Natural Ways to Help Boost Your Immune System – Stave off Covid, Common Colds, and the Flu

Contrary to the news and commercial sponsors who constantly run “Flu season” ads, it is not  normal to get sick on a regular basis. If you are catching colds and viruses easily it means your body is run down and your immune system could use your help.

What your immune system does

Your immune system is an internal network of proteins and cells that have the sole job of fighting off foreign invaders (antigens). Your immune system builds up defenses more and more as it comes in contact with new germs, bacteria, and viral matter. Immunoglobulins are created to fight of the antigens.

Your immune system is comprised of mucous membranes, your tonsils, the spleen, all of your lymph nodes, the thymus gland, and your bone marrow. While tonsils for years were believed to be non-necessary it is known now that having your tonsils is helpful as they act as a filter for toxins. When very ill you may even produce what are known as tonsil stones (white globs of collected bacteria that can be removed carefully with a qtip from the tonsils in the back of your throat). When broken open you can clearly smell how foul the matter collected is and see why your body is trying to get rid of it.

Your immune system does weaken as you age, but most of the deterioration doesn’t begin till about age 60 unless other factors play into your health.

In a healthy person your immune system allows you to be in the presence of germs, viruses, and bacteria and not get sick from them. It is only when your defenses are down that your body ends up becoming ill.

How to boost your immune system the natural way with no side effects

While there is much debate right now as to whether or not vaccinations are good or bad, do or do not work, and even if they are dangerous to your health and wellbeing, the fact is that these natural immunity boosters do work with no worry of side effects.

WALKING DAILY – Those who walk at least 20 minutes per day 5 days a week had 43% fewer sick days than those who only walked 1 or 2 days per week.

CHIROPRACTIC ADJUSTMENTS – Chiropractic spinal adjustments support the nervous system and as a result all organs. This in turn boosts your natural immunity. So, get adjusted regularly and preventatively.

GET ADEQUATE SLEEP – Sleep is the time your body uses to restore itself. Without enough sleep we become tired, worn out, slower in thought, and sick more easily. So, if you are burning the candle at both ends – cool it and get some rest.

sleep is vital for health kaster chiropractic fort myers, florida

EAT HEALTHY FATS – Omega-3’s, Salmon, Chia seeds, avocados, olive oil, these all boost your body’s response to pathogens and help suppress inflammation and pain.

EAT WHOLE PLANT FOODS – Vegetables, seeds, nuts, fruits, and beans all have antioxidants that help decrease inflammation and restore gut health. Fruits and vegetables also help to shorten the length of the common cold!


EAT PROBIOTICS (OR FERMENTED FOODS) – Sauerkraut, yogurt, pickles, and kefir are great sources. You can also take a probiotic supplement if you don’t really love these food selections.

REMOVE ADDED SUGARS from your diet as much as possible. Sugar leads to obesity and obesity is a major factor in sickness. Your body is simply having to work too hard to carry the extra weight. Keep sugar to 5% or under of your daily caloric value.

EXERCISE – moderate exercise enhances immunity. So, get out there and move. Pick an activity you enjoy and do it regularly.

HYDRATE – Dehydration can negatively affect your health. It can make you more prone to illness and disease so drink lots of pure clean water and non-carbonated herbal teas and in moderation fresh juices. Steer clear of coffee, soda, and energy drinks as well as caffeinated teas – they are all dehydrating.

hydration and spinal health chiropractic fort myers dr kaster

FRESH AIR AND SUNSHINE – Your body needs sunlight. It helps to produce Vitamin D naturally. Go spend time outside every single day no matter the weather.

SUPPLEMENTS TO BOOST IMMUNITY – Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Zinc, Elderberry, Echinacea, Garlic. This powerhouse combination can help keep your guard up and your body healthy.

These lifestyle and diet choices can majorly impact your body’s ability to fight back against potential invaders. Wishing you a healthy happy Fall!


The Staff at Kaster Chiropractic and Associates of Fort Myers, Florida 


Ready to Feel Better – Call Kaster Chiropractic

Dr. Kaster Kaster Chiropractic fort myers

Chiropractic. It’s ALL Connected!

Dr. Kaster Kaster Chiropractic fort myersThe human body is an amazing and complicated machine. We take for granted the movements, range of motion, and strength we have because we are so used to what our bodies can do. We notice most when something hurts, becomes strained, or injured.

