High Blood Pressure – How High Is Too High?


hypertension-high-blood-pressure-tampa-cardioHypertension has long been known as the silent killer.

It earned this nickname because you can have elevated blood pressure for quiet some time and not have any idea about it. A constantly elevated pressure in your circulatory system leads to weakening of the blood vessels, arteries, and the heart muscle itself. It puts you at risk for heart disease and early death.

You cannot tell visually if someone has high blood pressure and many with high numbers feel just fine. It is important, especially as we age, to check our blood pressure regularly.

A normal healthy range for your blood pressure is right around 120/80 or slightly lower. Once you get above 120 to about 129/80 it is considered elevated and should be watched. Stage 1 hypertension ranges from 130-139/80-89 and stage 2 hypertension is 140 or higher/90 or higher. 180/120 or higher is considered a hypertensive crisis and you should call your doctor or go to the ER immediately as you are in the risk range for both heart attack and stroke.

IMMEDIATE ATTENTION SYMPTOMS: If you are in the hypertensive crisis range and you experience chest pain, shortness of breath, back pain, numbness, weakness, difficulty speaking, or vision issues call 911 immediately.

The risks of leaving high blood pressure untreated can include heart disease, stroke, heart attack, heart failure, peripheral artery disease, aortic aneurysms, kidney disease, and vascular dementia.

If you have your blood pressure checked and it is high for the first time, just keep an eye on it. We all have stressful off days or have a day where we drank an espresso or an energy drink, and some experience what is known as “white coat syndrome” where their blood pressure goes up just being in a doctor’s office due to nerves.

If your readings are continually high you will want to talk with your doctor about possible lifestyle and diet changes. If those don’t prove to be enough there are many medications that can easily help control your pressure and give your body a much-needed break.

Talk with us. WWW.TAMPACARDIO.COM. The doctors at Tampa Cardiovascular Associates are here to help you. 813-975-2800.

Treasure Your Health

ER visit chiropractic fort myers kaster

ER visit chiropractic fort myers kasterHealthcare has become so expensive in recent years that if you have your health, you are the new wealthy in America.

Health care costs have jumped over recent years to a point where most people cant afford it even with insurance. The average ER visit these days ranges from $3,000 to $5,000. Actual treatments are only done in emergency circumstances. Generally what you end up with is a referral  to follow up with your primary care doctor or a specialist. If you are a cash only patient who isn’t insured, it can climb even higher.

ER care is for emergencies. Ruptured spleens, burst appendix, broken legs, or needing stitches. Things you have no warning about and the onset needs to be dealt with.

Being proactive in your normal health care can make the world of difference in your overall health and wellness, though of course it may not preclude emergency situations it can for sure help you save a bunch on healthcare costs over the course of your life.

Masking symptoms can make you feel better, but it won’t help the cause. To fix the cause of any disease or illness you have to find the root cause and make corrections. The further along you are into the symptoms the more correction and time it often takes to get back on course.

One of the best proactive protective health care modalities is chiropractic. Chiropractic focuses on the spine and correction of subluxations (misalignments). Because the spine houses your nervous system inside of the spinal column it is vital for it to be in alignment. Each nerve is a pathway of communication outwards to every organ in the body including the brain.

When your spine becomes misaligned it can pinch off nerves hindering proper electrical signal. Do this long enough and the cut off organ begins not to work so well. Left in that state this is one way that disease can creep in.

Treating via chiropractic is a relatively inexpensive form of medical treatment. It is often covered by many insurance policies so be sure to check your coverage. Waiting and allowing your body to fall into disrepair can be extremely expensive as well as  painful and or debilitating.

Start today. Give the office of Kaster Chiropractic and Associates a call at 239-332-2555 or visit online to learn more about Dr. Jason Kaster, D.C. and our practice in Fort Myers, Florida.

Don’t use Google as your medical advisor


When you don’t feel well, what is your first instinct these days? If you are like the majority of Americans and many others worldwide you now jump onto your smartphone, tablet or computer and start Google searching by symptom.

The search results come back to you via keyword only. You end up with a mishmash of garbled information which may or may not be factual.  Many health articles online are written by those with zero medical backgrounds.

In some cases what you turn up may give you validation and peace of mind along with some ideas of where to begin on self-care as well as starting point in finding a qualified physician for more serious health matters.

When the symptom you search comes back with numerous possibilities, it gets confusing. Many possible health problems are tough to understand without a solid background in western medicine. Clicking randomly on found possibilities may indicate very serious health problems, even flashing pop-ups at you that you may need immediate emergency care, often despite you not even being done entering your list of issues.

These pop-up warning signals are often unwarranted increasing your level of worry and anxiety, even possibly making your situation worse.

It becomes very easy to jump to conclusions and create terrible outcomes in your mind which very likely are not even plausible with a little more background and research.

