Whiplash Assessment Following a Car Accident is Vital to Your Future Health

accident fort myers dr kaster

accident fort myers dr kasterDealing with the aftermath of an auto accident can be confusing and stressful.  Kaster Chiropractic’s staff are experienced and can help you navigate through the process to ensure you get the help and benefits you deserve.

Whiplash injuries occur when the head is jerked quickly back and forth hyper extending the muscles and ligaments in the neck.  Symptoms may not occur for a few days and are usually mild, but left untreated, whiplash injuries can result in long term pain and spinal injury.

Other auto accident injuries can include the spinal column being jarred out of alignment which cause mild to severe pain.  Injury to joins such as wrists, knees, shoulders, and ankles are also common in auto accidents and falls or other trauma.
At Kaster Chiropractic you are treated like family NOT a number or statistic.  Regardless of what attorney you have you 100% ability to choose where you get treated.  call (239)332-2555.
Request an Appointment

We will help you so you can heal

  • Get you in as soon as possible, usually that same day, for x-rays and treatments, helping you feel better faster.
  • Help you fill out the necessary paperwork for your insurance.
  • Send you to the appropriate specialist if your injuries warrant it.
  • Recommend an experienced and qualified attorney to ensure you are treated fairly by the insurance companies.

By removing stress from the hassle of dealing with the post-accident chaos you can focus on yourself, resting, and allowing your body to recuperate. This speeds the healing time and gives you peace of mind.

In need of care from a whiplash or auto accident injury? Kaster Chiropractic Associates provides excellent care in Fort Myers, Florida.

Call Kaster Chiropractic today for your appointment. 239-332-2555.


You Need to Visit Your Chiropractor after Any Accident, No Matter How Small

dr kaster fort myers chiropractor auto accident

dr kaster fort myers chiropractor auto accidentThe first question of every person ever in a car accident, no matter how minor, is of medical treatment.

There are many minor fender bender car accidents where you may think “I am fine, it was just a minor accident”. Any injuries you might have sustained may allow you to walk away from the scene of the accident feeling ok, but you have to remember that your body is currently sending out fight or flight hormones to keep you going and protect you. The next couple of days following the accident you begin to feel the impact.

In Florida you have only 14 days under PIP (Personal Injury Protection) coverage on your auto insurance to initiate medical treatment. If it is not started within that range your bills become your own and must come out of pocket. Auto accidents are covered under your insurance policy’s PIP.

Even if you have walked away from an accident, you may notice soreness or pain in your back, neck, ribs, chest, and even knee, ankle, arm, shoulder, or wrists.

Do not speak with any insurance personnel regarding your physical state before you are evaluated. Wrong wording or just casually off handedly saying “I feel ok” or “I am fine” can affect a future settlement decision.

Visiting your chiropractor for an exam and adjustment following an accident can save you pain in the future. No matter how low of a speed you may have been going, even a slow impact at 10mph can throw you out of alignment causing soft tissue damage.

In the days following the accident you may notice:

  • Headaches
  • Neck Pain
  • Shoulder Pain
  • Low Back Pain
  • Dizziness
  • Concussion
  • Throbbing sensations
  • Sciatica
  • Confused/Foggy feelings
  • Burning
  • Knee Pain
  • Radicular pain

These conditions can be treated naturally with chiropractic and other manual treatments such as ice/heat, electrical stimulation, decompression, and massage.

Kaster Chiropractic’s staff is happy to take care of all the paperwork pertaining to their treatment on your behalf. If you have been involved in an accident don’t wait.

The time to get treatment is now.


Chiropractor/Nutritionist in Ft Myers, FL

Chiropractic care is a safe, alternative treatment when applied appropriately. Chiropractic treatments help in dealing with the symptoms of many conditions.

Are you going to wait for your symptoms to be felt, or are you going to prevent it as soon as possible?

Kaster Chiropractic is a chiropractic office in Fort Myers. Call today to create optimal health for you and your family.