You may experience trauma or just sleep wrong one night and suddenly your neck or back hurts. You may feel a pulling sensation from one part of your body to another. For example, if you wake up with a headache and your neck hurts, it could be your neck, but it also could be your shoulders, back, hips, knees, or even all the way down to your ankles.

One misalignment, much like on your car and it can pull your whole alignment of the body out of whack. This is where chiropractic comes in. A gentle reset by readjusting the skeletal frame in its entirety and it will allow your body to heal by also realigning your musculature, ligaments, and tendons. When we are out of alignment, in the state of subluxations, pulling occurs. It can make you achy, sore, and even further injure the body through overcompensation over time.

Visiting your chiropractor regularly even when you feel ok is the key to keeping yourself well. An ounce of cure is worth a pound of prevention after all. It is less staining, time-consuming, and expensive in the long run to take care of yourself rather than having to seek out treatment when you present with pain or other symptoms.

At the Fort Myers Office of Kaster Chiropractic and Associates here in Florida, we enjoy building a lasting relationship with our patients. That way if you do experience a health emergency you don’t have to search hoping to find a good physician who is qualified, talented, and really cares.

Give us a call to schedule today. 239-332-2555. Visit to learn more about our services and our practice.

Flu or Cold? Try These Natural Health Boosters to Prevent and Treat

Dr Jason Kaster Fort Myers, Florida cold cough chiropractic

Dr Jason Kaster Fort Myers, Florida cold cough chiropracticNot Feeling Well? We have some natural suggestions. 

When we aren’t feeling our best, we will try anything to boost ourselves back up. But what really works and what is hype?

The fact is that for a common cold there is no medical answer. Colds are caused by viruses and though many people think running to the doctor for antibiotics is the answer, they only work for bacterial infections. By over taking antibiotics you are actually weakening your own immune system and damaging your digestive health.

Vitamin C – Vitamin C is an essential nutrient that supports your immune system. It is an antioxidant and helps increase the ability to absorb iron from food. It can be taken for a cold or to help prevent a cold. 2000 mg a day is a good level for trying to fight a cold. While it’s a water soluble vitamin, taking higher doses than can lead you to developing diarrhea, so be cautious.

Chiropractic Adjustments – If you are feeling run down, get adjusted before sickness sets in. It allows your nervous system to work at full capacity helping your entire body heal itself.

Oscillococcinum – Homeopathic Flu Relief – At the first sign of a possible cold take Oscillococciunum. This blend will stave off colds by boosting your immune system. It can be found at most grocery stores and pharmacies as well as online.

Zinc – Zinc provides support to muscle tissue and cell membranes. It is involved in repair and DNA function. It works well in conjunction with Vitamin C to help you heal.

Echinacea – Echinacea helps boost your immune system. It has the potential, according to studies, to cut the common cold duration by 58% if taken within the first day and a half of feeling cold like symptoms. Interestingly it can be used as a pain killer for dental issues if applied directly to the teeth and it can help lessen inflammation as well.

Elderberry – used to treat colds and flus it helps lower fever and boost immune system workings.

Ginseng Root – dependent on the type of ginseng you get it can be a relaxing agent (American Ginseng) or an invigorant (Asian Panax Ginseng). It is a potent antioxidant that helps reduce inflammation.

Ginger – Ginger can help quell nauseaIt is also beneficial to circulation. Anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative it reduced cellular distress in the body.

Vitamin D – Vitamin D helps your body process calcium and phosphorus so your bones stay strong. It can help boost your immune system and keep you healthy as well as help to fight off colds and flus.

Hot Liquids– Drinking hot liquids, even just hot water as they often do in China, works as an expectorant as well as a hydrant. It hydrates you and flushes out toxins helping you heal.

Honey – Honey (RAW) is a natural antibiotic. Taken daily can help your immune system stay strong. Local honey has also been known to help with allergies.

Garlic – Garlic is also a strong natural anti-biotic. Garlic oil works wonders on ear infections when applied directly into the ear canal and left to sit overnight.

The most effective answer that no one wants to hear is time, fluids, and plenty of rest.

We sincerely hope you feel better soon!

The office of Kaster Chiropractic



Treasure Your Health

ER visit chiropractic fort myers kaster

ER visit chiropractic fort myers kasterHealthcare has become so expensive in recent years that if you have your health, you are the new wealthy in America.

