Look and Feel Your Very Best This Summer!


summer-legs-west-florida-vein-centerThings are hot this summer here in Florida and our clothing choices show it. Tank tops, skirts, bathing suits, shorts, we will adorn nearly anything to keep cool. That poses a problem when you are living with venous insufficiency or vein disease.

Not only is vein disease uncomfortable and even sometimes painful it is visually embarrassing for many. Your once beautiful legs now marred by purple and blue lines. Here is the thing… unlike the old days, you don’t simply have to grin and bear it or wear ankle-length skirts the way your grandmother did. You can fix the issue in a few quick painless appointments with our office.

The initial appointment is a consultation. We will take a look at your current state and take into consideration your entire medical history. From there we will create a treatment plan customized to your needs to get you the very best results possible.

The West Florida Vein Center is proud to offer a variety of state of the art vein dissolution services that can help heal your legs and rid you of unsightly painful varicose and spider veins.

We offer the following vein treatment options:

Venefit™ Targeted Endovenous Therapy procedure, formerly known as the VNUS Closure™ procedure, for the treatment of varicose veins and CVI. The procedure is a minimally invasive segmental ablation treatment that utilizes radiofrequency energy to provide an even and uniform heat to contract the collagen in the vein walls, causing them to collapse and seal. Once the diseased vein is closed, blood will re-route itself to other healthy veins. This procedure allows for a quick, comfortable recovery and a return to everyday activities for the average patient, while also improving the appearance of varicose veins. It has been proven in clinical studies to have excellent long term effectiveness, with less pain and bruising than laser.

Endovenous Ablation

This revolutionary new treatment for large varicose veins was pioneered at Cornell University in New York. Originally performed in Spain, the EndoVenous Laser Ablation is performed in the office, takes less than an hour and accomplishes the same thing as a major surgical vein stripping. Using ultrasound guidance and local anesthesia, a thin laser fiber in a catheter is threaded up to the vein. As the catheter is slowly withdrawn, the laser shrinks and seals the large vein that causes varicose veins in most patients. There is little or no visible scarring. In those patients who are candidates for the procedure, it is 97% successful.

Microphlebectomy / Phlebectomy

Varicose veins are micro-surgically removed through tiny punctures about the size of the tip of a ballpoint pen.  The word “phlebectomy” literally means removing the vein. On the day of the procedure, the doctor or nurse will mark your leg where the veins bulge out. Then, a special local anesthetic (numbing medication) called “tumescent” is injected into the area surrounding your vein. The doctor will make tiny incisions or “stabs” of about 2-3mm – the size of a ball-point pen tip – and use a crochet-type hook to “grab” the vein and remove it. This interrupts the vein, causes any remaining portions of the vein to “clot off”, and gets rid of those unsightly bulgy areas!


Sclerotherapy involves the injection, via a very fine needle, of a solution into small to medium varicose veins and spider veins. The solution causes the veins to shrink, close off and gradually disappear. A session usually lasts approximately 15 minutes. There are few reported allergic reactions to the solution used. Depending on the number of veins, multiple sessions may be required, which will be decided after the initial consultation and evaluation.

If you are considering vein treatment but haven’t quite decided yet, let us help you make the right decision for you. Give us a call at (727) 712-3233 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Zuzga or visit www.westfloridaveincenter.com to learn more.

Are Your Legs in Summer Ready Shape? – Don’t Let Veins Stop You!


summer-legs-west-florida-vein-centerThings are downright hot here in Florida this year and our clothing choices show it. Bathing suits, shorts, tank tops, skirts, we will wear nearly anything to keep cool. That becomes a problem when you are living with venous insufficiency or vein disease.

Not only is vein disease uncomfortable and even sometimes painful it is visually embarrassing for many. Your once beautiful legs now marred by purple and blue lines. Here is the thing… unlike the old days, you don’t simply have to grin and bear it or wear ankle length skirts the way your grandmother did. You can fix the issue in a few quick painless appointments with our office.

The initial appointment is a consultation. We will take a look at your current state and take into consideration your entire medical history. From there we will create a treatment plan customized to your needs to get you the very best results possible.

