Lose Weight with SHAPE ReClaimed™


If you haven’t yet been able to lose weight and keep it off, we guarantee you haven’t been introduced to the SHAPE ReClaimed™ Program. It is now offered right here in Bonita Springs, Florida. If you are seriously interested in losing weight stop what you are doing right now and read this.

The SHAPE ReClaimed™ program is backed by over 30 years of clinical experience using homeopathy as bio-regulatory medicine.

The SHAPE ReClaimed™ is a practitioner monitored program that has been producing extraordinary results. It is an effective, safe, homeopathic glycoprotein complex formula created to decrease total body inflammation, enhance immune function, detox and cleanse–all while reducing excess weight.

 SHAPE ReClaimed™ is transformative

The synergistic combination of ingredients in SHAPE ReClaimed™, along with our total wellness program, is having astounding transformative health benefits. The result, in addition to weight loss, is a re-energized, revitalized you!

SHAPE ReClaimed™ is not a “magic bullet” but when incorporated into the program’s protocol, along with sound lifestyle choices, the results have been found to be transforming.

With Shape ReClaimed™ food becomes not only fuel but medicine to heal the body.

The Benefits of SHAPE ReClaimed™ that have been reported by those completing the program:

  • Reduce Inflammation
  • Enhance Immune Function
  • Detox & Cleanse
  • Enhance Metabolism
  • Safely Release Excess Toxic Weight
  • Decrease Pain
  • Improve Digestion
  • Increase Energy
  • Improve Sleep
  • Decrease or Eliminate Rx Dependency (With Practitioner Supervision)
  • Improve Blood Sugar, Blood Pressure and Blood Lipids
  • Improve Mood and Mental Clarity
  • Create and Maintain a Healthy Relationship with Food.

What you can expect 

  • Lifestyle Modification – Health Restoration Program
  • Healthy Anti-Inflammatory Nutritional Plan
  • SHAPE ReClaimed™ Professional Homeopathic Formula
  • The Complete Patient Guidebook
  • Consistent Monitoring Appointments for Urine Evaluation
  • Patient Education Tab at WWW.SHAPERECLAIMED.COM
  • Access to Facebook “OFFICIAL SHAPE ReClaimed™ Support Group”
  • Safe, Affordable and Sustainable Lifestyle that Supports Healthy Weight

 What is included?

  • Initial Consult and Evaluation for SHAPE
  • Discussing Your “WHY” for Choosing SHAPE
  • Customizing the Program Based on Your Health History, Progress, Symptoms and Laboratory Results
  • Regular Monitoring, Which is Important for Your Long-Term Success

If you are feeling frustrated at failed attempts to diet or lose weight, you are not alone. The problem is that unless you have the right macros and nutrition combined with proper supplementation for your body losing weight for many can be an uphill battle. Stop fighting and let Dr. Gendron help you by introducing you to the Shape ReClaimed™ program.

Give us a call today to get started on the new healthier you. Call 239-947-1177 or visit us online at www.chiropractorbonitasprings.com. We look forward to being a part of your transformation!

  • Disclaimer: Independent SHAPE Practitioner’s Website is not owned or operated by SHAPE ReClaimed, LLC. Any content outside SHAPE ReClaimed webpage is not an acknowledgment or expressed position of SHAPE ReClaimed, LLC. 


Are You Working Out Correctly?

working out

working outIf you look around in any gym you will see a great bunch of well-meaning motivated people working out to get in shape. The problem is that many of them are simply doing it all wrong.

What do I mean?
They, by the standards of proper body mechanics, have very bad. Bad form not only will not produce the results you are looking for, it also can very easily lead to injury. It can also cause additional wear and tear on other body parts.

When starting any exercise program it is a good idea to first visit your chiropractor. Allow them to get you in proper alignment. They can make sure you have no limitations that should be looked out for. This is very much along the lines of the same train of thought that says you should go get an alignment on your car before taking a long road trip so you don’t wear your tires or other mechanical parts unevenly.)

Additional to spinal alignment we can also get you set up on a nutritional plan to make sure you get the maximum results from your workouts.