Health care costs have jumped over recent years to a point where most people cant afford it even with insurance. The average ER visit these days ranges from $3,000 to $5,000. Actual treatments are only done in emergency circumstances. Generally what you end up with is a referral  to follow up with your primary care doctor or a specialist. If you are a cash only patient who isn’t insured, it can climb even higher.

ER care is for emergencies. Ruptured spleens, burst appendix, broken legs, or needing stitches. Things you have no warning about and the onset needs to be dealt with.

Being proactive in your normal health care can make the world of difference in your overall health and wellness, though of course it may not preclude emergency situations it can for sure help you save a bunch on healthcare costs over the course of your life.

Masking symptoms can make you feel better, but it won’t help the cause. To fix the cause of any disease or illness you have to find the root cause and make corrections. The further along you are into the symptoms the more correction and time it often takes to get back on course.

One of the best proactive protective health care modalities is chiropractic. Chiropractic focuses on the spine and correction of subluxations (misalignments). Because the spine houses your nervous system inside of the spinal column it is vital for it to be in alignment. Each nerve is a pathway of communication outwards to every organ in the body including the brain.

When your spine becomes misaligned it can pinch off nerves hindering proper electrical signal. Do this long enough and the cut off organ begins not to work so well. Left in that state this is one way that disease can creep in.

Treating via chiropractic is a relatively inexpensive form of medical treatment. It is often covered by many insurance policies so be sure to check your coverage. Waiting and allowing your body to fall into disrepair can be extremely expensive as well as  painful and or debilitating.

Start today. Give the office of Kaster Chiropractic and Associates a call at 239-332-2555 or visit online to learn more about Dr. Jason Kaster, D.C. and our practice in Fort Myers, Florida.

Chiropractic – Great for All Ages!


babies-newborns-chiropractor-dr-jason-kaster-fort-myersThe sooner you start chiropractic adjustments the better off your child will be for life.

The experience of birthing is traumatic to the bodies of both mother and child. The pressure is immense and can result in twisting, pushing, or even pulling.

Not everyone is delivered easily. It is not difficult for the spine to be jarred out of alignment causing subluxations in both mother and baby.

Whatever condition you are born in is your start in life. It most certainly benefits you to have a straight aligned spine from the beginning.

Our Spinal column and the nerves are responsible for the function of every system and organ’s automatic and conscious reaction. When aligned this beautiful machine works perfectly. Putting a bend in the wires can slow or halt electrical impulses. This works much like stepping on a garden hose, the water won’t come out. It can lead to problems. If your baby is always crying and fussy, they may have a subluxation. They can’t communicate and are trying in the only way that they can to tell you something is wrong.

What Chiropractic Can Help Babies With

Adjustments can be made as soon as they are born. It is a great idea for all new children to see the family chiropractor as soon as possible. Here are some signs you may notice which signal that they could benefit from an adjustment:

Arching of the back – Babies natural shape is an adaptable flexible body position which allows them to hug tight to their mother. If your baby seems stiff or keeps arching, it may be a sign of pain or tension.

Avoid Future dental work – Dental tooth alignment problems can be avoided by taking your baby to see your chiropractor while their mouth is still soft and forming. They can adjust the roof and palate of the mouth allowing teeth to be guided in, straight.

Breast Feeding Trouble – If your baby is having trouble latching or can only tilt their head to one side an adjustment helps to increase the range of motion.

Colic – Often times an adjustment will help them feel better overall and ease the body’s tension and soothe them to stop crying. Though there is no known accepted medical cause chiropractic often helps.

Constipation / Diarrhea / Sick to the Stomach –  The ileocecal valve may need to be adjusted. If it is stuck open, these are the symptoms.

Tilted head – Restricted neck movement is indicated by a head tilt. This can also contribute to flat spots on the head. Seeing a Chiropractor should help unlock a full range of motion.

If you have a child in your family, we would love to meet you and get them on the best path to health throughout their life.

The Aftermath of a Car Accident – How to Cope


car-accident-fort-myers-dr-jason-kasterCar accidents are one of the most traumatic experiences you can have in life. That horrible feeling that time is slowed, the brace for impact, and finally that jarring body jolting slam as the collision happens… there is a moment of pause where everything just stands still… and then reality sets back in and you have to gather your thoughts and refocus… “Am I hurt?”

Immediately following an accident you will be asked if you would like to go to the hospital to be examined.

