Stress Can Cause Misalignments and Poor Health, Even Leading to Disease


stress-misalignments-chiropractic-fort-myers-dr-kasterStress can cause you to have a lowered immune response which can lead to colds, flu, and illness.

Stress has a very tangible effect on your entire body, on your emotions, and on your mind. While small amounts of stress can be healthy and even a motivating factor, ongoing constant states of stress put your body into an unnatural version of the fight or flight response and can cause a world of problems.

When it comes to the world of chiropractic there are three kinds of stress that affect the skeletal system influencing alignment. They are the main reasons most basic components of human health.


Body chemistry affects muscle tone. When muscles tighten, the tension can pull on the bones that they are attached. This can cause misalignments.

Some of the most common causes of chemical imbalance or chemical stress include nutrient deficiencies (calcium, magnesium, potassium, and so on) smoking, alcohol, caffeine, processed foods, and other toxins.

Nutrients affect muscles by allowing them to relax. When your body has a lack of nutrients, quickly follows is the inability to allow the muscles to relax. Chemical toxins such as processed foods, smoke, alcohol, and VOCs can affect muscles by irritating the nerves. When we eat processed food, the body reacts to the food as it is a toxin. Because of this the nerves in the stomach send signals to the brain releasing stress hormones that cause a change in muscle tonicity. All of this affects the way our body is aligned.


When any physical stress occurs, bones can be shifted out of alignment due to impact, tension, or physical force. Strangely, although physical stress is the most well-known of the three, it is actually the least common cause of misalignments.



Emotional stress is one of the most common reasons that the body ends up misaligned. Financial stress, job stress, political climate stress, family stress, and health-related stress just to name a few. These stress sources can cause us to subconsciously tighten our muscles, raise our shoulders, release cortisol, and remain on high alert physically. It causes an increase in tension and pulls on the skeletal frame.

Stress: The Outcome

Most misalignments are due to a combination of all three stress categories above. The unfortunate thing is that most people don’t go see the chiropractor until they feel pain. Pain is your body’s last form of defense when it comes to correcting itself.

Chiropractic care can be used preventatively. Getting adjusted regularly can stop a person from reaching pain and needing more frequent treatments. Signs that you could have a misalignment can include loss of range of movement, a pinching feeling, changes in body function, tight muscles, a decrease in body function, headaches, and random aches and pains. Also frequent colds are a sign of misalignments as they can prevent your nervous system from working full force.

It is important to regularly get checked by your chiropractor to make sure these three stressors are kept in check. If you have any questions about how these stressors can directly affect the way you are feeling, feel free to give us a call at 239-332-2555


Chronic Depression & Heart Disease


chronic-depression-heart-diseaseIf you’ve ever experienced depression you understand that it can sometimes feel like you have a broken or heavy heart. 

Research has shown both that heart disease can cause depression and that depression can cause heart disease. The answer is yes, chronic ongoing depression can lead to physical heart problems.

Things to consider:

  • Depression is the leading cause of disability throughout the entire world.
  • 1 in 3 Americans will die from heart disease.
  • 1 in 20 adults in America experiences major depression each year.
  • 1 in 3 heart attack survivors experiences major depression each year.
  • Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States.
  • People with a history of depression are 4 times more likely to experience a heart attack within 14 years than those who have no history of depression.
  • Heart disease patients with depression are 4 times more likely to die within 6 months than those without depression.

After reading the above statistics regarding heart disease and depression, it is obvious that heart disease and depression are related, though how and why they are related is a much more complex issue. Let’s begin by examining the potential ways in which depression can lead to heart disease. Have you ever heard the phrase “stress kills”? While this statement may seem a little overly dramatic, it does have a lot of basis in medical facts. When a person is stressed out, the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline are released and the sympathetic nervous system is activated, oftentimes referred to as a person’s “fight or flight” response. When a person is depressed, it often results in a chronically elevated level of these hormones, a situation that can have detrimental effects on the heart over time.

On the other hand, depression has been known to occur as a result of heart disease. In one recent study, nearly half of all patients examined a week following a major heart disease surgery showed beginning signs of clinical depression. But why is this? While the relationship between heart disease and depression is still under study, one possible answer is that patients who have recently undergone major heart surgery tend to feel slow and sluggish, finding it difficult to get back into their regular routines. If their regular routines have been threatened by heart disease or they must change their lifestyles drastically in order to adjust to new health concerns, they will understandably start to feel a sense of discouragement and hopelessness.