Many gyms do offer an introductory personal training session. It is a good idea to take this one session at the very minimum. You can talk with them about your goals and ask questions about machines and weight-bearing exercise. If it is in your budget, schedule a few more sessions until you feel you have the hang of it.

Once you feel the way to do an exercise properly you will realize the difference from an incorrect movement. The right way will allow you to focus on the muscle or muscle group being worked. When done incorrectly you are overcompensating with other body parts to complete the movement.

A great thought to go by is – when in doubt? Ask. It will save you time, frustration, wasted effort and even possibly save you from an injury.

If you are in the Southwest Florida area we invite you to visit the offices of Dr. Jason Kaster, D.C. before starting your exercise program. 239-332-2555. www.drkasters.com.

As Within So Without – Beauty is not just skin deep


Outer beauty is a direct result of inner health and wellness.

If you feel like you are starting to look run down or just lackluster, here are a few tips that can boost your health and in turn change that reflection in the mirror for the better. We are a product of our own choices and lifestyles.

  1. Drink lots of fresh clean water. Try to consume one gallon of water per day. It may seem like a lot at first, but you do quickly get used to it. Water is the universal solvent, it cleans and purifies the body on a cellular level. Proper hydration helps all of your organs including your skin. For a more radiant glow – drink water.
  1. Dry Skin – While hydration and water are a part of that, good fats are also a very likely culprit. Your body needs fat to run properly. Without enough your skin will be dry, you may experience brain fog, and if long-term you may run into other health issues. Good fats to eat regularly include coconut oil, nuts, avocados, and oily fish.
  2. Dull not so white eyes? – if you aren’t sleeping well, you work too much staring at a computer screen, smoke, drink, or even have nutritional deficiencies they can be reflected in the eye. Destress, get rest, stop smoking, cut back on the drinking, and take outdoor breaks away from the screen as well as your portable devices. Additionally, the old wives tale about sliced cucumbers over your eyes is actually based in science. Placing chilled cucumber slices on your eyes for 15 minutes a day reduces puffiness and redness. Rosewater works as well. dab on cotton balls and place over the eyes the same way you would with the cucumber slices.
  3. Great hair can be yours – Your hair requires protein, iron, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin A, selenium, and zinc. Folic acid also helps strengthen hair growth. Making sure you have a well rounded healthy diet can boost the look and feel of hair as well as its ability to grow without splitting or breaking off.
  4. Muscle tone – Exercise is key to feeling and looking better. Muscle mass doesn’t just help us lift and move things, it helps to support your entire skeletal body frame. It all works in conjunction to support our organs and hold us together.

As within, so without. When you feel good, health becomes radiant. If you are feeling dull and lifeless or have targeted health issues you want to work on improving call the offices of Dr. Jason Kaster, D.C. he can work with you through the use of chiropractic, massage therapy, alternative complementary therapies as well as nutrition to get you on the road to being the very best healthiest possible version of you that you can be.

Chiropractor in Ft Myers, FL, and Naples, FL

Fort Myers Chiropractor, Dr. Jason B. KasterChiropractic care is a safe, alternative treatment when applied appropriately. Chiropractic treatments help in dealing with the symptoms of many conditions. Are you going to wait for your symptoms to be felt, or are you going to prevent it as soon as possible?

Dr. Jason B. Kaster, a chiropractor in Fort Myers and Naples, can help you and your family achieve their optimal health.

Scoliosis – Don’t Just Resign Yourself to a Life in Pain


Scoliosis is a spinal curvature. This additional curvature not usually present in a spine can begin to compress nerve roots. This compression leads to inflammation and pain. Impaired organ function may occur over time if not treated properly.

ChiroNexus did a study recently which revealed that chiropractic adjustments and regular care, when combined with exercise, can significantly help to decrease pain levels linked to scoliosis enabling a wider more normalized range of motion.

Chiropractic promotes proper alignment. When used alongside regular exercise, it has been shown to ease the pain. While chiropractic can’t “Fix” scoliosis, as many patients do ask, it can help to drastically improve quality of life.

