Heart Rhythm Disorders Explained

Heart Rhythm Disorders tampa cardio

Heart Rhythm Disorders tampa cardioThere is a good chance that you will feel a heart arrhythmia at some point in your lifetime. A large percentage of the population will experience abnormal heart beats.  Most of the time these off beats are harmless. They can happen in perfectly healthy people who show no sign of heart disease. There are, however, some types of heartbeat abnormalities that can be serious and even potentially deadly. Heart disease also raises the risk of fluctuations.

Heart rhythm disturbances are categorized 3 ways. Electrical, circulatory, and structural. Cardiologists can help to diagnose and treat disorders of the heart.

ELECTRICAL disorders:

Abnormal heart rhythms are caused by issues with the electrical system that regulates the usually steady heartbeat. The heart rate may be slowed or speeded up; it may stay steady or become chaotic (irregular and disorganized). Some arrhythmia types are very dangerous and cause sudden cardiac death, while others may be strange to feel, but not life threatening.


High Blood Pressure and coronary artery disease (causing blockages) are the main causes of blood vessel disorders. Circulatory issues such as these can result in a stroke or heart attack. Fortunately, there are many preventative and treatment options.


Heart muscle disease (cardiomyopathy) and congenital abnormalities (problems in the development of the heart and blood vessels which are present from birth) are two issues that can damage the heart muscle or valves.

What does an arrhythmia feel like?

Physically, what an arrhythmia feels like is a skipping, a quickening, a slowing, or even like you have just dropped over the first fall of a roller coaster where your heart pauses for a moment. If you notice this happening repeatedly it is advisable to check with a cardiologist to be sure that what you are experiencing is harmless and not something that needs to be looked at or treated.

If you are in the Tampa Bay area, the physicians at Tampa Cardiovascular Associates would like to offer their services.  WWW.TAMPACARDIO.COM 813-975-2800. Give us a call to schedule your consultation and exam and find out for sure.

American Heart Association Recommendations

Tampa cardiovascular associates tampa florida

Tampa cardiovascular associates tampa floridaLifestyle has a huge effect on your health and wellbeing.

This is especially true for your heart and cardiovascular health. Change isn’t as drastic or as hard as you might think. Just a few small habitual adjustments and you could alter your health now as well as into the future.

Tips for a healthier heart

  • Base your caloric intake on your body, not the recommendations on the labels of 2000 calories a day. That’s an average. Your needs may be higher or lower depending on body size, composition, and goals.
  • Aim for 150 minutes of cardiovascular activity a week. This can be spread out throughout the entire week if need be.
  • Limit saturated fats and trans fats.
  • Eat fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy products, fish and chicken, legumes and nuts, and stick with vegetable oils.
  • Eat less nutrient poor foods (processed, packaged, chemical laden)
  • Eat a variety of fish at least 2x a week.
  • Choose low sodium options and switch from table salt to pink salt.
  • Drink alcohol only in moderation. No more than 2 drinks per day as a man and 1 drink per day for women.
  • Live a tobacco free lifestyle. This includes vaping.
  • Avoid second hand smoke.
  • Reduce stress as much as you can.
  • Get regular checkups with your physician.
  • Control your blood pressure. Check it often and if it consistently comes in high, ask for help.

Tampa Cardiovascular Associates of Tampa Bay, Florida wants you to be healthy. We are here for you no matter what level of heart health you are currently at. Call us at 813-975-2800 or visit us on the web at WWW.TAMPACARDIO.COM to learn more about our practice and our physician cardiologists.

We offer a huge array of services including Cardiology, Vein Treatment, and Nutritional Services.

Happiness Proves to be Good for Your Heart


tampa-cardiovascular-associatesStudies reveal that optimistic, happy, glass half full people are more likely to have good heart health as well.

When you have a positive optimistic outlook you feel better physically.

The study looked at two groups of people who had similar risk for heart disease. The results showed the pessimistic group was more likely to experience heart attack or stroke.

