Whiplash – The Most Common Car Accident Injury


whiplash-fort-myers-dr-kaster-auto-accident-injury-pipAre You Experiencing Neck Pain After an Auto Accident?

If following an auto crash you have neck pain it needs to be checked by a chiropractor to make sure you do not have whiplash. The injury known as whiplash happens when force is applied to your neck causing it to extend past the normal range of motion. The result is injured soft tissue in the neck – this can include tendons, ligaments, and muscles. Though it cannot be seen visibly on an X-ray it is a very real and painful injury.

Whiplash is the number one most common injury to happen in auto accidents. The amount of physical damage the car sustains may not directly correlate to the severity of the neck injury. Crashes at speeds as low as just 10-15 miles per hour can produce enough force to cause whiplash in automobile accident victims. The wearing of seatbelts did not cause a drastic difference in whether whiplash was sustained.

Though whiplash is primarily an auto accident injury it can also happen under other circumstances including contact sports, blows to the head due to a falling object or physical assault. Repetitive stress or strain involving the neck (such as holding the phone between your neck and chin) are also common, non-acute causes.

Treatment is essential to recovery. Get Whiplash Treatment As Soon As Possible 

( initiated in 24-72 hours is optimal)

At the office of Dr. Jason Kaster, D.C., Dr. Kaster has years of experience and specializes in whiplash and auto injury. The office also has onsite massage therapist Christine Wigglesworth, L.M.T. Together, they make a dynamic healing team achieving fast relief and long-term success.

Chiropractor | Nutritionist in Ft Myers, FL.

Fort Myers Chiropractor, Dr. Jason B. KasterChiropractic care is a safe, alternative treatment when applied appropriately. Chiropractic treatments help in dealing with the symptoms of many conditions. Are you going to wait for your symptoms to be felt, or are you going to prevent it as soon as possible?

Dr. Jason B. Kaster, a chiropractor, and nutritionist in Fort Myers can help you and your family achieve their optimal health.

Lower Back Pain Keeping You Awake? – Try These Simple Tips


ower-back-pain-dr-kaster-fort-myers-800x527No one enjoys tossing, turning, getting up to take anti-inflammatories, hot baths, ice packs, or whatever may possibly sooth you enough to get to sleep. It makes for a long rough night.

Once you finally get to sleep if you fall asleep in a “bad” sleeping position it can actually exacerbate the condition even further. You make wake up feeling even worse than when you went to bed. It is all incredibly frustrating and exhausting. This happens because some positions put more pressure on the hips, back, and neck unnecessarily.

It is vital to maintain the natural curve of the spine while lying in bed. Without it, you do not have proper alignment or support.  Make sure your head, shoulders, and hips are aligned.  This way your back is properly supported. Sleeping on your back is the best possible position.

Switching up the position you may have slept in for years isn’t an easy task but it can be done. Don’t give up if you wake up in the old position. Keep trying. You will get there.

Best positions for back pain

#1 On your back with a pillow under your knees.

This position helps distribute your weight evenly. A small pillow under the neck supports the curve of the spine.

#2 If you are a side sleeper put a thin pillow between your knees.

This raises the thigh restoring the natural alignment of the spine. Make sure you have a pillow under your head as well. If you are a constant flipper, add another pillow in a hug position. This will keep you in place and making rolling over more difficult.

#3 The  fetal position 

This position may help bring relief during the night for those with herniated discs. Lying on your side with your knees tucked up to the chest reduces the bend of the spine and also helps loosen up joints.

Also, use a pillow under your neck as well.

#4 Facedown sleepers – If you must sleep on your stomach, do it with a pillow under your stomach area. This will help reduce pressure.

This is only helpful for those with a herniated disc or spinal disc degeneration. Use a flat pillow for your head or sleep without one.

#5 Sleep reclined (on your back)

This can help with lower back pain especially if you have spondylolisthesis. This will work in either an adjustable bed or a recliner chair. It may take a few nights to adjust. If you tend to roll over do not use this method as you may hurt your hips.

#6 See your Chiropractor Regularly.
Regular adjustments help your body stay in alignment allowing you the most restful painless sleep possible.

Ready for an adjustment? 

Chiropractor | Nutritionist in Ft Myers, FL

Fort Myers Chiropractor, Dr. Jason B. KasterChiropractic care is a safe, alternative treatment when applied appropriately. Chiropractic treatments help in dealing with the symptoms of many conditions. Add to that, nutritional recommendations that can help your body heal itself. Are you going to wait for your symptoms to be felt, or are you going to prevent it as soon as possible?

Dr. Jason B. Kaster, a chiropractor in Fort Myers can help you and your family achieve their optimal health.

Chiropractic May Help With Sleep Issues


sleep-dr.-jason-kaster-fort-myersMillions of Americans have sleep issues. Either they can’t fall asleep at all or they wake up tossing and turning. Either way, they aren’t getting the rest they need.