In Florida, you have 14 days to seek medical treatment for an accident from any and all sources. The claim must be started or you by law release your right to coverage under your insurance’s PIP (personal injury protection) as well as potentially your right to sue for damages.

Even a minor accident can throw your body out of alignment causing soft tissue damage. It’s in your best interest to go see your chiropractor as soon as possible.

Soft tissue injuries lead to pain, swelling, and inflammation. It is vital that they are properly treated to ensure the best healing circumstance possible and get you on the road to recovery.

Your health should be your number one concern in an accident. At the office of Dr. Jason Kaster, D.C. they specialize in auto accident recovery offering not only chiropractic but many alternative adjacent therapies such as decompression, ultrasound, and electro-stimulation as well as therapeutic massage services right in the office.

When you visit your chiropractor a claim will be initiated by your insurance carrier. You may also keep a journal and claim mileage to and from all medically related appointments for reimbursement. They will pay your doctor(s) directly in your name. This allows you to get the treatment you need with no upfront out of pocket cost.

PIP with no additional medical coverage selected in Florida is valued at $10,000.  If you have elected additional medical coverage that can be utilized as well. This can go a long way in getting you back to health. If medical bills exceed your allowed amounts you may want to consult with an auto injury attorney as well.

If you have been involved in an accident in Southwest, Florida please call 239-332-2555 or visit for more information or to schedule your appointment.

Did You Know That Orthotics Could Help You Avoid Joint Replacement?


orthoticsWhen many of us hear the word orthotics, foot pain comes to mind. The thing is, they are to help rebalance far more than just your feet. Your feet are your base. If not properly aligned the rest of your body ends up out of alignment.

The result of walking unevenly can be ankle pain, knee pain, hip issues, and back problems. When you have custom orthotics created for your daily footwear any misalignment is corrected. This saves the rest of your body wear and tear.  This realignment helps diminish or stop all together pain that was a result of bad alignment.

Billions of dollars are spent every year on surgeries. Knee and hip replacements alone came in at $6 billion in 2013 and it is estimated that a whopping 11 million will need either a hip or knee replaced by the year 2030.


Having Foot Levelers created for you can help correct posture, gate, and stance allowing your body to move more freely avoiding injury. This leads to less possibility of worn out body parts down the road, meaning you age minimizing any pain or injury and could eliminate a need for surgery. Orthotics are inexpensive, especially when compared to the major medical bills that come with surgery.

Orthotics efficiency has been backed by studies over the past 66 years proving that if you simply wear them in your shoes, they decrease back, neck, hip, knee, and even ankle pain.

When you get a new pair of Foot Levelers it is important to ease slowly into them. Your body may have been in its incorrect alignment for years now. It will not return overnight to proper. Start the first day wearing them for an hour. Remove and wear your shoes without them. The next day move the time up to 2 hours. Then 3 and so on until you are wearing them all day long.

You may be tempted to ignore that direction. Please for your own sake, don’t. The new alignment if forced all day at once in the start will leave you waking up with very sore legs, feet, and possibly the rest of your body as if you did a really strenuous workout. Aching isn’t the goal.

Most people remark they can feel an immediate difference in the way they stand and move and over a short period of time they are amazed at just how much better they feel overall.

If you have neck pain, back pain, hip pain, knee or ankle pain, please give us a call. Our office has a state of the art Foot Levelers foot scanner in-house. We can create a pair of corrective orthotics just for you.

Fort Myers Chiropractor, Dr. Jason B. KasterChiropractic care is a safe, alternative treatment when applied appropriately. Chiropractic treatments help in dealing with the symptoms of many conditions. Add to that, nutritional recommendations that can help your body heal itself. Are you going to wait for your symptoms to be felt, or are you going to prevent it as soon as possible?

Dr. Jason B. Kaster, a chiropractor in Fort Myers can help you and your family achieve their optimal health.


How Chiropractic Can Help Ankle Pain

ankle pain

ankle painChiropractic can help reduce ankle pain without prescribing medication which may come with unwanted side effects.

Daily life is made far more difficult when you suffer from ankle pain.

Ankle issues can easily limit mobility. Lack of mobility puts a damper on lifestyle as well.  No more cute high heels or dress shoes to go out in – you are stuck in flats if walking is an option at all.

Our ankles take on a lot of pressure every single day. They support the weight of our entire body. On top of that, you may add pressure from climbing stairs, walking, running, jumping, and carrying heavy objects. It is vital that your body be in proper alignment with your ankles correctly supported.