While running to the emergency room may be the recommendation on WebMD and Symptom Checker for many issues, the ER specializes in emergency medicine only. There is a time and a place for the ER. They are there to stabilize you, save your life if necessary and send you on to the appropriate doctor afterwards. If you are experiencing possibly life-threatening symptoms, by all means, do not hesitate to go in.

Though Chiropractic care is often thought of as “just for back and neck issues” the truth is that Chiropractic is a full body care all-inclusive practice, especially when combined with Nutritional Response Testing and Therapy. While modern Western Medicine focuses on curing the symptoms or at least covering them, these modalities (still thought of as Alternative Medicine) work to find and heal the root cause so that the patient is truly cured.

If you are experiencing ongoing or even sudden onset health issues that you are unable to resolve on your own, or by going the traditional medical route, we would love to talk to you. Come in for a FREE consultation and see what we have to offer.

The combination of proper diet, personalized supplementation and correct alignment can make a night and day difference between sickness and health. Give Nutrition Specialists of Florida | Chiropractor Bonita Springs a call 239-947-1177 or visit www.chiropractorbonitasprings.com

ER or Urgent Care?


ERHealthcare is more confusing than ever these days. If an unexpected illness or injury were to happen, do you know where to go?

Being treated in an emergency care facility may be convenient but it also generally costs two to three times for than a standard doctor.

Here are some helpful tips on how to decide if you really need to go to the ER.

Call 911 immediately if you or someone else:

  • Has stopped breathing
  • Is choking
  • Has sustained head injury
  • Is passing out, fainting, or has confusion
  • Has possibly sustained an injury to neck or spine
  • Inability to move
  • Electric shock
  • Severe burn
  • Severe chest pain or pressure
  • Seizure that lasted 3 to 5 minutes

Go to an emergency department or call 911 for help for problems such as:

  • Breathing issues
  • Passing out, losing consciousness
  • Pain in the arm or jaw
  • A headache that starts suddenly and is more painful than usual
  • Suddenly not able to speak, see, walk, or move
  • Suddenly weak or drooping on one side of the body
  • Dizziness or weakness (persistent)
  • Inhaled smoke or poisonous fumes
  • Heavy bleeding
  • Sudden confusion
  • Serious burn
  • Possible broken bone
  • Wound
  • Coughing up or throwing up blood
  • Severe pain anywhere on the body
  • Severe allergic reaction with trouble breathing, swelling, hives
  • High fever + a headache and stiff neck
  • High fever that does not get better with medicine
  • Throwing up or loose stools that do not stop
  • Poisoning or overdose of drug or alcohol
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Seizures

Go to an Urgent Care

Urgent care facilities are wonderful if you have issues and cannot wait for a regular doctors appointment, yet they are also not life threatening.

Commonly treated ailments can include:

  • Colds
  • Influenza
  • Earaches
  • Sore throat
  • Migraines
  • Fever
  • Rash
  • Sprains
  • Back pain
  • Minor cuts and burns,
  • Broken bones (minor)
  • eye injuries (minor)


On the back of your health insurance card is usually a hotline where you can call and speak to a nurse for advice. Call this number and tell the nurse your symptoms. They will then issue advice on what best to do next.

To find a doctor in Lee County, go to http://ipalc.org/find/
For emergency personnel, dial 911

Google “Urgent Care Near Me” to find urgent care facilities in your area.

Signs of a Heart Attack

heart attack

Heart attacks continue to be the leading cause of death for both men and women in the United States today.  The rate for survival increases when a person experiencing a heart attack is with someone who knows the signs. What to keep in mind is that heart attacks can differ with each person. So, the signs of a heart attack in one person might be different in another person. There are some signs that are more common than most, which we list below.

Heart attacks can occur quickly with no warning. They can also build-up gradually and with such a slow onset of symptoms that many of those who have heart attacks are not aware of what is happening until it is too late. Recognizing the signs of a heart attack is very important. Knowing what to look for can save someone’s life, maybe your own.

What for these signs and get immediate medical attention:

  • Chest discomfort – many survivors recall that the “chest pain” they experienced wasn’t exactly painful, but more lie a squeezing and full feeling with “chest pressure”.
  • Discomfort around the chest –We’ve all heard the warning sign that the left arm goes number right before a heart attack. But, in reality, anywhere around the chest can experience pressure, numbness, and pain such as the shoulders, neck, jaw, back, arms and stomach.
  • Shortness of breath – some people may experience fatigue, exhaustion, or shortness of breath and trouble breathing right before a heart attack. This symptom tends to be more common in women than in men and can actually start appearing a few months before an impending heart attack.
  • Gastrointestinal problems – although less common, some people report feeling sick to their stomach and having heartburn before a heart attack. Sometimes, they will vomit. Having this problem is actually very dangerous since you might not realize it is your heart and mistake it for the flu.

If you are concerned that you or someone you love may be at risk for a heart attack, then contact the physicians at Tampa Cardiovascular Associates today by calling (813) 975-2800, and we can get you scheduled for an evaluation with one of our cardiologists.