A Look at Sclerotherapy – Veins Vanish Nearly Instantly

west florida vein center dr mark zuzga

west florida vein center dr mark zuzgaSclerotherapy Laser Treatment is a state-of-the-art procedure intended to help eliminate unwanted painful spider veins and smaller varicose veins.

These visible veins result from damaged and broken-down valves. They form both due to age and related health and lifestyle issues. These damaged valves cause blood to flow backward causing pooling and stagnation. As the blood pools larger varicose veins can form as the vein stretches to hold the excess.

When a person with venous deficiency remains stationary for long periods of time, this can mean standing or sitting it can cause issues. Non movement can place extreme pressure on the veins in the lower legs. When varicose veins start to cause you distress, it is time to speak with a Dr. Mark Zuzga, D.O. a vein specialist at The West Florida Vein Center to discuss treatment options.

What Is Sclerotherapy?

Sclerotherapy is the most common forms of treatment when it comes to spider veins. The procedure involves injecting a salt solution directly into the damaged area. The solution irritates the lining of the vein, causing it to collapse. The lining of the now collapsing vein sticks together and the vein closes. The damaged vein then becomes scar tissue and fades away absorbing back into the body while rerouting the former blood flow.


Before the treatment begins, Dr. Zuzga,D.O. will examine you to determine if you are a good candidate.

It is advisable to stop taking certain medications before the procedure. Avoid ibuprofen or aspirin at least 48 to 72 hours before sclerotherapy. We will advise you on which specific medications to avoid before your treatment.

Please do not apply any lotion, perfume, powder, or cologne to your legs prior to treatment. You should drink plenty of water and bring compression socks to the office to wear aftertreatment. All other clothing should be comfortable and loose fitting.

The Procedure itself

The solution is injected into the patient’s vein directly using a very fine needle. The area is numbed before the needle being inserted. You may feel some discomfort or pressure while the solution is injected into the vein. That feeling could last for one to two minutes per vein. The number of veins injected during a single procedure depends on the location and size of the veins and the general health of the patient. The entire process often takes around 15 to 30 minutes to complete.

This procedure has been performed for many decades by doctors, dermatologists, and vein specialists. The procedure is performed in-office, and most people can go back to their usual activities following the process. However, you are advised not to do any aerobic or other strenuous exercises a few days after treatment.

Some patients experience side effects after treatment, such as itching, which may last for a few days. You may also experience redness or bruising at the injection site that should go away a few days after the procedure.

We Serve the Tampa Bay and Safety Harbor areas of Florida!

Ready to change your life?

Vein surgery can be life changing for many people and a huge boost of confidence. If you are ready to feel better and look your best we would love to see you in our office for a consultation. www.westfloridaveincenter.com 727-712-3233 to schedule with Dr. Mark Zuzga, D.O,

Chemoablation in Tampa Florida


chemoablationIf you are dealing with varicose veins you will want to see a qualified Vein Specialist for a proper diagnosis in order to know what your best options are for treatment.

When it has been determined that the traditional method of thermal ablation will not work for a patient, endogenous chemoablation becomes a consideration.

Sometimes referred to as ECA, Endovenous chemoablation is an outpatient procedure with no sedation required. How it works is that a chemical solution is injected into the damaged veins. That chemical destroys and breaks down the damaged veins allowing them to eventually reabsorb naturally into the body. The osmotic agent Hypertonic Saline has been used for decades to treat smaller varicose veins. It is now being used to treat larger veins as well.

The benefit of using chemoablation is that foam sclerosants give a visual mapped image allowing the doctor to stay the course easily with ultrasound guidance.

ECA is best utilized for veins that are inaccessible by laser or radiofrequency ablation.ECA is often the only option for patients who have formerly undergone vein stripping and still have areas where the vein is too gnarled and twisted to use heat ablation.

Let’s Talk Results

Treated veins begin to show fading within a few weeks though it may take a few months to see final results. Chemoablation can also improve related symptoms like aching, burning, cramping, swelling and more.

After Chemoablation

Get up, get active, and move. The more exercise you can do and the healthier you can eat – the better your results. Drink lots of water to keep your veins hydrated and the blood flow moving smoothly.

If you are interested in learning more we invite you to visit us online at www.tampacardio.com or call (813) 975-2800