Do Your Toes Turn In? You Might Be Pigeon Toed.


Have you ever taken a look at yours or your child’s feet and thought “Oh how cute. The toes turn in?” While it is a cute trait that is thought of as standing with a shy or innocent stance it isn’t great for your posture or gait.

Being pigeon-toed (also called in-toeing) is a medical condition where your toes point in. It is a normal variation much like being flat-footed and can be genetic. Because it is present at birth most believe they simply have to live with it. The issue with not resolving this is that they also often end up chronically spraining their ankles. They may not even realize what they feel is a mild sprain, and over time, that can add up to damage. 

Think back to being a child.  Though your ankle may never have fully sprained, when you jumped off a swing or the monkey bars on the playground you would notice that you often didn’t land quite right and you would feel a sting spread up your ankle and shin on the side rendering you unable to move for a few seconds.

If you are pigeon-toed it is most noticeable when standing looking straight on. Toes hook inward. It can make initially learning to walk initially difficult because you are likely to trip over your own toes. 

The standard angle is 15 degrees pointed outwards, not straight ahead or inward. That puts tension on your entire foot, leg and hip joint. Many people who are pigeon-toed are also flat-footed which compounds the issue. The use of custom created orthotics can also assist greatly in this case in stabilizing the ankle and foot so you have a more sound solid base.

Chiropractic May Be Able to Help with Pigeon Toes!

If Tibial Torsion Exists – The tibia (shin bone) has not yet turned.

Your chiropractor can adjust a subluxation in the bones and explain how to stretch the appropriate muscles. Customized orthotics may also be made to go inside of the child’s shoes to help aid in the correction of the excessive pronation.  Shoes with good arch support and a work out program that supports the building of muscle in the legs and feet are also important. Soccer, running, and football are all recommended.

If The Culprit is Femoral Torsion – The Femur or thigh bone exhibits excessive pronation.

Stretching and strengthening focused on the hip rather than the leg – sports like bicycling, ballet and gymnastics are encouraged.

In both cases – stretching, strengthening and using low force strategies like the instance activator method

If the Metatarsus ductus is the cause – This involves the foot itself. Adjustments will concentrate on the bones of the foot and orthotics can be used if it continues past age 7.

Left untreated incorrect mechanics and foot movement can lead to more problems down the road. If you or your child are pigeon-toed it is important to consult a good podiatrist and or chiropractor to avoid damage later in life.

If you are in the Fort Myers, Florida area we invite you to make an appointment with the office of Dr. Jason Kaster, D.C.

Chiropractor | Nutritionist in Ft Myers, FL

Fort Myers Chiropractor, Dr. Jason B. KasterChiropractic care is a safe, alternative treatment when applied appropriately. Chiropractic treatments help in dealing with the symptoms of many conditions. Add to that, nutritional recommendations that can help your body heal itself. Are you going to wait for your symptoms to be felt, or are you going to prevent it as soon as possible?

Dr. Jason B. Kaster, a chiropractor in Fort Myers can help you and your family achieve their optimal health.