Spider Vein Myths – Busted

spider vein

spider veinWe were amazed to find just how much misinformation is floating around out there on the world wide web. No wonder everyone is so confused. Allow us to clarify.

Myth #1: Only overweight people get spider veins.

While weight may be a risk factor for developing spider veins, being overweight alone does not guarantee that you’ll develop them. They’re more often the result of genetics, hormone changes, aging, and other factors.

Myth #2: You can only get spider veins on your legs.

Totally false. While they’re more common on the legs and ankles, spider veins can also develop on your face. Spider veins appear as tiny wiggly lines of red, blue, or purple blood vessels. Individuals with fair skin who don’t take steps to protect themselves from the sun’s harmful ultra-violet rays can develop spider veins on their cheeks.

Myth #3: Topical creams that contain high doses of Vitamin K can help reduce the appearance of spider veins.

It’s true that without Vitamin K, our blood would have trouble coagulating and uncontrolled bleeding could occur. Vitamin K is also an important nutrient for heart health. But while Vitamin K has been used over the years to treat bruising and to reduce rosacea, there’s no scientific evidence to suggest that it improves vein health when applied topically.

Myth #4: Drinking ginger tea with honey or diluted cayenne pepper in hot water are two natural, effective treatments for getting rid of spider veins.

Some home remedy or homeopathic websites suggest that ginger can help improve circulation and dissolve proteins that build up in damaged veins. Others suggest cayenne pepper is rich in bioflavonoids, which can increase blood circulation and ease the pain associated with swollen veins. However, neither cure-all carries much weight, and there’s no scientific evidence to suggest that either alternative approach works.

Myth #5: “I don’t need to see a doctor for spider veins because they’re not like varicose veins. They’re just a sign of old age.”

When the skin above spider veins grows tender and warm to the touch, or when veins become painful or bleed, it’s time to see a vein specialist. Spider veins can be associated with other more-serious conditions, such as skin ulcers or phlebitis, the inflammation of a vein caused by a blood clot.

For more myths and half-truths about vein health check out the article five common myths about varicose veins as well as common spider vein myths.

Get the truth about varicose veins, spider veins, and treatment options from the trusted professionals at West Florida Vein Center, a division of Surgical Associates of West Florida. To request a consultation or for more information, visit www.westfloridaveincenter.com or call 727-712-3233.

Are You Covering Up Your Leg Veins?

spider veins

spider veinsSpider and varicose veins in your legs are unsightly and can feel embarrassing to some.

It may be tempting to simply try and hide them. Makeup, wearing long pants, avoiding beaches and the pool for fear of putting on a bathing suit – these can hamper your ability to really enjoy life.

Avoidance may work but all it is doing is covering up the root problem: Venous insufficiency. It isn’t simply a cosmetic issue. Veins, once damaged, if left untreated can spread and become worse over time leading to bigger problems such as achiness, leg, ankle and foot pain, swelling and edema, skin issues and even ulcers on the legs.


If you begin to have veins that are visible it is advisable to seek the advice of a Vein Specialist. Going through offices such as weknowveins.com where they offer FREE online screenings can give you peace of mind and some professional knowledgeable advice as to your current state and the very best medical recommendations for your health now and in the future.


Treatment options are numerous and with the advances that have been made in vein care, you no longer simply have to live with embarrassing or painful veins. Diagnostics are simple, quick and pain-free. The solutions are all outpatient procedures with very minimal recovery times. The majority of those who undergo treatment remark that they wish they had done it sooner.


To get started go to www.eveinscreening.com for a confidential FREE Vein Screening right online. Dr. Joseph Magnant is a board certified vascular surgeon and Dr. Nero is a board certified general surgeon. They have dedicated their lives to this surgical practice with the singular focus on the treatment of venous insufficiency. 239-694-VEIN (8346) to schedule an in-person appointment.

Does Growing Older Have to Mean Varicose Veins?

As we age maintenance is key. Eating a healthy balanced diet and keeping yourself in shape as well as living a healthy lifestyle can all help to keep your body functioning at its fullest. When blood flow is fluid and your veins are all working properly, no spider or varicose veins will be present. It is fully possible to live to a ripe old age and never have a vein issue at all.

