Get Back in the Swing of Things at the Gym, The Right Way


Most of us have been out of the loop spending too much time just relaxing on the couch. 

This means less physical activity leading to slowed metabolisms, weight gain or loss, stiffer muscles and joints, and even possibly aches and pains surfacing.

Now that some gyms are opening again, you may be ready to get right back to it. Please use some caution. A body at rest wants to stay at rest, even if your mind is raring to go. Your physical self needs some time to warm back up. Go slowly.

Do not go back in on day one and try to pick up right where you left off. Start out slow and light. Ease up to where you were over a one to two week period. Failing to do so can land you right back at home on the couch with an injury. Pulled muscles, strains, sprains, and just simply overusing unworked muscles, tendons, and ligaments can be the result of too hard too fast.

Be easy on yourself. This time off was not your doing or fault. We all collectively had to take a break. Begin by stretching! Then move on to starting out with slower speeds on machines like treadmills and stair masters at reduced levels and on free weights and nautilus machines it is best to start what feels like ridiculously light doing high reps and move up in weight from there reducing down to your normal sets.

Make sure to drink lots of water to properly hydrate, eat well, get the rest you need to recover after a workout, and if you have access consider the sauna or hot tub to ease sore muscles.

Before you start back getting a chiropractic adjustment to make sure you are in alignment is a fantastic idea. In order for your body mechanics to work at full function, you need to be in alignment. Building muscle while pulling weight wrong can cause more damage than good.

The office of Dr. Jason Kaster – Kaster Chiropractic and Associates welcomes you to schedule your pre-workout adjustment to make sure you are maximizing your gym time. Give us a call at 239-332-2555 or visit to learn more about us.

When you have an ache or a pain, do you automatically reach for a pill?

pain relief

pain reliefConditioning has taken place in society and the media over the years repeatedly telling us that a pill is always the answer.

Have an ache or pain? Take a pill. That may get rid of your pain but it is likely to come back again. Medications do not cure, they cover the symptom temporarily giving you some relief. While there is nothing wrong with short-term use, it is more beneficial for overall health to seek out the cause so that you can cure yourself.

The human body is a finely tuned machine. It will tell you everything you need to know to maintain if you simply listen.

Learn to listen to your own body and tune into your intuition. When in a consultation getting health advice, take note of how you feel. Does what the practitioner is telling you feel true? You know your body better than anyone. If a diagnosis or suggestion for medical care doesn’t feel right there is nothing wrong with questioning or even getting a second opinion. Never make health care decisions that don’t feel right to you.

This is not to say that you should go it alone when it comes to health. There are many modalities of healthcare which can all assist you on your path back to good health, naturally.

Nutrition Specialists of Florida offer far more than just chiropractic and provide the finest care to each client. Please call 239-947-1177 to schedule an appointment or if you have any questions!