Happiness Proves to be Good for Your Heart


tampa-cardiovascular-associatesStudies reveal that optimistic, happy, glass half full people are more likely to have good heart health as well.

When you have a positive optimistic outlook you feel better physically.

The study looked at two groups of people who had similar risk for heart disease. The results showed the pessimistic group was more likely to experience heart attack or stroke.

Julie K. Boehm, PhD Harvard Researcher was the study lead. She is quoted as saying that “Historically, studies have focused on the negative impact of depression and anxiety. We wanted to look at the flip side to see how psychological well-being – things like happiness, optimism, and having a sense of purpose – might impact risk.”

Happiness spurs positive life decisions

They tend to sleep more regularly, eat better, and exercise. If you are not naturally an upbeat person don’t be hard on yourself. It can be relearned through behavioral therapy and actively watching your thought patterns to help recognize constant negativity, stop it, and replace it with a healthier thought version.

During a collaborative effort on the part of Harvard with Columbia University they based their findings on a 5 point scale. A patient that was able to monitor their behavior and thoughts and was able to raise their number even just 1 point experienced what translated to a 22% risk reduction. That is impressive and could be life changing for many.

While of course more research is needed, and feelings are not exact quantifiable numbers the evidence is mounting and becoming clear that there is indeed a link between heart health and happiness factor so live your life the best you can and try to look on the bright side of things and find humor.

If you are in the Tampa Bay, Florida area and looking for a great cardiologist we invite you to check out Tampa Cardiovascular Associates. WWW.TAMPACARDIO.COM 813-975-2800.

Positive Attitude Can Greatly Speed Recovery and Free You From Pain


 Simply said, pain steals joy.

pain-management-fort-myers-dr-kasterWhen you are living with pain on a daily basis, it can wear you down and cause a loss of exuberance for life. It is very easy to slip into the trap of negative self-deprecating and self-punishing thinking and eventually depression. The problem with that is that you get caught in a downward spiral and it can make the physical pain worse.

One of the strangest secrets is that you get what you think about most of the time. If you are totally focused on pain, energetically you may be drawing in more of the same. Sure, you may think, that’s easy to say – when you feel fine. We are not in any way downplaying what you are going through. It is very real and very difficult to manage. Especially with a smile.

Here is the thing. Your cells react to your mind’s commands. Having hope and being able to see a light at the end of the tunnel may actually help speed recovery. This theory has been scientifically put to the test by Dr. Markus Melloh who is the director of the University of Otago’s Center for Musculoskeletal Outcome Research in Otago, New Zeland.

In his study, 315 patients were interviewed when they first reported back pain. They evaluated those patients physical symptoms as well as their feelings about it and overall attitude. They were monitored over a 6-month time frame. 64% of participants developed chronic pain, many of those patients had feelings of hopelessness and avoided moving normally out of fear – this magnified the pain.

Researchers found that the negative attitude participants were the ones who developed chronic pain magnifying the importance of addressing the physiological effects of pain.

If you are in pain and experiencing fear, dread, or hopelessness around your injury talk to your chiropractor about your options of receiving both physical help as well as psychological help during this time.

Realizing that your current state is temporary and that even this shall pass on a level of belief is vital to healing. Your natural state IS health. Believe it!

Source: “Attitudes to back pain significant”. Mclean, Elspeth. Otago Daily Times, October 11, 2011.

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