In addition, heart disease patients with depression often do not receive the correct medical treatment in order to address both issues simultaneously. This can in part be due to the actions of the patient directly, as depression can make it difficult for people to remember to take care of themselves, and patients may forget to take their medications or simply not feel the motivation to do so. Similarly, they may also lack the motivation and energy to keep their follow-up appointments even simply. Furthermore, many cardiologists and primary care doctors simply don’t have the experience with or exposure to patients with mental illness the way psychiatrists and psychologists do and may not be able to properly recognize when a patient is experiencing depression. For this reason, heart disease patients with depression often get overlooked for their depression and are not effectively treated for it the way a patient seeking treatment for mental illness specifically would.

While there are still a lot of unknowns regarding the relationship between depression and heart disease, both conditions can be effectively treated with proper recognition and monitoring. For compassionate cardiologists who care about the overall health of their patients and not just medical issues addressed by them specifically, contact the Tampa Cardiovascular Associates by calling (813) 975-2800 today.

Our physicians are always here for you and are happy to address any concerns you have related to your heart health or to refer you to a qualified mental health specialist. WWW.TAMPACARDIO.COM. 

Anxiety and Heart Disease

chest pain anxiety heart disease tampa cardio

chest pain anxiety heart disease tampa cardioAnxiety disorders affect 40 million adults in the USA. 

Anxiety can make your body feel like you are having a heart attack. Chest based feelings of butterflies to sharp pains are not uncommon. 

Anxiety is not healthy in the short term but long term it can cause you to become ill emotionally and physically. Chronic anxiety can raise your risk for heart issues.

While small amounts of stress are healthy and even motivating, feeling worried or anxious now and then is normal. It’s when it becomes chronic that it may pose a negative threat to your wellbeing.

Generalized anxiety disorder is defined by at least 6 months of excessive worrying or feeling anxious about unrelated events. Approximately 5% of adults meet the criteria for this disorder. The incidence is higher, coming in at 11% among those with coronary artery disease and 13% of those with heart failure.

It has not been established whether anxiety sets off heart disease or vice versa. It is known that chronic anxiety can change the way the body reacts to stress. This happens via hormones and physiological reactions meant to keep us safe – known as the flight or fight response.

If your fight or flight response is constantly engaged it can lead to heart issues as well as adrenal burn out which may, in turn, cause other endocrine system issues.

Anxiety can present the same symptoms as a heart attack

A panic attack is so very similar in feel to a heart attack people often mistake them. Upon a trip to the ER, you will receive a diagnosis of non-cardiac chest pain. As many as 1 in 3 people will experience this in their lifetime.

What can you do?

The best answer medical professionals have found so far is a combination of medication and talk therapy. A cognitive-behavioral therapist will help you identify unwanted thoughts and establish what is anxiety-based and what is something that genuinely needs to be looked at and considered.

Medications work as a temporary bandaid to allow you to get through tough anxiety-filled times while working through the root cause with a therapist or on your own using tools such as automatic writing, meditation, yoga, or other relaxation healing based activities.

Never ignore chest pain. It is far better to be safe than sorry. If you are in the Tampa Florida area and looking for a cardiologist we invite you to check out the physicians at Tampa Cardiovascular Associates. 813-975-2800.

Florida’s No-fault Automobile Insurance Laws


Florida-no-fault-accident-pip-kaster-fort-myersIn years since 2012, all drivers licensed in Florida have been required to carry what is known as PIP coverage. That stands for Personal Injury Protection.

This much-needed rider allows you to get the medical help you may need following an accident regardless of fault or if the other party has auto insurance.

Unlike some other states, there are time constraints within which you are able to seek treatment for accident-related injuries.

In Florida, you have just two weeks (14 days) after an accident to start treatment.  If you do visit a doctor’s office or emergency clinic during this time frame you automatically lose your ability to use your PIP coverage. 

If you are not taken by ambulance from the accident scene please follow up with your doctor and your chiropractor as soon as possible.

Every policy issued in Florida carries the full $10,000 worth of PIP coverage, even though, in some situations, you may only be entitled to $2500, a reduced benefit. To access the full amount you must receive a determination of emergency medical condition. Many insurance companies will argue with you that you do not have a serious condition. Restrictions have been unjustly placed which discriminate against chiropractic physicians. because of this, we have to refer you out to another health care provider simply to get that determination on file.

If your auto insurer stops payment after $2500 for the $10,000 in benefits for which you pay a premium for, you may continue to obtain treatment with our office under a letter of protection if you are represented by a lawyer and are filing a claim for recovery against the at-fault driver.

DID YOU KNOW?: You can install our mobile app on your smartphone! With just a push of a button, we will know you need medical assistance and get you in as soon as possible.

If you are in an accident – don’t worry about the specifics right away. Call our office at 239-332-2555 and come in for a post-accident evaluation, treatment plan, and adjustments. Let’s get you on the road to health and we will file all the paperwork for you.