In the United States each year more than 25,000 people per year visit a doctor specifically for ankle related pain. Studies have shown that despite this, close to 40% of sprains are not diagnosed or treated correctly. This misdiagnosis can lead to improper treatment or no treatment at all, leaving the patient in chronic pain and even risking disability later on in life.

The standard treatment for a sprained ankle is Rest Ice Compression Elevation (R.I.C.E.) The newer more widely accepted version of the protocol replaces “Rest” With “Movement”, making the acronym now M.I.C.E. The movement portion of the protocol should be done with a qualified physical therapist.

Chiropractic has shown tremendous benefit in relieving ankle pain. Your Chiropractor will use the same methods for diagnosis as would your medical doctor. Once the exact cause is pinpointed a treatment can be recommended and started.

Severe ankle injuries such as breaks and tears may require pain medication and anti-inflammatories. X-ray and MRI imaging may be used in the diagnosis.

Chiropractic is highly effective and completely non-invasive. It allows a natural approach to healing allowing the body to mend itself over time. Regular adjustments can help to strengthen the ankle increasing stability and even range of motion. It helps facilitate blood flow and circulation speeding healing and recovery. Diet and exercise change recommendations may be made if additional weight is being put on your ankles as well.

As normal motion is restored to the joint the inflammation will subside. As the inflammation dissipates so will the associated pain.

While chiropractic isn’t an instant fix, over the course of a few appointments you should notice a significant improvement in the state of your ankle as well as your overall wellbeing.

If you would like to find relief from pain call us today. 239-332-2555. Now serving Fort Myers, Florida, and all surrounding areas.

Chiropractor & Nutritionist in Fort Myers, FL.

Fort Myers Chiropractor, Dr. Jason B. KasterChiropractic care is a safe, alternative treatment when applied appropriately. Chiropractic treatments help in dealing with the symptoms of many conditions. Are you going to wait for your symptoms to be felt, or are you going to prevent them before they start?

Dr. Jason B. Kaster, a chiropractor, and nutritionist in Fort Myers can help you and your family achieve their optimal health.

Is Osteoporosis Affecting Your Health?


OsteoporosisWhat is Osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a disease which causes the bones in the body to weaken and become brittle over time increasing the risk of fracture and breaks.

Bone is a living mesh of tissue, not just calcium.

Collagen plays a big role in how sturdy bone is constructed. When collagen and calcium are lacking, the bone becomes weak. Bone consistency regenerates itself by building new cells and releasing old ones.

As you age, bone becomes more brittle.

In the USA low bone mass affects more than half the population 55 and up.1 in 5 men and 1 in 3 women, ages 50 and older may at some point have a broken bone because of osteoporosis. 

Causes of bone weakening include Medication use, Adrenal Fatigue, metabolism imbalance, Vegan Diets, Copper deficiency,  Hyperparathyroidism, Eating Disorders,  Smoking, Excessive Alcohol use, family genetics, and a small bone frame.

How do you test for bone density?

The main reason someone would suspect Osteoporosis would be family history if they are not experiencing any symptoms. A bone density test may be given by your physician.

Physical Symptoms: Back pain (which can be caused by a fractured or collapsed vertebra), a stooped forward lean in your formerly straight posture, loss of height as you get older, and even breaking a bone without a super hard fall or impact.

Drug companies produce several pharmaceuticals which have been formulated to increase the density of bone. The problem is that they all come with the potential risk for side effects. Thinking about bone health while you are still young is the best possible protective measure.


Drop the Stress – Chronic stress can not only spoil your mood and mental health it can wreak havoc on your physical health. Be nice to yourself, rest, treat yourself occasionally, do what makes you feel joyful and relaxed.

– Eat a diet of fresh fruits, vegetables, and grass-fed meats. Avoid refined sugar, white flours, and processed foods. The soil much of our food is grown in these days has been severely depleted of the minerals we need. So much so that supplementing may be necessary. The best way to determine what you are missing is with Nutritional Response Testing. Magnesium, Calcium, Vitamin K2, Vitamin D3 and Strontium all have shown benefits to bone strength.

Lift – Strength training builds bone as well as muscle. Consult a personal trainer if you need a little direction to get started.

Use Essential Oils – Helichrysum and Cypress can be applied topically to areas can help with bone repair and healing if a break occurs or a weak spot is shown to exist.

