PCS – Pelvic Congestion Syndrome – Diagnosis and Treatment


Pelvic-Congestion-Syndrome-Tampa-CardioPelvic Congestion Syndrome is a chronic medical condition that affects nearly 1/3 of all women at some point during their lifetime.

Pelvic congestion syndrome is a condition that causes chronic pain in the pelvic region. When this happens, the veins in your pelvis can enlarge and change shape, like varicose veins. This type of damage causes veins to become varicose. Blockages create backflows of blood because the veins do not close properly anymore. The result is pressure build-up and bulging veins. When this happens in the region of the pelvis varicose veins can affect the uterus, vulva, and ovaries causing great pain and distress.

 It can be diagnosed when it is nonrelated to the menstrual cycle and lasts 6 months or longer (the time frame for a condition to be considered chronic). This condition is aggravated by standing for long periods of time.

How to Diagnose PCS

Pelvic Congestion Syndrome may occur in a wide range of ages for women between 20 and 50 years of age. Additional symptoms can include abnormal menstrual bleeding, irritable bladder, vaginal discharge and even visible varicose veins present on the thighs, vulva or buttocks. These areas are often overlooked and do not show up on imaging. Because of this, it is often tough to diagnose. Make sure you do a thorough at-home mirror check of your entire body and report any abnormalities to your doctor.

If pelvic pain worsens later in the day or when standing yet you can’t seem to get a proper diagnosis to come into Tampa Cardiovascular Associates we are able to work in conjunction with your gynecologist.

The Treatment

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia with IV sedation. The blood supply to the veins is blocked by the use of coils and embolic agents. An 80% pain reduction has been reported by those who have undergone this procedure.

Pelvic congestion syndrome is treated using minimally invasive, non-surgical, trans-catheter techniques. Contrast dye may be injected to confirm which veins are affected. If varices are found on venography, they are embolized with small coils or other FDA approved chemical agents.

The Recovery

The first of two visits is an overnight admission to the hospital. The purpose is for managed pain care during the first 24 hours. The patient is then discharged and can recover at home using oral pain medication for the relief of discomfort. Any pain experienced is most significant during the first three days after either procedure.

The second is an outpatient appointment. Most patients see great improvement. It is important to note that in some cases other pelvic veins are also affected and may require further treatment in the future.

If you are experiencing pelvic pain that seems outside the scope of normal monthly reproductive cycle issues, please give us a call at Tampa Cardiovascular Associates at 813-975-2800. www.TampaCardio.com

The Effect of Sugar Addiction on Your Heart

Tampa Cardio sugar-and-your-heart-health

Tampa Cardio sugar-and-your-heart-healthSugar hits the pleasure center of the brain in the same way that hard drugs do. This makes refined sugar extremely addictive and very hazardous to your health. Moderation is key and elimination even better.

Until recent years not all that much study had been done on sugar. It was a well-known household dietary staple. The harmful effects of a diet high in sugar are becoming more publicly known, many are still unaware.

The fact is, your sugar intake could very well be harming your health now and into the future. Let’s take a look at how sugar affects the body.

  1. Sugar can compound depression. Though little known or recognized sugar has an effect on mental and cognitive function. It may offer one explanation as to why you feel drained in a short time after eating something sugary. It has also been scientifically linked to anxiety and memory lapses later in life.
  2. Sugar begets heart disease. Heart disease is still the top cause of death worldwide. Recent studies show that a high sugar diet could be a major contributing factor. Elevated levels of fructose can raise your insulin and blood glucose, as well as lead to obesity.
  3. Sugar causes dental issues. The obvious statement of the bunch,  sugar sticks to your teeth and feeds the bacteria. Over time, teeth can decay as a result causing cavities.
  4. Sugar adds weight. If you eat a lot of sugar, you are going to have a higher risk of being overweight.
  5. Sugar is bad for your liver. Excessive sugar consumption will have a similar effect on the liver as if you were an alcoholic. This is because sugar, which turns into fat, becomes lodged in the liver. That can develop into non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
  6. Cancer cells feed on sugar. Numerous studies have shown that there is a connection between sugar consumption and cancer. Sugar consumption creates elevated insulin levels so the body can’t properly regulate the abnormal growth and multiplication of unwanted cells potentially leading to cancer or feeding already existing cancerous cells.
  7. Sugar can spur type II diabetes. Excess sugar can result in insulin resistance, which in turn can result in a highly toxic excess of glucose in the blood. This can cause a number of conditions to develop, perhaps the worst of which is type II diabetes.
  8. Sugar is addictive. Sugar attaches to the same pleasure centers in the brain that result from doing street drugs and opiates. It is equally as addictive. It may be hard for people to practice moderation when it comes to junk food, and when trying to quit, they may experience withdrawal symptoms.