For More Information on PIP Laws in Florida:

The Florida Office of Insurance Regulation can assist you if you experience a problem or have a complaint. You can submit a complaint online by going to their consumer services website at

Chiropractor | Nutritionist in Ft Myers, FL.

Fort Myers Chiropractor, Dr. Jason B. KasterChiropractic care is a safe, alternative treatment when applied appropriately. Chiropractic treatments help in dealing with the symptoms of many conditions. Are you going to wait for your symptoms to be felt, or are you going to prevent it as soon as possible?

Dr. Jason B. Kaster, a chiropractor, and nutritionist in Fort Myers can help you and your family achieve their optimal health.

Anxiety and Heart Disease – Is There a Connection?



Anxiety attacks and heart attacks are often misdiagnosed by the person having them. They feel very similar and are both terrifying.

If you have experienced an anxiety attack you know that it is based in your heart center. You feel it in your chest often in the form of butterflies and even heart palpitations. You may even have an elevated heart rate level during times of raised anxiety and trouble breathing normally.

Anxiety is not healthy, especially on an ongoing basis. Stress can make you physically sick as well as emotionally. When chronic, anxiety can increase your risk for heart issues.

While normal types and amounts of stress are healthy and motivating, being anxious now and then is normal. If it becomes chronic that it may pose a negative threat to your wellbeing.

40 Million people in the USA experience anxiety yearly. Generalized anxiety disorder is defined by at least 6 months of excessive worrying or feeling anxious about unrelated events. Approximately 5% of adults meet the criteria for this disorder. The incidence is higher, coming in at 11% among those with coronary artery disease and 13% of those with heart failure.

It has not been established whether anxiety sets off heart disease or vice versa. It is known that chronic anxiety can change the way the body reacts to stress. This happens via hormones and physiological reactions meant to keep us safe – known as the flight or fight response.

If your fight or flight response is constantly engaged it can lead to heart issues as well as adrenal burn out which may, in turn, cause other endocrine system issues.

Confusing Anxiety for a Heart Attack

A panic attack is so very similar in feel to a heart attack people often mistake them. Upon a trip to the ER, you will receive a diagnosis of non-cardiac chest pain. As many as 1 in 3 people will experience this in their lifetime.

What Can You Do?

The best answer medical professionals have found so far is a combination of medication and talk therapy. A cognitive behavioral therapist will help you identify unwanted thoughts and establish what is anxiety based and what is something that genuinely needs to be looked at and considered.

Medications work as a temporary bandaid to allow you to get through tough anxiety-filled times while working through the root cause with a therapist or on your own using tools such as automatic writing, meditation, yoga, or other relaxation healing based activities.

The best advice is never to ignore chest pain of unknown source. It is far better to be safe than sorry. If you are in the Tampa Florida area and looking for a cardiologist we invite you to check out the physicians at Tampa Cardiovascular Associates. 813-975-2800.

Update! Sleeping with the TV on Can Disturb Circadian Rythems and Lead to Health Issues


sleep-with-tv-onMany people leave the television on for noise as they go to sleep, but the question becomes, is this bad for our health?

It’s a common practice and most don’t ever think twice about it. The problem is when your tv is left on, even quietly, in a room where you are trying to sleep it interrupts your ability to get to the level of REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep. This is the deep sleep where your brain and body are able to regenerate and heal.

The exposure to the blue high-frequency Calvin scale light readings that the RGB output of a tv screen produce is a nonnatural daylight effect which can mess with your circadian rhythms and natural ability to fall asleep and stay asleep. One recent study found that exposure to nonnatural light cycles may have other health consequences besides insomnia including increased risk for depression and anxiety.

The other issue with the tv playing while you are sleeping is that during sleep even though your mind is “turned off” and you are sleeping, your subconscious still hears and takes in everything. They don’t call TV “Programming” for nothing. Your subconscious is literally being programmed. While you may be perfectly able to monitor what you watch while awake, show after the show comes on without you being able to change the channel while you are snoozing. This leaves a wide window open for shows containing violence, anger, sadness, remorse, anxiety, loud startling noises that could actually wake you anyway. These emotions can carry over into your own life and feel like they belong to you when in reality its nothing more than “programming”.

Many that sleep with the TV on becoming dependent on it to go to sleep creating bad sleep habits. Try other bedtime behaviors such as meditation, reading, journaling, or simply clearing your mind. Try a sleep mask to block out all light, and earplugs to get rid of the sound. Sensory deprivation is great for sleep.

It may take some time but you might be happily surprised once you make the adjustment at how much more rested you feel when you wake up and just how easily you are able to drift off once you get used to it.

