.

Even if you know the basics, we thought we would share some interesting vein facts that you might not know:

  • Veins are more defined during strenuous exercise. This is due to increased arterial pressure. Blood that would normally be resting in capillaries during a work out is now forced into the surrounding muscle. This is what is known as a “pump”.
  • One of the very first drawings of vein disease was on a tablet dating back to the 4th century in Greece.  The carving shows a man gripping a disembodied leg with a big bulging vein on it.
  • The human body can form new pathways and vessels if one becomes blocked! The process is called angiogenesis. This is the way that your body heals if you get a cut or scrape. Your body will compensate for the lack of blood flow in any way that it can. It is best though to seek medical attention if you notice that you have problems with varicose veins. The sooner you seek treatment, the better, less invasive, less expensive, and better the prognosis will be.
  • Strong veins are essential – your heart depends on your veins for nourishment, as does every other organ. If your veins are too weak to get the blood where it goes it can cause pooling, discoloration, and even wounds that are very tough to heal.
  • Pre 17th Century doctors believed there were two blood systems – one where the liver was the organ pumping the blood and another which carried air from the lungs and blood to tissue. It wasn’t viewed as circulating but more of an ebb and flow. It was not until 1682 that Dr. Wiliam Harvey first correctly outlined what our circulatory system actually does and how it works.

You may not be obsessed with anatomy history and facts the way that we are, but we do hope you found this interesting!

If you are looking for a cardiologist or Vein Specialist in the Tampa, Florida area we invite you to visit WWW.TAMPACARDIO.COM or give us a call to set a consultation by calling 813-975-2800.

Could Athletes Benefit from Wearing Compression Stockings?


compression-stockingsMost of us would never have thought to group the words “Athlete” and “Compression stockings” into one sentence let alone suggest that they might be a good idea to wear during athletic activities. After all, aren’t compression stockings just for little old ladies?

As it turns out, not even close. Over the course of the last few years, top medical investigators have joined with world class athletes in the distance biking, triathlon, and marathon fields.

One of the toughest problems they all has to overcome was cramping. It is sometimes referred to as “hitting the wall” which is caused by lactic acid build up. This build-up takes place when the aerobic threshold reached and pushed past.

The findings prove that wearing graduated compression stockings can help. These graduated stockings have the highest compression starting at the ankles and get less tightly compressed as you move up past the knee.

How They Help

Wearing these stockings helps to prevent the pooling of blood in the muscles and affects the arterial flow to the muscles. The muscle in the arterial wall relaxes and this increases in the dimeter of the veins help with performance via higher cellular oxygen as well as faster recovery times.

Marathon Runners – A Study

A conjoined study including 19 marathon runners used running socks for three months during training as well as competition came to the following conclusions:

  1. Sixty percent of runners who suffered from muscle and tendon aches in the lower leg or experience pain in the ankle joint reported feeling relief from these aches as a result of wearing compression sport socks.

2. Forty seven percent of the group experienced an easier run over all and fifty three percent said the calf muscles were more relaxed.

The Real Question: Are They Comfortable?

The group report no significant issues as far as comfortability of stockings even out in the heat. Especially as they can be sprayed down with water during a run on a particularly hot day.

Are you an athlete? If so we are glad you stumbled on to this article. Help protect the health of your veins and circulatory system by considering proactively wearing compression stockings during workouts and competitions.

If you are in the Tampa Bay Florida area and need a Vein Specialist look no further. West Florida Vein Center has you covered. Give us a call to schedule today. 727-712-3233 or visit us online at www.westfloridaveincenter.com.