How Chiropractic Can Help Ankle Pain

ankle pain

ankle painChiropractic can help reduce ankle pain without prescribing medication which may come with unwanted side effects.

Daily life is made far more difficult when you suffer from ankle pain.

Ankle issues can easily limit mobility. Lack of mobility puts a damper on lifestyle as well.  No more cute high heels or dress shoes to go out in – you are stuck in flats if walking is an option at all.

Our ankles take on a lot of pressure every single day. They support the weight of our entire body. On top of that, you may add pressure from climbing stairs, walking, running, jumping, and carrying heavy objects. It is vital that your body be in proper alignment with your ankles correctly supported.

In the United States each year more than 25,000 people per year visit a doctor specifically for ankle related pain. Studies have shown that despite this, close to 40% of sprains are not diagnosed or treated correctly. This misdiagnosis can lead to improper treatment or no treatment at all, leaving the patient in chronic pain and even risking disability later on in life.

The standard treatment for a sprained ankle is Rest Ice Compression Elevation (R.I.C.E.) The newer more widely accepted version of the protocol replaces “Rest” With “Movement”, making the acronym now M.I.C.E. The movement portion of the protocol should be done with a qualified physical therapist.

Chiropractic has shown tremendous benefit in relieving ankle pain. Your Chiropractor will use the same methods for diagnosis as would your medical doctor. Once the exact cause is pinpointed a treatment can be recommended and started.

Severe ankle injuries such as breaks and tears may require pain medication and anti-inflammatories. X-ray and MRI imaging may be used in the diagnosis.

Chiropractic is highly effective and completely non-invasive. It allows a natural approach to healing allowing the body to mend itself over time. Regular adjustments can help to strengthen the ankle increasing stability and even range of motion. It helps facilitate blood flow and circulation speeding healing and recovery. Diet and exercise change recommendations may be made if additional weight is being put on your ankles as well.

As normal motion is restored to the joint the inflammation will subside. As the inflammation dissipates so will the associated pain.

While chiropractic isn’t an instant fix, over the course of a few appointments you should notice a significant improvement in the state of your ankle as well as your overall wellbeing.

If you would like to find relief from pain call us today. 239-332-2555. Now serving Fort Myers, Florida, and all surrounding areas.

Chiropractor & Nutritionist in Fort Myers, FL.

Fort Myers Chiropractor, Dr. Jason B. KasterChiropractic care is a safe, alternative treatment when applied appropriately. Chiropractic treatments help in dealing with the symptoms of many conditions. Are you going to wait for your symptoms to be felt, or are you going to prevent them before they start?

Dr. Jason B. Kaster, a chiropractor, and nutritionist in Fort Myers can help you and your family achieve their optimal health.

The Benefits of Probiotics for Gut Health


probioticAre you getting enough probiotics in your diet?

Probiotics are the good bacteria that help to build your immune system and support digestive health. These stomach dwelling microorganisms create these benefits. They create a balance between the wanted and unwanted bacteria that reside in the gut. They are necessary for digestive health to exist as they help in moving food through the digestive tract by way of affecting the nerves in control movement.

Health benefits, along with a stronger immunity, can include:


Inflammatory bowel disease

Irritable bowel syndrome




Get more probiotics in your daily diet


Eating grass fed organic Greek yogurt ensure that your yogurt is the best possible source of probiotics. If you happen to like the taste of sheep or goat milk yogurt, all the better as it has even more live cultures that are good for you.

Fermented Vegetables

Sauerkraut and kimchi are both up there in probiotics that support the flourishing of friendly bacteria. They also are high in digestive enzymes.


This fizzy Japanese drink with a weird name is gaining ground in popularity and is now sold in nearly every supermarket. Kombucha is fermented black tea containing good bacteria and yeast. It touts the benefits of increased energy levels, improved digestive health, and detoxification of the liver.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a mixture of diverse probiotics. Studies have shown that apple cider vinegar can help to control your blood pressure, cholesterol, and diabetes. Use sparingly, a little goes a long way. 1 spoonful a day is enough. Mix with water and drink or use on foods and salads.


This Japanese spice is used in dishes such as the popular miso soup. It’s made of fermented soybeans, brown rice or barley and mixed with a fungus known as koji.


Probiotic supplements are available at any health food or grocery store. They can be a great addition to your daily regimen though getting what you need through real whole foods is always the best idea.

Looking for more great natural health advice to keep you feeling your best? Visit 

Chiropractor & Nutritionist in Fort Myers, FL.

Fort Myers Chiropractor, Dr. Jason B. KasterChiropractic care is a safe, alternative treatment when applied appropriately. Chiropractic treatments help in dealing with the symptoms of many conditions. Are you going to wait for your symptoms to be felt, or are you going to prevent them before they start?

Dr. Jason B. Kaster, a chiropractor, and nutritionist in Fort Myers can help you and your family achieve their optimal health.