Chiropractic Care – Keeping your bones in alignment on a regular basis helps the entire body function properly.

If you are in the Southwest Florida, Fort Myers area, Cape Coral, Naples, Estero, or Lehigh, please visit or call the office at 239-332-2555. 

Skincare, Naturally!


skincareYour skin is the largest organ in your body.

Just because it’s on the outside as wrapping doesn’t mean you don’t need to care for it just as you do the rest of you.

When we are young our skin is filled with collagen making it feel very elastic and well hydrated. That is what gives the youthful appearance. As we age, lifestyle and environmental factors, as well as genetics, begin to take a toll on our skin and in turn can age us visually.

60% water. That is the makeup of the human body. It only stands to reason that if you are dehydrated, much like a raisin – you start to shrivel or wrinkle. Your skin is filled with pores acting as a filter allowing you to rid your system of toxins and to sweat when necessary in order to cool down. Keeping your skin clean and moisturized play a vital role in caring for your body.

Directions to keep your skin its best, even as you age.

#1Hydration – Drinking water and staying away from sugary drinks and artificial sweeteners, as well as moderation in caffeinated beverages, is a great step.

#2 Eat a well-balanced diet.  Temporary supplementation of vitamins and minerals you are lacking can also prove to be very healing. Your skin is a reflection of how healthy you are on the inside.

#3 Cleansing the skin on a daily basis. There are a multitude of creams, soaps and cleansers on the market today and everyone has their own opinions on what works and what doesn’t. Choose a cleanser that is suited for your skin type whether it is oily, dry, combination or sensitive there are many quality products on the market. The more natural the better – many soaps and shampoos these days are made with the same ingredients as your floor cleaner so read the labels! A good rule of thumb is – if you trip over the words trying to pronounce them, chances are it’s not in your best interest to rub it on your body!

#4Toning – The purpose of a toner is to wash away any residual dirt or soap left from washing your face. A good toner, sometimes called an astringent, cleanses and shrinks your pours in a sense “toning” your skin.

#5 Exfoliating – Exfoliation helps your skin to shed the dead outer layer of cells through the use of scrubs, loofah sponges, bristle brushes and towards the more extreme – peels or laser.

#6 Moisturizing. Surface moisturizers are designed to add hydration from the outside of the body by applying a layer of viscous cream or lotion to be absorbed into the skin. Again, read your labels and see what it is you are rubbing on and soaking into your body. Just because it smells good doesn’t mean it’s good for you. This is a vital step.

#7 Sun protection.   It has been shown in recent studies that retinyl palmitate, an ingredient in most sunscreens, was shown to accelerate cancer in lab animals. The other problem with wearing a sunscreen all of the time you are outside is that exposure to the sun creates Vitamin D in our bodies which is vital for good health. Vitamin D plays a role in supporting healthy bones by proportioning the absorption of calcium, lowers your blood pressure, and is one of the most potent inhibitors of cancer cell growth! Additionally it helps to regulate your immune system so while sunburn is dangerous and repeated sunburns are extremely dangerous some sun on your skin is needed and very healthy for you. Use your best judgment. If you are going to be outside for an extended period of time cover up with hats and clothing, and if you choose to use a sunscreen make sure it does not contain retinyl palmitate.

#8 Quit Smoking – Smoking makes your skin dull and contributes to wrinkles giving you the appearance of advanced age.

#9 Reduce Stress Stress is a huge contributing factor to skin condition and appearance. We know its easy for us to tell you to eliminate stress, and not always so easy to put into practice. Don’t worry, we will give you some amazing tips in an upcoming article – so keep an eye out!

Caring for your skin doesn’t need to be a time-consuming hassle. Once you get your skin care products and regiment together, it becomes like second nature. And after all… aren’t you worth it?

Come in for a nutrition appointment and get your diet on track – it could boost not only the look and feel of your skin but your overall health as well.

Chiropractor & Nutritionist in Fort Myers, FL.

Fort Myers Chiropractor, Dr. Jason B. KasterChiropractic care is a safe, alternative treatment when applied appropriately. Chiropractic treatments help in dealing with the symptoms of many conditions. Are you going to wait for your symptoms to be felt, or are you going to prevent them before they start?

Dr. Jason B. Kaster, a chiropractor, and nutritionist in Fort Myers can help you and your family achieve their optimal health.