Cortisone Pain Shots – What You Need to Know Before Injecting

chiropractic is better for pain than cortisone injections

chiropractic is better for pain than cortisone injectionsCortisone injections are touted as the go-to best treatment for pain relief, but is that really true? 

If your doctor is recommending injection therapy, it’s important to get the facts.

While these injections do help many, they do not work for all and even worse, they make actually do more harm than good for some.

Cortisone was developed back in the 1940s. It has become one of the most commonly prescribed pain relievers on the market today. It is known for rapid relief for even the most painful of conditions.

Early studies questioned the long-term effects of cortisone. In 1954, a study revealed that over half of the patients who received shots for tendinitis experienced a relapse within six months. Despite this, this drug became a standard treatment for many tendon and joint problems, with over 9 million yearly injections being given.

What is Cortisone?

Cortisone is a steroid that helps combat inflammation (swelling in soft tissue).

New Research May Have You Thinking Twice

The majority of injuries corticosteroids are prescribed for occur over an extended period of time due to excess stress placed on an area of soft tissue where there is a micro tear formation. Because of the excess pressure, tendons and ligaments can fray and become replaced with scar tissue. Buildup of scar tissue contributes to chronic pain and is not the same as a short-term inflammatory process for an acute injury.

How Could Cortisone Make an Injury/Pain Worse?

Cortisone eliminates the inflammation phase which is necessary for the healing process. Without the inflammatory response, it can accelerate tendon and ligament degeneration. Swelling and inflammation from acute injury supply extra oxygen and nutrients to speed the repair process. Clotting proteins enter the damaged area and form a gel-like mesh that holds together tissue for repair.

Interesting Medical Fact

The medical community has moved from labeling tendon damage tendonitis (the “itis” ending referring to inflammation) to tendinopathy. This change emphasizes that degeneration is the issue, not inflammation itself.

What the Current Studies Say…

When looking at hip, shoulder, and elbow pain researchers found that the shots did bring fast pain relief. In fact, it lasted several weeks. When the patients were re-examined at 6 months and a year the results were not nearly so rosy. Overall, people who received cortisone shots had a much lower rate of recovery than those who rested, used chiropractic care, or went to physical therapy.

Some important stats

-Those who did the shots had a 63% higher risk of relapse

-Those who received multiple injections had a 57% risk of worse outcomes when compared to single injection

-Research has shown that for every cortisone injection your risk of bone fracture due to demineralization increases by 21%

A Better Approach to Pain Relief

At Kaster Chiropractic, we help patients improve their movement and reduce inflammation naturally.

Improving Movement and Range: Improving joint movement allows the musculoskeletal system to work correctly. This is at the heart of treating injuries at Kaster Chiropractic.

Strengthen the Supporting Structures: It is vital to strengthen the muscles that support the joint and help to control movement. Rehabilitation exercises combined with regular chiropractic adjustments are vital to keeping the low back moving properly.

Reduce Inflammation Naturally: The intensity of pain is often increased in those who have systemic inflammation. By eating a clean anti-inflammatory diet, you can reduce pain intensity and sensitivity.

Relax the Body – Massage, Yoga, Meditation, and Epsom Salts Baths can all help to allow the body to relax and reduce pain levels.

If you are living with pain, we invite you to call the office of Kaster Chiropractic and schedule your consultation. Let us help you improve your quality of life and boost your health naturally. 239-332-2555. Visit to learn more.

Conditions Treated By Chiropractic You Might Not Expect


chiropractic-fort-myers-Dr-Jason-Kaster-Kaster-ChiropracticMost people tend to think of Chiropractic as care for neck and back pain, but the truth of the matter is that chiropractic treatment can help heal your body as a whole and is not simply for backaches or neck pain.

Chiropractic care can help improve and alleviate a wide range of conditions some of which you might never expect could be treated in such a noninvasive non pharmaceutical related natural way.

Sinus pain: If you experience frequent sinus infections, allergy issues, or nasal pain some of these physical issues can be helped by your chiropractor. There is mounting evidence that this modality of treatment can help with chronic sinusitis. Several sessions along with at home relaxation techniques may be necessary.

