Varicose Veins – Think You Know the Facts?


veins-tampa-florida-tampa-cardio-vein-centerOur circulatory system is an amazing mechanism. Veins run throughout our entire body. They feed blood to every organ and cellular tissue. When veins sustain damage from trauma or vein disease – venous insufficiency they begin stages of venous insufficiency. 

Damage to valves along with pooling blood is the cause of varicose veins. Though varicose veins are sometimes thought of as a cosmetic issue the effects can be medical as well. Varicose and damaged veins can lead to leg pain, swelling, ulceration, itching, aching, and even death of areas of flesh due to decreased circulation.

Even if you know the basics, we thought we would share some interesting vein facts that you might not know:

  • Veins are more defined during strenuous exercise. This is due to increased arterial pressure. Blood that would normally be resting in capillaries during a work out is now forced into the surrounding muscle. This is what is known as a “pump”.
  • One of the very first drawings of vein disease was on a tablet dating back to the 4th century in Greece.  The carving shows a man gripping a disembodied leg with a big bulging vein on it.
  • The human body can form new pathways and vessels if one becomes blocked! The process is called angiogenesis. This is the way that your body heals if you get a cut or scrape. Your body will compensate for the lack of blood flow in any way that it can. It is best though to seek medical attention if you notice that you have problems with varicose veins. The sooner you seek treatment, the better, less invasive, less expensive, and better the prognosis will be.
  • Strong veins are essential – your heart depends on your veins for nourishment, as does every other organ. If your veins are too weak to get the blood where it goes it can cause pooling, discoloration, and even wounds that are very tough to heal.
  • Pre 17th Century doctors believed there were two blood systems – one where the liver was the organ pumping the blood and another which carried air from the lungs and blood to tissue. It wasn’t viewed as circulating but more of an ebb and flow. It was not until 1682 that Dr. Wiliam Harvey first correctly outlined what our circulatory system actually does and how it works.

You may not be obsessed with anatomy history and facts the way that we are, but we do hope you found this interesting!

If you are looking for a cardiologist or Vein Specialist in the Tampa, Florida area we invite you to visit WWW.TAMPACARDIO.COM or give us a call to set a consultation by calling 813-975-2800.

Could it be May Thurner Syndrome?

may thurner syndrome

may thurner syndromeAre you experiencing symptoms?

Lower left leg edema and pain are the two classic symptoms. It is primarily seen in younger women twenty to forty following pregnancy or immobilization. May Thurner Syndrome is chronic. Because of this patients also tend to present pigmentation changes, varicose veins, chronic leg pain, phlebitis and skin ulcers.

It can be described in three stages:

1 – Asymptomatic iliac vein compression

2 – Development of a venous spur

3 – Development of the left iliac vein DVT

What is May Thurner?

Compression Syndrome (also called May Thurner Syndrome or Crockett Syndrome) is an affliction that is fairly rare. It consists of an anatomical variant where the left iliac artery is compressed by the right iliac artery.

May Thurner Syndrome is known by several names – iliocaval compression syndrome, Cockett syndrome or iliac vein compression syndrome. This affliction is an anatomical variant where the right lilac artery compressed the left iliac vein against the fifth lumbar vertebra.  Because of this deformity, it causes left side vein compression leading to deep vein thrombosis in the left iliofemoral.

How is it diagnosed?

Diagnosis is not always straightforward. Radiological evidence of compression combined with symptoms presented is key. Doppler ultrasound can detect a deep vein thrombosis in the iliac vessels. CT and magnetic imaging may also be used. Seeing a vein specialist is vital if you suspect you may have a vein issue including May Thurner Syndrome.

Is it treatable?

Yes. Treatment clears the thrombus to print post-thrombotic syndrome and to correct the initial compression of the left iliac vein. Several different surgical procedures may be used.

If left untreated a significant number of patients will develop post-thrombotic syndrome which can be debilitating.

Management of May-Thurner syndrome has evolved over the years.  Endovascular therapy has become the primary treatment. With early recognition and aggressive treatment, May-Thurner syndrome is a manageable disease.

If you live in the Tampa bay area and feel you may have vein issues please call us at 813-975-2800 or schedule an evaluation through our online form.