28 Adult patients who are affected by scoliosis participated in the study. Disability scores were cut by 50% in just a six-month span of monitored treatment. They showed improved spinal alignment and reported a 40% reduction in pain levels. Additionally, breathing became easier and many reported that they were finally able to breathe what they considered to be normally again.

The Assessment

Spinal rigidity – How rigid the spine is to start is a great indication of what is being dealt with and how much work the patient will require to correct.

Sensorimotor Integration (SMI) – how well your brain is able to communicate with your body.

The dedication of the patient to self-healing – the amount of improvement you will be able to attain depends greatly on how much effort is put in on their part. Time and dedication to exercise routines, stretching, and appointments.

Finding the right approach to scoliosis management is crucial to living an active healthy life.

We would love to chat with you here in our office at the Nutrition Specialists of Florida | Chiropractor Bonita Springs centrally located in Bonita Springs, FL regarding scoliosis treatment options. Let us see what we can do for you. Visit us online at www.chiropractorbonitasprings.com or call our office by dialing 239-947-1177.

Chiropractic – Getting to the Truth


chiropracticFor those familiar with chiropractors already, they know from their own personal experience that chiropractic simply works. As for those who haves yet to experience chiropractic there seem to be a few rumors floating around out there. Today we would like to try and clear the air as to fact vs. myth.

Misconception #1– Chiropractors are not real doctors.

False. The biggest difference between medical doctors and chiropractors is not their level of education but in their method of treating patients.

Let’s look at both forms of treatment

Chiropractors – For soft tissue damage and misalignments, there is no miracle chemical compound that can correct this. It requires a physical solution. This is where chiropractic adjustment comes in as well as recommended exercises, stretching, and muscle therapy. Chiropractors are able to help your body to work and function correctly in order to be able to heal itself.

Medical doctors – Medical doctors are, as they are accurately named, trained in the use of medicine as well as surgery. If you have a chemically treatable problem, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, or a bacterial infection, medical treatment can be an answer.

Schooling for a Doctorate of Chiropractic (D.C.) and schooling for a Medical Degree, in curricula, are virtually identical. The Chiropractic degree actually requires more hours of classroom learning than the medical degree. Chiropractic students are required to complete a supervised residency just as medical doctors are. Upon graduation, they have to pass four sets of national board exams as well as state board exams where they intend to practice.

Chiropractors are subject to the same type of licensing, testing procedures, and monitoring by state and national peer-reviewed boards. Federal and state programs, such as Workers’ Compensations programs, Medicare, and Medicaid cover chiropractic. Federal agencies accept sick-leave certificates signed by D.C.’s.

Their doctorate is in every way equal to that of a medical doctor.

Misconception #2 – Medical doctors don’t believe in chiropractors.

Untrue. While it may have been the case way back in the 1940s and even as recently as the 1970s in the years following the overall opinion of the vast majority of the medical community has changed. There have been studies conducted showing that chiropractic does indeed help patients with a wide range of conditions and can work very well in conjunction with more traditional medical care. Hospitals across the country staff chiropractors as do many medical offices.

Misconception #3 – If you get adjusted once, you must go for the rest of your life. It’s better to just leave things be.

Though of course recommended is a lifetime of preventative wellness care, that is totally up to the individual. You can receive just a single adjustment in a life time or regular care. There is no mandate, and being adjusted and in alignment simply makes you feel better. The likely reason this idea got started was that once you feel what your body feels like in alignment and working properly, you will not want to accept a lesser version of your health.

Chiropractic is very much akin to going to the dentist. Can you get your teeth cleaned only once? Sure. But you may not experience full dental health if you don’t continue to go on a regular basis for preventive maintenance.

This statement comes up frequently when the topic of chiropractic is discussed. It is only partially true. You only have to continue going to the chiropractor as long as you wish to maintain the health of your neuromusculoskeletal system. Going to a chiropractor is much like going to the dentist, exercising at a gym, or eating a healthy diet: As long as you keep it up, you continue to enjoy the benefits.

We hope this has cleared up some common misnomers about chiropractic. Thank you for reading and we hope to see you in our office sometime soon for an adjustment. If you would like to schedule an appointment in either our Fort Myers or Naples offices please give us a call at 239-332-2555 or visit www.drkasters.com.