Wegovy Helps to Correct Insulin Resistance in Those with Type II Diabetes

Wegovy Helps to Correct Insulin Resistance in Those with Type II Diabetes Vitality Health SFL Wegovy

Wegovy Helps to Correct Insulin Resistance in Those with Type II Diabetes Vitality Health SFL WegovyWegovy (also labeled and sold under the names Ozempic and Semaglutide) have been a smashing success in the weight loss industry as well as the medical field. Wegovy is a pharmaceutical grade injectable that has helped millions control blood sugar and lose weight as an added benefit.

A Look at Diabetes Type II

When you have Type II Diabetes, what happens is that when food is consumed your body does not process the insulin correctly. While some can manage this through diet and exercise alone, many require medication daily.

Insulin Resistance Defined

If your body is reacting resistantly to insulin from food sources the cells in your fat, muscle, and liver don’t respond well and cannot absorb the insulin from your blood stream. The result is that your pancreas must work harder to create more insulin so that the glucose can enter your cells for energy.

This Incorrect Reaction Has Consequences On The Body
These consequences can include metabolic issues such as hypertension, elevated inflammatory markers, hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia, visceral adiposity, endothelial dysfunction, and a prothrombic state. This will add extra weight even if you exercise daily.

Wegovy to the Rescue!

This is why the discovery of Wegovy has been so readily welcomed. It can help balance the body’s ability to properly use the food and energy sources. When your body is in balance your blood sugar remains stable, you feel less hungry because your body isn’t searching for energy. This leads to the ability to lose weight.

Wegovy Works to Help Fight Diabetes and Release Excess Fat

Wegovy is in a class of medications known as incretin mimetics. These medications work by assisting the pancreas to release just the right amount of insulin when blood sugar levels are elevated. Insulin helps move sugar from the blood into other body tissues where it is used for energy. It comes in the form of an injection.

Who Can Take Wegovy?

Wegovy is recommended for those with Type II Diabetes who are insulin resistant and overweight or obese.

Can I take Wegovy for Weight Loss if I Have Not Been Diagnosed as Diabetic?

In patients who are not diabetic but show signs of insulin resistance as well as metabolic syndrome where weight loss has been unsuccessful through simple diet and exercise Wegovy is often prescribed.

Wegovy mimics the hormone called GLP-1, produced in the brain and controls both how full you feel after eating as well as your appetite. Wegovy by its composition is a Glucagon-like peptide-1 that acts by sending signals to the brain as the body has had enough food.

Doctors can prescribe Wegovy for adults are obese, with a body mass index (BMI) of greater than 30; or overweight, with a BMI greater than 27 accompanied by weight-related medical problems such as high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, or high cholesterol.

If You Believe That You Might be a candidate for Wegovy, we invite you to contact Vitality Health of South Florida.

Visit www.vitalityhealthsfl.com to learn more about the practice and the services we offer at Vitality Health SFL in Naples, Fort Myers, Bonita Beach, Miami, and Orlando, Florida. Give us a call at 1-833-4LOWTEE to schedule your consultation with Dr. Zughbi!





Ready to Get Started?

Visit www.vitalityhealthsfl.com to learn more about the practice and the services we offer at Vitality Health SFL in Naples, Fort Myers, Bonita Beach, Miami, and Orlando, Florida. Give us a call at 1-833-4LOWTEE to schedule your consultation with Dr. Zughbi.

Have you already been a patient of Vitality Health SFL? We Would Love a Review!


FDA Disclaimer: Wegovy is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Do You Take Aspirin Daily? – You Need To Know This!


aspirin-no-longer-recommendedCardiologists and General Practitioners are no longer recommending an aspirin regimen for the majority of the public.

For years aspirin has been the standard recommended protocol for seniors. Millions age 70 and up in the USA take one aspirin per day routinely as it was previously touted as the go-to answer by the American Heart Association as the best preventative measure to help protect against potential stroke and heart attack.

In a recent study which included 20,000 patients, the outcome contradicted previous results. The recommendation of 1 aspirin a day is no longer used for anyone who is not already at an elevated risk. This risk group includes those who have already had a heart attack or stroke in their past.

If you have had either a heart attack or stroke, stents inserted, or a propensity towards blood clots – aspirin can still be a lifesaver. If that isn’t the case there are better options.

“It’s much more important to optimize lifestyle habits and control blood pressure and cholesterol as opposed to recommending aspirin.” Said Dr. Roger Blumenthal, the doctor who co-chaired the new guidelines.

Aspirin – The New Findings

Anyone who is already at a risk for bleeding – someone who is on blood thinners, has diabetes, ulcers, heart disease, kidney disease, gastrointestinal tract issues, or is on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, steroids, or anticoagulants should not use aspirin at all. Not even just for a headache.

Aspirin – What is It?

It was discovered in1763 by Reverend Edmund Stone of Chipping-Norton, England. Aspirin is made from the chemical ingredient known as Salicylic acid made from the bark of the willow tree. 

A more natural approach 

Aspirin is used because it’s an analgesic.  An analgesic acts on the central nervous system to help alleviate pain. It is also an anti-inflammatory – when you can reduce inflammation, this also negates pain.

Salicylic acid, the same ingredient your aspirin tablets are made from, can be found right in your daily dietary intake. This is a list of foods that contain salicylic acid and can encourage your body to rely on a healthy natural alternative to aspirin in pill form.







Chili peppers


Currants (including dried currants)







Licorice (the herb, not the candy)

Meadowsweet (an herb)



Plums and prunes





Turmeric (the spice)

Willow Bark


If you are taking aspirin as a daily regimen preventatively consult your physician or cardiologist. Their recommendations very likely have changed thanks to modern research.

If you are in the Tampa Florida area visit www.tampacardio.com or call (813) 975-2800 to schedule a consultation.

What Can Blood Tests Reveal?

blood tests

blood testsBlood tests help your physician discover potential underlying health issues. It is recommended to have a blood test done yearly in order to check levels. The question most of us have is “What are they looking for?”

What a blood test can tell you

An Enzyme test may be ordered. The enzyme levels will indicate disease or damage to organs such as kidneys and liver. This test is also helpful in adjusting medication levels.

Complete Blood Count (CBC)  is the most often ordered. It will take count of the number of red blood cells, white blood cells, iron, and platelets. It is used to diagnose infection, blood disorders, inflammation and even detects anemia (iron deficiency). It will show how well your thyroid, heart, and other organs are performing and if there is an infection such as HIV/AIDS where your body is working against itself in an autoimmune response.

Basic Metabolic Panel (BMP)  This is run on the plasma in your blood. It measures electrolytes, minerals, glucose, and calcium and can detect issues like cancer, diabetes, bone disease and kidney disease.

These are all incredibly valuable tools diagnostically.  It is, however, important to note that all tests are fallible. If you get a positive for a major illness it is vital to do the test a second time to confirm before deciding on and proceeding with any form of treatment.

Whether you are looking for a specialist or a general practitioner if you are in the Lee County Florida area we would like to invite you to visit IPALC (Independent Physicians of Lee County) and use their FREE physician referral service www.ipalc.org/find.