Julie K. Boehm, PhD Harvard Researcher was the study lead. She is quoted as saying that “Historically, studies have focused on the negative impact of depression and anxiety. We wanted to look at the flip side to see how psychological well-being – things like happiness, optimism, and having a sense of purpose – might impact risk.”

Happiness spurs positive life decisions

They tend to sleep more regularly, eat better, and exercise. If you are not naturally an upbeat person don’t be hard on yourself. It can be relearned through behavioral therapy and actively watching your thought patterns to help recognize constant negativity, stop it, and replace it with a healthier thought version.

During a collaborative effort on the part of Harvard with Columbia University they based their findings on a 5 point scale. A patient that was able to monitor their behavior and thoughts and was able to raise their number even just 1 point experienced what translated to a 22% risk reduction. That is impressive and could be life changing for many.

While of course more research is needed, and feelings are not exact quantifiable numbers the evidence is mounting and becoming clear that there is indeed a link between heart health and happiness factor so live your life the best you can and try to look on the bright side of things and find humor.

If you are in the Tampa Bay, Florida area and looking for a great cardiologist we invite you to check out Tampa Cardiovascular Associates. WWW.TAMPACARDIO.COM 813-975-2800.

Can Your Heart Benefit from Using a Sauna Regularly?

sauna heart health

sauna heart healthDry vs. Wet Saunas – Are they good for you and can they help your heart?

The DRY SAUNA:. Dry saunas produce a heavy deep sweat which has a cleansing effect on the body by flushing out toxins and impurities, clearing the glands and the pours. This can be beneficial to your skin, but also for stress relief, relaxation, sooth asthma, soothing aching muscles, and even psoriasis, but did you know that spending time regularly in a sauna can help your cardiovascular health and lower the risk of dementia and even Alzheimer’s Disease?

That’s right! It has been shown to reduce the risk of sudden cardiac death, heart disease, and even cardiovascular disease. It has also been shown to help those with chronic fatigue, chronic pain, allergic rhinitis, and obstructive pulmonary disease.

Sauna use has also been shown to help boost athletic performance.

The STEAM ROOM: Steam rooms create a moist environment for you to sit in. Humidity produces different results than the dry sauna. It can be used to loosen stiff muscles and joints, break up congestion inside of your lungs and sinuses, and help improve circulation.

The INFARRED SAUNA: The heat produced is a direct result of infrared lamps.  Because they are a lower temperature (about 120 to 140) you can stay in them longer than a regular dry sauna. Infrared offers all the benefits of a dry sauna plus additional healing, weight loss and pain relief.

They even make personal at home saunas if you don’t care to share one at the gym!

No matter which sauna you choose make sure you stay hydrated. Bring a cold bottle of water in with you. Make sure that you are getting your trace minerals as well because you sweat them out.

Start with a shorter session and work your way up. Do not drink alcohol before or right after a sauna session.

What has your sauna experience been? Do you use them regularly? Let us know!

Doing the sauna weekly or even daily is great for the health of your heart!



EKG Readings – What They Can Say About Your Heart

EKG tampa cardio

EKG tampa cardioIf your doctor has ever told you “You need an EKG”. You may know the feeling of confusion and worry both in an instant. We do not know how much medical knowledge each of our patients actually have come into our office. We don’t want to insult you by seemingly talking down to you, so sometimes we don’t explain as much as maybe we should.

Today lets take a look at an EKG (Electrocardiogram). It is also sometimes referred to as an ECG. This test can help track and diagnose the heart’s electrical activity. The EKG only takes 10 minutes. It consists of a technician attaching twelve leads directly to your chest to get a readout from each individual line. It measures for a ten second period of time.

What can an EKG show your physician?

An EKG can show if you have experienced a heart attack – While heart attacks generally will cause significant pain and you readily suspect you are having a heart attack, in as many as 45% of cases there are no symptoms at all. You may not even realize it is or has happened. That is what is known as a silent heart attack.