We have an idea for you if this is your situation…

Schedule an appointment with your chiropractor. It doesn’t just help soothe an aching back or a sore neck, it can actually help boost your sleep quality.

Medical Studies have indicated that as many as 33% of those who receive adjustments regularly get a better night’s sleep nightly on average. Best yet, those results are immediate.

Is Chiropractic Right For Your Sleep Dilemma?

If your sleep is being disrupted by any type of physical discomfort, the answer is yes. Chiropractic treatments can help to lessen or get rid of pain and discomfort while improving blood flow and promoting relaxation.

Certain types of anxiety can also be helped through chiropractic and nutrition supplementation.

Your chiropractor may be able to offer suggestions for getting better sleep including weaning yourself of stomach sleeping, getting a more supportive mattress, using a specially designed pillow, and helping you decide on the best sleep position for you. Nutrition may also play a part when your body is properly fueled and not deficient in any vitamins or minerals it simply works better.

This advice goes for both adults and children. 40% of infants are reported to experience deeper calmer longer sleep patterns after just one session with a chiropractor. When your baby sleeps better – you can catch some Z’s as well.

Ready to Make the Adjustment?

Chiropractic visits are covered by many health insurance plans, so call and find out. The office of Dr. Kaster also takes into consideration those who are uninsured or underinsured by offering very reasonable cash discount prices as well.

If you aren’t sleeping all night and waking up feeling refreshed you are selling yourself short. Over time it will wear you out and potentially cause more health issues. Come in today and get the sleep you so dearly need.

Visit www.drkasters.com to learn more!

Why Do Fibromyalgia Patients Feel So Awful and Have So Many Symptoms?


FibromyalgiaWhy Do Fibromyalgia Patients Feel So Awful and Have So Many Symptoms?

This question is a little more complicated but the answer makes sense when you put all the information together. Before this question is answered a part of the nervous system needs to be identified/defined.

One component of our nervous system is called the “Autonomic Nervous System”. This nervous system is divided into two divisions:

  1. Sympathetic division (fight or flight)-when our environment threatens us our body has to respond and this aspect of the nervous system kicks in. For example, if you are being chased by a tiger your adrenalin will be activated and blood flow to all parts of your body will increase. Most likely you will not fall asleep or feel relaxed while being chased by a tiger.
  2. Parasympathetic Division (rest and digest)-when our environment is relaxing our body will respond accordingly and this aspect of the nervous system will kick in. For example, if you had a large dinner and you sit down next to a warm fire most likely your body will rest/relax and digest.

There is so much more to Fibromyalgia than most medical doctors would have you believe and there is help and hope.

Visit the site of Dr. Jason Kaster, D.C. Chiropractor and Nutritionist in Fort Myers, Florida to read the real scoop and what you can do to help heal your body.  http://drkasters.com/conditions/fibromyalgia/

Do You Live in Florida and are Mysteriously Sick?

Florida red tide organophosphate Roundup

Florida red tide organophosphate Roundup You May Have “Red Tide Sickness”

This isn’t the same old naturally occurring Red Tide.

This devastatingly oversized unrelenting bloom has co-mingled with blue-green algae and stayed around for close to a year now. The release from Lake Okeechobee has been feeding it and growing it spurred on by our lack of drop in temperature this fall. The Red Tide bloom has grown to nearly the size of the state of Connecticut.

What you need to know:

The toxins released have killed our wildlife and hurt many local businesses.
 It is affecting not only water quality but because it can become aerosolized and carried in the wind, has also altered our air quality. The toxins released from the Red Tide (Brevetoxin) and Blue Green Algae (Cyanotoxin and Myostine) have mixed with the organophosphates released from agricultural companies such as US Sugar (Glyphosate (Monsanto’s RoundUp) and other pesticides and herbicides as well).

These airborne particles are making humans as well as pets sick. Many people are visiting frustrated doctor after frustrated doctor who have so far been unable to diagnose the bizarre range of symptoms leaving their patients lacking hope and feeling terrible.

Symptoms you may be experiencing:

Headache pain, Lethargy, Exhaustion, Frequent feelings of a head cold or flu, Itching eyes, Itchy face, Fever, Runny Nose, Watering eye (usually only one side), Glassy eyes, Blurry Vision, Tinnitus (ringing ears), Sensitivity to light, Memory problems, Muscle twitches similar to restless leg syndrome, Excess saliva, Brain fog, Agitation, Digestion problems, Heart Palpitations, Anxiety, Confusion, and even Depression. 

According to WINK NEWS (see video below start playing at 28 seconds), FAU researchers state that 100% of people tested so far have come back positive for Cyanotoxin (blue-green algae microcystin exposure) which lowers your immune system. 