For further guidance that you can trust, make an appointment with the onsite nutritionist available at Tampa Cardiovascular Associates by calling (813) 975-2800.

Our physicians dedicated to keeping your heart health at its best. We’ll do anything we can to help you improve your everyday quality of life through important lifestyle choices. Visit www.tampacardio.com to learn more about our practice.

Varicose Veins – Think You Know the Facts?


veins-tampa-florida-tampa-cardio-vein-centerOur circulatory system is an amazing mechanism. Veins run throughout our entire body. They feed blood to every organ and cellular tissue. When veins sustain damage from trauma or vein disease – venous insufficiency they begin stages of venous insufficiency. 

Damage to valves along with pooling blood is the cause of varicose veins. Though varicose veins are sometimes thought of as a cosmetic issue the effects can be medical as well. Varicose and damaged veins can lead to leg pain, swelling, ulceration, itching, aching, and even death of areas of flesh due to decreased circulation.

Even if you know the basics, we thought we would share some interesting vein facts that you might not know:

  • Veins are more defined during strenuous exercise. This is due to increased arterial pressure. Blood that would normally be resting in capillaries during a work out is now forced into the surrounding muscle. This is what is known as a “pump”.
  • One of the very first drawings of vein disease was on a tablet dating back to the 4th century in Greece.  The carving shows a man gripping a disembodied leg with a big bulging vein on it.
  • The human body can form new pathways and vessels if one becomes blocked! The process is called angiogenesis. This is the way that your body heals if you get a cut or scrape. Your body will compensate for the lack of blood flow in any way that it can. It is best though to seek medical attention if you notice that you have problems with varicose veins. The sooner you seek treatment, the better, less invasive, less expensive, and better the prognosis will be.
  • Strong veins are essential – your heart depends on your veins for nourishment, as does every other organ. If your veins are too weak to get the blood where it goes it can cause pooling, discoloration, and even wounds that are very tough to heal.
  • Pre 17th Century doctors believed there were two blood systems – one where the liver was the organ pumping the blood and another which carried air from the lungs and blood to tissue. It wasn’t viewed as circulating but more of an ebb and flow. It was not until 1682 that Dr. Wiliam Harvey first correctly outlined what our circulatory system actually does and how it works.

You may not be obsessed with anatomy history and facts the way that we are, but we do hope you found this interesting!

If you are looking for a cardiologist or Vein Specialist in the Tampa, Florida area we invite you to visit WWW.TAMPACARDIO.COM or give us a call to set a consultation by calling 813-975-2800.

Do you suffer from Pelvic Congestion Syndrome?

Pelvic congestion syndrome

Pelvic congestion syndromePelvic Congestion Syndrome is experienced as a heaviness and or pain in the lower back and abdominal area. It is caused by varicose veins in the region of the pelvis. Since these damaged veins are deep in the abdomen and are not visible from the skin, it can be difficult to come to a diagnosis. This is due to the fact that there are many causes for pelvic pain in women, especially during the childbearing age when menstruation occurs. Pelvic Congestion Syndrome can be misdiagnosed as endometriosis, fibroids, and other diseases.

It can be difficult to diagnose due to the fact that the veins damaged in PCS are deep veins and non-visible. They occur mainly in younger women of childbearing age. It is often mistaken for fibroids, endometriosis, and other diseases.

Diagnosed or not the pain and discomfort can become so severe that it affects the woman’s daily life. That is why at Tampa Cardiovascular Associates, they are adamant about a correct diagnosis as swiftly as possible and getting started on the resultant treatment.

The doctors at Tampa Cardio are highly trained in embolization. Embolization is a simple procedure that can get rid of those painful pelvic varicose veins.

There is no need to continue to suffer. Come talk with us and we can advise you on the treatment options for you and your condition. Our team of experienced doctors brings a high level of knowledge on the topic of varicose veins. We know the pain that our patients go through and we want to take that pain away. We care about each and every patient and are focused on providing the absolute best care possible.

If you live in the Tampa bay area and are considering vein treatment, please call Tampa Cardiovascular Associates at 813-975-2800 or schedule an evaluation through our online form.