If you have problems relaxing enough to go to sleep try natural sleep aids such as lavender, valerian, vervain, or melatonin. All are sold over the counter at any health food store and many grocery stores as well. can help you sleep naturally with regular chiropractic adjustments, dietary changes, and supplementation. Give them a call today to schedule 239-332-2555.

Anxiety, Depression, Inability to deal with life – The Broken Brain

broken brain

It is the #1 cause of disability and affects 1.1 billion people.

This is the epidemic of broken brains. 

Depression, Autism, Traumatic Brain Injury, Anxiety, ADD, Stress, ADHD, Foggy Thinking, and just a general Inability to Cope with Life… You CAN be healed… Brain disorders are real.. JOIN US to learn the secrets for creating your best brain health ever.

They may all seem like separate problems, but all stem from a root cause that often goes undiagnosed and the medical community covers it up with symptom masking drugs.

This series will be shown for FREE starting January 17th.

TO sign up to WATCH the trailer and the series for FREE go here —->

What is Cardiovascular Disease?

Cardiovascular disease

Cardiovascular disease is an illness of the blood vessels and the heart itself.  Heart disease can present in many different forms.

Cardiovascular disease can consist of:

Heart Failure (Congestive heart failure) While this doesn’t mean the heart stops beating it is a scary phrase to hear from your doctor. It means that the blood isn’t able to pump as well as it should. The heart has to keep working harder and harder to meet the body’s blood and oxygen needs. It can get progressively worse if left untreated. 

Heart Valve Problems (Stenosis) – The heart valves don’t open and close enough to allow proper blood flow. This is particularly dangerous to the health of your heart and your overall wellbeing.

Arrhythmia – the Abnormal beating of the heart. It can beat too slowly, too fast or off rhythm. Arrhythmia can affect how efficiently the heart is able to work. It can cause palpitations and lead to stress and adrenal fatigue as well as other health problems such as anxiety.

Atherosclerosis -Atherosclerosis is a condition where plaque develops and builds up inside of the artery walls. It makes the passageways more narrow and blood flow becomes constricted. It makes it far more difficult for your heart muscle to be productive and wears it down over time.

When your heart function fully or properly it can leave you feeling exhausted, weak, and often dealing with chest pains. If left untreated cardiovascular disease often leads to heart attacks and or strokes in patients.

If you are in or near the Tampa, Florida area we would love to work with you to get your health on track and you on your way to the best most productive healthy life you can live. Give Tampa Cardiovascular Associates a call today at 813-975-2800 or visit us online at

Relieve Anxiety Naturally

Do you have anxiety but are reluctant to medicate due to the enormous list of possible side effects? We don’t blame you one bit!

Anxiety can be triggered by just about any stressor in life. Sometimes the source isn’t able to be pinpointed. That is what is classified as generalized anxiety disorder. It is often treated with either antidepressants and benzodiazepines. While both can have a calming effect, once the dose wears off, the anxiety almost always returns.

The medical community would have you buy into the idea that the only answer to anxiety can be found in pharmaceuticals. That simply is not the truth.

Anxiety is a complex emotion. It can stem from worry, stress and emotional issues. But what if your life is just fine, or at least at what you feel is a normal stress level where you really feel like you shouldn’t be having this issue? Can anxiety be triggered by an imbalance physically?

Yes – anxiety can be triggered by certain deficiencies. Let’s take a gander at what your body might be craving if you are feeling overly anxious or having panic attacks seemingly out of nowhere.

Tryptophan – An essential amino acid. It converts in the body to a compound known as 5-HTP, which then is turned in to Serotonin. Serotonin regulates appetite, sleep, mood and overall a feeling of well-being.

Vitamin D – If you aren’t getting your dose of sunshine daily you are likely in need of supplementation either through food or supplemental sources. Those who live in four season climates can fall prey to SAD (Seasonal Affected Disorder), a mood disorder caused by lack of sun and resulting Vitamin D.

Magnesium – Magnesium helps to regulate the release of stress hormones. It plays a part in hundreds of biochemical reactions and is a vital nutrient.

Vitamin B-Complex – When you are under stress it can deplete your Vitamin B resources leading to mood problems, tiredness, and anxiety.

Calcium – Lack of calcium can have a large impact on both physical and mental health. Shaking, heart palpitations, anxiety, and mood issues all can be attributed to a calcium deficiency in the body.

Adrenal Fatigue. If your adrenal glands have been working over time they may need a boost as well. This can be achieved through proper diet and supplementation as well and results are noticeable rather quickly.

If you are experiencing anxiety, depression, mood swings, or fatigue before reaching for a prescription bottle to try and mask the feelings you are having, come in and talk with us. Let us do Nutritional Response Testing on you and allow your body to tell us what it’s missing and what it needs to be complete, healthy and happy again.

Give our office a call at 239-947-1177 or visit to learn more or schedule.