Many are choosing to take the Cholinesterase RBC and Plasma blood test for pesticide toxicity (organophosphates) as well and are also coming up positive. It is vital to note that those reading the results on this test know that according to the CDC the lab values marked as acceptable are incorrect. Toxicity can present at just 40% of the top acceptable level.

So far, though there are a urine and blood test in a lab study setting for animals, we have found no local labs offering a Brevetoxin (red tide) blood test for humans.

Listen to what Reporter Chris Grisby had to say about the situation right here in SW FL.
He was let go from Wink News shortly after this shockingly honest report.

If you are unexplainably ill in Southwest Florida we strongly urge you to give us a call and find out how you can do a neurotoxin cleanse to help heal your body from this exposure. Give the office of Dr. Jason Kaster, D.C. a call today at 239-332-2555 or visit www.drkasters.com. info@drkasters.com to send an email.

Is Osteoporosis Affecting Your Health?


OsteoporosisWhat is Osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a disease which causes the bones in the body to weaken and become brittle over time increasing the risk of fracture and breaks.

Bone is a living mesh of tissue, not just calcium.

Collagen plays a big role in how sturdy bone is constructed. When collagen and calcium are lacking, the bone becomes weak. Bone consistency regenerates itself by building new cells and releasing old ones.

As you age, bone becomes more brittle.

In the USA low bone mass affects more than half the population 55 and up.1 in 5 men and 1 in 3 women, ages 50 and older may at some point have a broken bone because of osteoporosis. 

Causes of bone weakening include Medication use, Adrenal Fatigue, metabolism imbalance, Vegan Diets, Copper deficiency,  Hyperparathyroidism, Eating Disorders,  Smoking, Excessive Alcohol use, family genetics, and a small bone frame.

How do you test for bone density?

The main reason someone would suspect Osteoporosis would be family history if they are not experiencing any symptoms. A bone density test may be given by your physician.

Physical Symptoms: Back pain (which can be caused by a fractured or collapsed vertebra), a stooped forward lean in your formerly straight posture, loss of height as you get older, and even breaking a bone without a super hard fall or impact.

Drug companies produce several pharmaceuticals which have been formulated to increase the density of bone. The problem is that they all come with the potential risk for side effects. Thinking about bone health while you are still young is the best possible protective measure.


Drop the Stress – Chronic stress can not only spoil your mood and mental health it can wreak havoc on your physical health. Be nice to yourself, rest, treat yourself occasionally, do what makes you feel joyful and relaxed.

– Eat a diet of fresh fruits, vegetables, and grass-fed meats. Avoid refined sugar, white flours, and processed foods. The soil much of our food is grown in these days has been severely depleted of the minerals we need. So much so that supplementing may be necessary. The best way to determine what you are missing is with Nutritional Response Testing. Magnesium, Calcium, Vitamin K2, Vitamin D3 and Strontium all have shown benefits to bone strength.

Lift – Strength training builds bone as well as muscle. Consult a personal trainer if you need a little direction to get started.

Use Essential Oils – Helichrysum and Cypress can be applied topically to areas can help with bone repair and healing if a break occurs or a weak spot is shown to exist.

Chiropractic Care – Keeping your bones in alignment on a regular basis helps the entire body function properly.

If you are in the Southwest Florida, Fort Myers area, Cape Coral, Naples, Estero, or Lehigh, please visit www.drkasters.com or call the office at 239-332-2555. 

Essential Oil Diffusers for Health


diffuserWhat Is an Essential oil Diffuser?

An essential oil diffuser is a container that holds a mixture of water and essential oil.  When turned on the diffusion lamp creates a vapor out of the water and oil which mists itself into the air diffusing the oil particles so that the fragrance fills the air and in turn your lungs.

Why Essential Oils?

Essential oils can be essential in healing the body. Every oil has its own set of properties –antitumorigenic, antibacterial, antiviral, and much more. Oils can be breathed in, applied topically, or taken internally (please check each company and each oil, not every oil can be ingested due to impurities in processing and or the plant source itself).

These amazing oils have been shown to help with everything from the common cold to asthma, headache relief, pain relief, skin issues, cancer, blood disorders, and much much more. By diffusing them into the air everyone in the area derives the benefits. Essential oils can also benefit your pets. 

Used as aromatherapy they can lift and brighten your mood and make you feel better overall. So toss away the chemical laden Renuzit and Febreeze sprays and make way for a cleaner more natural way to cleanse the air in your home while healing your body.

On a molecular level, essential oils are small enough that they can get inside human cells and detoxify. Certain oils, such as Frankincense are small enough to cross the blood-brain barrier (the goal of many medications) and help heal even traumatic brain injuries. Frankincense has even shown promise in cancer patients as well as those who are in comas.

If you are looking for more out of the box alternative health advice, follow Dr. Jason Kaster on FB or TWITTER or visit his site at www.drkasters.com.