The West Florida Vein Center is proud to offer a variety of state of the art vein dissolution services that can help heal your legs and rid you of unsightly painful varicose and spider veins.

We offer the following vein treatment options:

Venefit™ Targeted Endovenous Therapy procedure, formerly known as the VNUS Closure™ procedure, for the treatment of varicose veins and CVI. The procedure is a minimally invasive segmental ablation treatment that utilizes radio frequency energy to provide an even and uniform heat to contract the collagen in the vein walls, causing them to collapse and seal. Once the diseased vein is closed, blood will re-route itself to other healthy veins. This procedure allows for a quick, comfortable recovery and a return to everyday activities for the average patient, while also improving the appearance of varicose veins. It has been proven in clinical studies to have excellent long term effectiveness, with less pain and bruising than laser.

Endovenous Ablation

This revolutionary new treatment for large varicose veins was pioneered at Cornell University in New York. Originally performed in Spain, the EndoVenous Laser Ablation is performed in the office, takes less than an hour and accomplishes the same thing as a major surgical vein stripping. Using ultrasound guidance and local anesthesia, a thin laser fiber in a catheter is threaded up the vein. As the catheter is slowly withdrawn, the laser shrinks and seals the large vein that causes varicose veins in most patients. There is little or no visible scarring. In those patients who are candidates for the procedure, it is 97% successful.


Sclerotherapy involves the injection, via a very fine needle, of a solution into small to medium varicose veins and spider veins. The solution causes the veins to shrink, close off and gradually disappear. A session usually lasts approximately 15 minutes. There are few reported allergic reactions to the solution used. Depending on the number of veins, multiple sessions may be required, which will be decided after the initial consultation and evaluation.

Microphlebectomy / Phlebectomy

Varicose veins are micro-surgically removed through tiny punctures about the size of the tip of a ballpoint pen.  The word “phlebectomy” literally means removing the vein. The day of the procedure, the doctor or nurse will mark your leg where the veins bulge out. Then, a special local anesthetic (numbing medication) called “tumescent” is injected into the area surrounding your vein. The doctor will make tiny incisions or “stabs” of about 2-3mm – the size of a ball-point pen tip – and use a crochet-type hook to “grab” the vein and remove it. This interrupts the vein, causes any remaining portions of the vein to “clot off”, and gets rid of those unsightly bulgy areas!

If you are considering vein treatment but haven’t quite decided yet, let us help you make the right decision for you. Give us a call at (727) 712-3233 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Zuzga or visit www.westfloridaveincenter.com to learn more.

Vein Ligation and Stripping – The Recovery Process

varicose veins

When a patient decides to undergo any type of medical procedure it is important that they have all of the information. This includes what to expect post-procedure. Though the vein treatment may take only a few minutes, your body will need some additional care and rest afterward.

varicose veinsEvery person recovers at a slightly different rate. Your own recovery time may vary. This is based on the average experience of all of our patients.

What You Can Expect

Your leg(s) may feel a little sore or stiff for the first few weeks. You may be prescribed pain medication to get through this part of the recovery. Your legs in the areas they worked on may be slightly bruised.

We ask that you continue to wear tight compression dressings for the first 3 days after surgery. If you have stitches they will dissolve on their own or your doctor will let you know they need to be removed if non-dissolvable within 14 days.

Make sure to rest for 3 to 7 days. Veins removed will be immediately non-visible. Those injected will take time to fully dissolve and disappear from sight.

Caring for Yourself at Home

  1. Your doctor may limit activity for a few days
  2. Get enough rest/sleep
  3. Avoid strenuous activities
  4. Prop your legs up on a pillow many times throughout the day
  5. Walk a little more each day
  6. Take all medicine as directed
  7. Do not drive until you are given the go ahead
  8. You may shower after the compression dressing comes off. Please do not take a bath for the first two weeks.
  9. Ice and elevate. 10-20 minutes at a time place an icepack on the leg worked on.
  10. Be sure to follow up with your physician as directed for the very best outcome.

If you have any questions do not hesitate to call and ask, that is what we are here for during your recovery. Ready to take back your leg and circulatory health? Call us to schedule an appointment today: www.westfloridaveincenter.com (727) 712-3233.