It may not be found unless you have an EKG which sill show your doctor any blockage in your coronary artery which could lead to future events.

An EKG can show if you have a heart arrhythmia (abnormal heart rhythm). When healthy your heart pumps steadily. If there is a dysfunction in electrical signals being fired it can cause an abnormal heartbeat.

An EKG can show if you are getting enough oxygen to the heart – Your heart requires oxygen to function properly and stay strong. If your heart experiences ischemia (lack of oxygen for a prolonged time) it can begin to die. This leads to heart failure and even possibly death.

An EKG will show heart enlargement – When healthy, your heart is about the size of your fist. Some medical conditions will cause the heart to grow larger, stretching the muscle making it weaker. Causes may include unregulated high blood pressure, aging, heart failure, heart disease, and viral infections.

EKG’s are an important diagnostic tool for Cardiologists. It’s an easy quick test to administer and can help your physician get a more full picture of what is going on with your heart.

We hope this gives you a better understanding of what an EKG is and why one may be recommended.

If you are looking for a great team of cardiologists right here in the Tampa Bay, Florida area give us a call and make an appointment today! (813) 975-2800. www.tampacardio.com.

How Salt Can Affect the Heart


Do you salt your food on a daily basis?


Many people salt their food before even tasting it. It’s a habit and a dangerous one at that.

While sodium is naturally occurring and we need in our bodies, when consumed to excess, it can be harmful. The majority of the salt consumed does not come directly from your at home shaker it is already hidden within the food we buy on a regular basis.

It is astounding how quickly the milligrams of salt add up when tracked on a normal day for the average American. The results are evident. Heart disease is one of the top causes of death in 2018.

How Salt Can Harm Your Health

Salt causes your body to hold on to fluid. This retention increases the blood volume flowing through your system making your entire cardiovascular system work harder than it should. Over time this increase can be dangerous leading to hypertension. It can cause pressure to build against your arterial walls leading to a weakening of the walls. From there it can progress to blood clot formation, organ and tissue damage, and plaque builds up. Blood pressure is known often as the silent killer because there are many times no visible signs until cardiovascular disease actually takes hold.

You Do Have A Choice!

As much as 80% of the salt American’s eat is found in prepackaged, processed, and restaurant-prepared foods. Choosing to eat at home helps tremendously.

Those with conditions such as diabetes, kidney disease and those over 50 who need to take extra notice of this intake. You can join tracking sites such as www.myfitnesspal.com which is not just for weight loss, you can track your caloric intake as well as your sodium, proteins, carbs and much more at the touch of a button. Once you know where you stand it is easier to get a good picture and how you can reduce your salt intake. The CDC recommends in the 2015–2020 Dietary Guidelines that Americans consume less than 2,300 milligrams (mg) of sodium per day as part of a healthy eating pattern.

If you are at risk of heart disease and in need of a cardiologist, call Tampa Cardiovascular Associates for a consultation. Call us today at 1-813-975-2800 or fill out a form online. We look forward to hearing from you! www.tampacardio.com.

How Diet Can Hurt or Heal Your Heart

heart healthy diet

heart healthy dietHow much thought do you really give to what you are feeding your body? Many of us don’t give all that much thought. We buy food based on the fact that we enjoy it.  The problem is that many of the foods we love the taste of do not contain the nutrients our bodies need in order to function.

While there is a lot of grey area as far as whats “good” and “bad” to eat for your body and for heart health in particular, we have broken it down to some of the most common “food bombs” that can contribute to bad heart health as well as several health-boosting foods which help the body build and heal itself when eaten as part of a balanced diet. Let’s dive in!

Foods that can be damaging to your heart health (there are many out there, we are highlighting some of the worst offenders)

Canned Fruits – Yes, surprise! Fruit made the list. Fresh is a different story, but canned peaches and other fruits contain more than double the sugar of a fresh peach.

