What Exactly IS a Vein Specialist?

The only credentialing body for the treatment of veins in the office setting is the Intersocietal Accreditation Commission or the IAC.

IAC - Vein specialist

You may have heard that if you are dealing with venous insufficiency you will need to consult with a Vein Specialist. 

Are all Vein Specialists created equal? Unfortunately, the answer is No. This is where you need to look for an accredited office and physician.


The IAC is made up of representatives from 9 medical societies including:

  • Society for Vascular Surgery
  • Society for Clinical Vascular Surgery
  • American College of Surgeons
  • American Venous Forum
  • American Academy of Dermatology
  • American College of Phlebology
  • Society for Vascular Ultrasound
  • Society for Vascular Medicine
  • Society of Interventional Radiology

These societies have joined forces to stop the dangerous practice of treating veins by unqualified doctors thereby establishing national standards of patient safety.

For your own protection and peace of mind, please only choose a vein doctor with this national certification. There are many “med spas” that pop up around the country and tend to be fly by night operations. Though, yes they are actual doctors who run them, they are not specialists in the true nature of the word and may have only taken a weekend class certification in venous issues.  It takes years to master the art. You do not want to be someone’s practice piece.

While there are now several routes to becoming a “Certified Vein Specialist” if you want your health entrusted to the best, choose a doctor, such as Vein Specialists very own Dr. Joseph Magnant, who is a Vascular Surgeon with over 26 years of experience. They are the only specialists who have focused their practice solely to vascular disease.

True excellence comes from experience and this proficiency develops from treating damaged veins day after day, year after year, one patient, one case at a time.

Vein Specialists www.weknowveins.com holds the IAC seal as it is displayed right on the website itself.

If you are in the Fort Myers | Bonita Springs, Florida area we would love to work with you to get you on your way to the best vein health possible. The first step can be taken right now, right here online by going to www.weknowveins.com and clicking the Confidential FREE vein screening button at the top the page or by calling 239-694-VEIN (8346).

My Legs Hurt, Why?

legs hurt

legs hurtThe aches and pains of daily life seem to increase as we age.

We feel a little less spry and a little stiffer when we wake up. It may take us longer than it used to in to get going about your day, but if your legs actually hurt and you are in pain that is not attributable to the normal aging process.

If you have ongoing leg pain, achy legs, feelings of heaviness, feeling like your legs are fatigued without much activity and even swelling (edema), experience restless leg syndrome or visible varicose or spider veins these are all potential signs of venous insufficiency/vein disease.

If left undiagnosed and untreated it can progress and lead to the onset of changes in the skin such a thickening, discoloration and ulcerations. Legs may become discolored and red as well as splotchy. The good news is that this is mostly reversible with proper treatment. The sooner you seek medical treatment, the faster and more successful your recovery can be.

Treatments offered:

Diagnostic Evaluations

Conservative Therapy

Injection Sclerotherapy

Foam Sclerotherapy

Laser Sclerotherapy


Endovenous Ablation

Vein Gogh

All of which can be performed by finding a Vein Specialist through www.eveinscreening.com‘s online search. You can also reach them by phone by dialing (239) 288-6203.  At eveinscreening.com, their goal is to educate you regarding venues disease and empower you by offering a confidential venous evaluation form the comfort and privacy of your home.

Once treated, the risk of bleeding and ulceration is lessened significantly. The most dramatic changes can be seen in patients who have chronic venous insufficiency which is secondary to superficial venous dysfunction. Once the underlying problem has been treated the skin changes can be stopped in their progression and even reversed in some patients allowing healing to occur.

Thanks to the technology of today’s medical field there are many safe options which your Vein Specialist can help you decide what is the best course of treatment for your specific case.

Let eveinscreening.com  YOUR on-ramp to finding the solution to your vein problems.