While it may seem fairly normal to relate varicose and spider veins with aging, the truth is that though age-based vein issues have more to do with genetics and health than to do with your numerical age in years.

In both spider and varicose veins, it is the weakening of the walls that causes the visible pooling and bulging. Once damage has occurred in order to get back to health they do need to be surgically or chemically repaired. Damaged veins left untreated can lead to leg pain, achiness, swelling, and pain. Over time it can lead to hard to heal leg ulcerations.

What comes into play in the formation of venous insufficiency:

Gender – Birth control pill use, pregnancy, menopause, and puberty – that is a lot of hormonal changes for a body to go through over the years. It can become a contributing factor.

Family History – 50% of all of those who develop vein issues have other family members who also have it as well.

Leg Trauma – injury to an area of the leg can damage veins leading to wearing down of the vein wall cells and over time may cause venous insufficiency.

Weight – additional pressure on the veins can cause issues. Keeping your weight in check is important for your circulatory health.

Regardless of age or contributing factors, the sooner you see a Vein Specialist talk about options when it comes to restoring your vein health the better the outcome is likely to be. If you have vein issues currently, don’t wait. Give West Florida Vein Center a call today by dialing 727-712-3233 or visiting www.westfloridaveincenter.com.

Varicose Veins & Obesity

Varicose Veins

Could being overweight contribute to venous issues and deficiency leading to varicose veins? Yes.


The heavier you are, the greater the pressure put on your body, veins and circulatory system included. Over time, the large leg veins will start to bulge causing blood to pool. The pooling can stretch the vein walls and damage the valves. This may start off feeling like a slightly itchy feeling and move on to leg heaviness, aching, swelling and pain. Restless legs at night and cramps may also be experienced.

Varicose veins can also develop due to genetics, hormone fluctuations from pregnancy or birth control, medications, ageing, blood clots or sitting or standing for extended repeated periods of time.

Is it too late?

It is never too late to take steps to get yourself going on the road to better health. Losing weight can prevent already existing varicose veins from worsening and new ones from forming. It cannot, however, reverse the current already appearing varicose veins.

The Key is prevention

  • Balanced diet and exercise are vital
  • Massage
  • Elevating your legs daily
  • Wearing compression hose

Varicose veins already forming?

If varicose or spider veins are already present come see us at The West Florida Vein Center. There is no reason to live with the pain and unsightliness damaged veins present. We will screen you thoroughly and present you with the best course of treatment options available. Our Vein Specialists are the best in the industry.

For more information on vein issues please contact West Florida Vein Center, Tampa’s leading vein treatment center, for a consultation. They can be reached by calling 727-712-3233 or going to www.westfloridaveincenter.com

Want Vein Treatment but not sure insurance will cover it?

Many patients are reluctant to go see physicians, especially Vein Specialists, because of the fear of cost. It is automatically assumed by most that this is a vanity treatment and there is no way insurance would foot the bill. This is not always the case. In fact, this is not the case most of the time. Depending on the severity of your venous insufficiency your treatment, so long as not considered simply cosmetic will likely be covered.

While it’s true that spider veins generally are not covered, varicose veins are almost always considered a medical necessity. 

If the veins on your legs have enlarged bulging veins that appear purplish or blue in color and your legs feel heavy, painful, itchy, or swollen it is guaranteed that you are experiencing venous insufficiency.

Treatments for varicose veins have advanced throughout the years and are now outpatient procedures that generally take about an hour or so (though multiple sessions may be needed in certain cases). There is no need to live in pain. 

An ultrasound of the veins can be done in the office to show which veins have become defective, to demonstrate medical necessity and to plan treatment. All insurance plans require a venous ultrasound before they will approve treatment of varicose veins. Vein treatments can then be scheduled. To begin the process give us a call and set up an appointment for a vein screening. 

If you have further questions or are experiencing symptoms that you would like to have addressed, we invite you to give us a call today at 727-712-3233 and Let The West Florida Vein Center Vein Specialists help. Call for a consultation. www.westfloridaveincenter.com

Do you suffer from Pelvic Congestion Syndrome?