Extra Butter Movie Popcorn – Ok, we all know this stuff isn’t health food but how bad could it really be? Well? Pretty bad! It contains 7 x more trans fats than the daily allowance.

Cinnabon cinnamon buns – Oh my are the every tasty. They, however, contain your entire day’s worth of fat…. so If you are going to indulge and eat one, track your macros!

Taco Bell Salad – Though it has the word “salad” which equates to healthy, it has a shocking amount of fat equal to 37 strips of bacon.

Lunchables – contain more sugar than a child should have in an entire day.

Biscuits & Gravy – A southern favorite here in Florida! But beware this dish contains more than 2/3rds of a days worth of sodium.

And the winning worst offender we found goes to the popular chain PF Chang’s. Their signature dish PF Chang’s Pan Fried Noodles (which admittedly are scrumptious) contains a whole day worth of calories for a large man, 1 and a half days worth of fat, and more than 3 days worth of sodium. Goodness!

Now that we have that behind us lets take a look at what would be far better to consume. Whats healthy and helps our bodies, minds, and hearts work at full capacity giving us lasting health.

Salmon, kidney beans, oatmeal, almonds, flax, broccoli, walnuts, carrots, tuna, asparagus, almond milk, dark chocolate (yes folks we said chocolate!), sweet potato, spinach, brown rice, blueberries, cantaloupe, oranges, and Xango juice!

These miracle foods help do everything from prevent hardening of the heart, to aiding in the prevention of irregular heartbeats, improve brain function and blood pressure, lowers blood sugar as well as cholesterol, and even break down carcinogens and free radicals.

There is no contest. Healthy is the way to go. Eat Clean, feel good.

If you are in the Tampa, Florida area and need more health advice in relation to the heart we would love to see you at Tampa Cardiovascular Associates. Visit us online at www.tampacardio.com or call any time (813) 975-2800.

Natural Help for High Blood Pressure


high-blood-pressureBlood pressure defined

Blood pressure is the measure of pressure created by your heart beating, forcing the blood into your arteries and throughout your body. There are two numbers in the reading. The top number is known as systolic – it defines the maximum pressure inside your arteries as your heart beats. The bottom number known as diastolic is the amount of pressure inside the arteries between beats.

If you take your blood pressure and its over the recommended 120/80 it is important to pay attention and start tracking it. Heart disease doesn’t set in overnight. It takes time and can creep up on you till suddenly you are ill and dont even know what happened.

What’s “high” vs. Whats considered normal blood pressure

120/80 mm Hg. is ideal.

140/98 mm Hg signals possible Hypertension (high blood pressure)when the measurement is sustained for at least 2 consecutive readings.   Elevated blood pressure can present a problem because puts adds additional pressure to your entire cardiovascular system including your heart which must then work even harder to move the blood around your body. A continued reading at or above that level means you have hypertension.

What causes high blood pressure?

So far no exact cause has been pinpointed in high pressure for the majority of patients. This is known as primary high blood pressure. Secondary hypertension can come from the use of birth control pills, excessive alcohol intake, or even renal or thyroid disease. 

Other Factors That Can Come Into Play

  • Age
  • Level of physical activity (too sedentary of a lifestyle)
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Smoking
  • Heredity
  • High Salt Intake
  • Drinking alcohol excessively
  • Get your thyroid blood levels checked

I have high blood pressure – what do I do?

There are several natural things that can help for you to try before resorting to pharmaceutical blood pressure medications which, while they may bring your numbers down to normal levels and be beneficial for your cardiovascular health have the high-risk potential for a wide range of very dangerous side effects which can affect your health physically and emotionally.

Natural Alternatives to Help Lower Blood Pressure

If you know you have high blood pressure and would like to consider some alternatives outside of medication we would love the opportunity to work with you to get your health to where it should be so you can live the best life possible.