Migraines: Headaches are one of top reasons patients seek out chiropractic assistance. Tension headaches and migraine attacks are two of the most physically debilitating painful conditions to deal with. They can be frequent and become chronic. This leaves many dependent on medications to help stop the events. These medications when taken all the time can cause your body to become toxic as well as cause you to build up a non-wanted tolerance, making it harder and harder to get relief.  Chiropractic care has been shown to help treat these types of headaches initially reducing frequency and, in many cases, leading to overall stoppage of the symptoms all together.

Bell’s Palsy – This is a condition where the facial muscles, jaw muscles, and even the muscles in the face that connect to your ear are involved. It is an involuntary drooping of the facial muscles on one side that cannot be controlled by the patient. Chiropractic help depends on the severity of the condition. Overall, it can help managing the pain, boosting movement and motion, and can help with nerve related causes.

Ear Issues: Tinnitus, hearing loss, and vertigo. Chiropractic care has effectively improved vertigo, tinnitus, and hearing loss in certain patients, showing signs of healing within just a few months of treatment.

Chiropractic has been shown to help with many conditions above and beyond the ones we listed above including sciatica, arthritis, fibromyalgia, car accident injuries, carpal tunnel, pregnancy pain, pinched nerves, bone pain, depression and mood issues,  digestive issues, fatigue, golfer/tennis elbow, high blood pressure, joint problems,  osteoporosis, poor posture, repetitive stress injuries, tendonitis, stress management, Stiffness, sprains, shoulder and arm pain, scoliosis, neck pain, , TMJ back pain, plantar fasciitis, menstrual cramps, hip and leg pain, ankle pain, and even on the job work injuries and wellness care.

If you have an issue and are wondering if we can help – the simplest answer is just to give us a call and ask. We are always happy to talk with you and see if we are a good match and can help you heal.

The office of Kaster Chiropractic and Associates is reachable by dialing 239-332-2555. You can also visit us online to learn more about us by going to

Is Osteoporosis Affecting Your Health?


OsteoporosisWhat is Osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a disease which causes the bones in the body to weaken and become brittle over time increasing the risk of fracture and breaks.

Bone is a living mesh of tissue, not just calcium.

Collagen plays a big role in how sturdy bone is constructed. When collagen and calcium are lacking, the bone becomes weak. Bone consistency regenerates itself by building new cells and releasing old ones.

As you age, bone becomes more brittle.

In the USA low bone mass affects more than half the population 55 and up.1 in 5 men and 1 in 3 women, ages 50 and older may at some point have a broken bone because of osteoporosis. 

Causes of bone weakening include Medication use, Adrenal Fatigue, metabolism imbalance, Vegan Diets, Copper deficiency,  Hyperparathyroidism, Eating Disorders,  Smoking, Excessive Alcohol use, family genetics, and a small bone frame.

How do you test for bone density?

The main reason someone would suspect Osteoporosis would be family history if they are not experiencing any symptoms. A bone density test may be given by your physician.

Physical Symptoms: Back pain (which can be caused by a fractured or collapsed vertebra), a stooped forward lean in your formerly straight posture, loss of height as you get older, and even breaking a bone without a super hard fall or impact.

Drug companies produce several pharmaceuticals which have been formulated to increase the density of bone. The problem is that they all come with the potential risk for side effects. Thinking about bone health while you are still young is the best possible protective measure.


Drop the Stress – Chronic stress can not only spoil your mood and mental health it can wreak havoc on your physical health. Be nice to yourself, rest, treat yourself occasionally, do what makes you feel joyful and relaxed.

– Eat a diet of fresh fruits, vegetables, and grass-fed meats. Avoid refined sugar, white flours, and processed foods. The soil much of our food is grown in these days has been severely depleted of the minerals we need. So much so that supplementing may be necessary. The best way to determine what you are missing is with Nutritional Response Testing. Magnesium, Calcium, Vitamin K2, Vitamin D3 and Strontium all have shown benefits to bone strength.

Lift – Strength training builds bone as well as muscle. Consult a personal trainer if you need a little direction to get started.

Use Essential Oils – Helichrysum and Cypress can be applied topically to areas can help with bone repair and healing if a break occurs or a weak spot is shown to exist.

Chiropractic Care – Keeping your bones in alignment on a regular basis helps the entire body function properly.

If you are in the Southwest Florida, Fort Myers area, Cape Coral, Naples, Estero, or Lehigh, please visit or call the office at 239-332-2555.