      SCHEDULE NOW!   239-332-2555    

I Was in a Car Crash. Do I Have Whiplash?

whiplash car accident fort myers dr kaster

whiplash car accident fort myers dr kasterAre you experiencing whiplash symptoms following a car accident? If so, the sooner you seek treatment, the better your outcome is likely to be. Whiplash injuries can last for years so do not wait.

Whiplash is a neck injury that occurs in people who are a subjected to a sudden acceleration-deceleration force resulting in an unrestrained, rapid movement of the head and neck, which is propelled forward and backward within a split second.

This type of injury usually happens during auto accidents, but there are other possible scenarios that might result in it.

The bones and soft tissues around the neck can potentially be damaged during this type of incident. This may reflect on the physical body in the form of chronic pains with varying degrees of severity.

The good news is whiplash is not a life-threatening injury. The only problem is, if not treated early enough, there might be both physical and economic consequences on the person affected. Here are a few critical facts you need to know about whiplash.

  1. Speeds less than 5mph may be enough to cause a whiplash.

According to a research conducted on low-speed rear impact, it was concluded that one does not need to move at high speed for a whiplash to occur. The results from the test showed that even at a speed of 2.5 mph, 29% of people involved in car accidents can still develop symptoms related to whiplash.

  1. Pain isn’t the only symptom

Most people suffering from whiplash will complain about neck pain, shoulder pain, fatigue, headache, jaw pain, dizziness, visual disturbance and back pain.

In severe cases, the patient may end up depressed, frustrated, anxious and stressed. Because of the chronic pain, certain individuals may become dependent on drugs.

  1. Rest may make you feel worse

After a whiplash incident, you may think that resting for a few days might relieve the pain. Research suggests otherwise. By allowing your affected neck muscles and soft tissues to rest, they may stiffen, which can only result in a slower healing process.

The best would be to return your usual daily activities even if you still feel moderate pain. Many studies have shown that the earlier you get back to your daily activities, the quicker you are going to heal. However, if the pain is severe, please consult your doctor immediately.

  1. X-rays may not reveal a fracture.

A powerful rear-end collision that occurs in a car moving at a high speed can potentially result in the fracture of the bones in the neck. Nevertheless, most cases of whiplashes are usually negative for fractures when x-rayed. Because there is no sign of any physical injury, insurance companies may be reluctant to cover your medical bills for a pain that only you claim exist.

However, a common finding that is usually associated with whiplash is the straightening of the cervical curve. This is usually caused by muscle spasm resulting from the shock from the rear-end collision and may explain the pain. Depending on the circumstances, the straightening of the cervical curve may be enough for you to request for an insurance coverage.

  1. Whiplash can be caused by more than auto accidents.

Even though usually associated to car crashes, whiplashes can occur in other incidents including falling or slipping. Extreme sports that require the participants to perform acrobatic movement can potentially cause a whiplash. Even people involved in activities like soccer, basketball and boxing can end up with a whiplash.

  1. Chiropractic care CAN help.

Chiropractors have the necessary expertise to treat many of the injuries associated with the spinal cord.
During your visit, a thorough examination will be performed and if necessary, you will be requested to take an x-ray or any other scan to see through the neck. After the diagnosis, the chiropractor will provide treatment for both the injured vertebrae and the soft tissues around the neck. He will also make recommendations on what you can do to ease the pain when at home or at work.

Treatment can last anywhere from a few weeks to a few months depending on the severity of injury, and in the State of Florida your PIP coverage will cover medical expenses, including chiropractic and certain types of massage, up to $10,000.

Remember, it’s a bad idea to suffer through the pain hoping that it will eventually go away on its own. The best is to see a highly trained professional that can assist you. If you or anyone you know is suffering from whiplash trauma, please call Dr. Kester’s office today for a consultation.

Dr. Kaster works in conjunction with other physicians and professionals in the community who treat and serve auto accident patients. As a Chiropractor, he is trained to treat joint, muscle and ligament injuries, and thus well-qualified to manage the victims of auto accidents. His primary role is to keep the facet joints mobilized, enhance optimal healing by treating muscles and ligaments, and reducing the likelihood of permanent pain.