Chiropractor & Nutritionist in Fort Myers, FL.

Fort Myers Chiropractor, Dr. Jason B. KasterChiropractic care is a safe, alternative treatment when applied appropriately. Chiropractic treatments help in dealing with the symptoms of many conditions. Are you going to wait for your symptoms to be felt, or are you going to prevent them before they start?

Dr. Jason B. Kaster, a chiropractor, and nutritionist in Fort Myers can help you and your family achieve their optimal health.

Could Sugar Harm Your Heart?


sugarThe answer is YES sugar can harm your heart when eaten in excess.

Our bodies do not need sugar to function and run properly. They contribute nothing nutritionally.

When you first begin to eliminate sugar from your diet you may actually go through a withdrawal stage. Both physically and psychologically. You may miss the taste, the feel, the smell, everything about it. Sugar gives your body a high. But it isn’t a clean high and there is always a crash. The side effects being ill health and extra body fat. When repeated over and over again, damage can be done to the body and to the heart.

The American Medical Association of Internal Medicine back in January of 2014 found that the odds of dying from a heart-related condition rose incrementally right along with the patient’s diet – regardless of other factors that would seem to come into play such as age, sex, activity level, and even BMI.

Most adults in the USA consume 22 teaspoons of added sugar a day without even realizing it. That’s more than 3x what is recommended. Ideally no more than 100 calories a day (6 teaspoons) should come from sugar.

The  American diet is chock full of hidden sugars, especially prepackaged and processed foods. The amount of sugar you consume during a given day may surprise you. Our bodies are not designed to need excess sugar, especially non-natural sugars. They can increase your risk of cardiovascular disease as well as raise your cholesterol levels, boost your risk for high blood pressure and add on extra unwanted pounds.

Ways to Eliminate Added Sugars

Remove from your diet: Soft drinks, candies, cakes, cookies, pies, fruit drinks, milk products, grains,  canned fruit in syrups, fruit yogurts, cereals with added sugars, and so on. Get your sugar from natural sources such as fruit and whole milk in small servings.

To learn more about how to care for your heart, check back regularly. If you are in the Tampa, Florida area and looking for a great cardiovascular team check out www.tampacardio.com Tampa Cardiovascular Associates or call us at (813) 975-2800.

Avoid a Heart Attack with These Key Tips


heartStress has a horribly negative effect on your body.

The physical manifestation may begin as anxiety but it can quickly lead to high blood pressure, heart palpitations and even chest pains. Any discomfort centered in the chest is disarming and can make you worry. Rightly so, but it is important to know how to distinguish a possible heart attack from acute stress or a panic attack. 

Prevention is the best medicine. 

  • Eliminate things and people that cause you stress. Avoid it as much as you can even if it means saying no to people or events you would normally agree too.
  • The heart is a muscle. WOrking out and getting cardiovascular exercise can help your body deal more easily with stress.
  • Stop smoking.
  • Check your cholesterol.
  • High Blood Pressure left unregulated can wear out the heart and valves. Monitor your blood pressure. If it’s consistently high, talk with your doctor.
  • Eat lots of grains and fruits
  • Get omega-3’s in daily
  • Avoid trans fats
  • Talk. Venting is healthy for your mind, soul, and body.
  • Too much sugar can damage arteries. Monitor your blood sugar levels.

If your chest feels weird – like it’s under pressure, aches, has pain, heart palpitations or other uncomfortable sensations or just sense that something may be wrong, never ignore it and just hope it will go away. Visit Tampa Cardiovascular Associates. Worrying about your health and the unknown can also cause undue amounts of stress, when one visit and a checkup could very well put your fears to rest.

If you are in the Tampa, Florida area we invite you to give us a call today 813-975-2800 or visit www.tampacardio.com. Our expert staff can help you get a clear picture of what is going on with your heart and your health and set you on the course to the best possible stress free mindset and healthy body possible.