Pelvic congestion syndrome

Pelvic congestion syndromePelvic Congestion Syndrome is experienced as a heaviness and or pain in the lower back and abdominal area. It is caused by varicose veins in the region of the pelvis. Since these damaged veins are deep in the abdomen and are not visible from the skin, it can be difficult to come to a diagnosis. This is due to the fact that there are many causes for pelvic pain in women, especially during the childbearing age when menstruation occurs. Pelvic Congestion Syndrome can be misdiagnosed as endometriosis, fibroids, and other diseases.

It can be difficult to diagnose due to the fact that the veins damaged in PCS are deep veins and non-visible. They occur mainly in younger women of childbearing age. It is often mistaken for fibroids, endometriosis, and other diseases.

Diagnosed or not the pain and discomfort can become so severe that it affects the woman’s daily life. That is why at Tampa Cardiovascular Associates, they are adamant about a correct diagnosis as swiftly as possible and getting started on the resultant treatment.

The doctors at Tampa Cardio are highly trained in embolization. Embolization is a simple procedure that can get rid of those painful pelvic varicose veins.

There is no need to continue to suffer. Come talk with us and we can advise you on the treatment options for you and your condition. Our team of experienced doctors brings a high level of knowledge on the topic of varicose veins. We know the pain that our patients go through and we want to take that pain away. We care about each and every patient and are focused on providing the absolute best care possible.

If you live in the Tampa bay area and are considering vein treatment, please call Tampa Cardiovascular Associates at 813-975-2800 or schedule an evaluation through our online form.

Reversal of Gravity for Vein issues


Have you heard of Inversion therapy?

Inversion therapy has been touted to help with a wide array of ailments including:

  1. Headaches
  2. Sciatic Nerve Issues
  3. Fibromyalgia
  4. Back Pain
  5. Boosts immune system
  6. Improved heart function
  7. Alleviates varicose vein pain
  8. Sinus pressure
  9. Improves posture and flexibility
  10. Reduces stress
  11. Strengthens ligaments
  12. Better sleep
  13. Reduces signs of aging
  14. Strengthening bones
  15. Improves circulation and can help with varicose veins
  16. Helps to maintain height as we age

Inversion therapy has been around since 400 BC. It consists of putting your body into a position where your head is lower than your heart. Originally patients were hung upside down from ladder rungs in the best interest of their health. Inverted positions are said to reverse the effects of gravity.

Modern day inversion therapy is not all that different despite the more updated apparatuses such as inversion tables, gravity boots, inversion chairs and hammock suspensions.

Start out with just 1 to 2 minutes upside down and go from there based on how you feel.

While inversion is not a replacement for varicose vein treatment, it may offer some limited relief. inversion can help your heart to clear the blood from your feet, legs and lower body. This allows for easier circulation which can assist in draining the blood from varicose veins where it may be otherwise pooling.

To get the best medical advice and form a customized treatment plan for your vein issues please go to EVeinScreening.com for a FREE vein evaluation!

Spider Veins: Anyone Can Get Them

Anyone can get spider veins, but why can anyone get them? There are many reasons why a person of any age or gender, can get spider veins.

So, what are spider veins?

Spider veins, also known as telangiectasias or sunburst varicosities, are small, thin veins that lie close to the surface of the skin. These veins are connected to the  larger venous system, but are not an essential part of it. Spider veins are small, do not bulge, and are less likely to cause pain or turn into a vein disorder.

There are a few ways a person can form spider veins. Spider veins emerge from increase pressure on the veins. Common reasons spider veins develop are due to heredity, pregnancy, hormonal shifts, weight gain, prolonged sitting or standing, and certain medications. All of these things listed cause pressure on the veins.  With age, it becomes even easier for these veins to emerge, because the venous walls are weaker.

For those who have a genetic history of these veins in their family, there is a good chance they will develop the unsightly, fine veins despite any and all preventative efforts.

Since they won’t harm you, you can live normally with these veins; however, many people hate the sight of them and seek out treatment. Sclerotherapy sessions help the veins appear lighter; two or more sessions are usually needed. For those who have spider veins, they will most likely come back, and be a life-long battle. The body continues to produce them. Vein treatments for spider veins only treat currently visible spider veins, they do not prevent future occurrences.

Overall, don’t fret! For the most part, these type of veins aren’t a health risk for a young person, just blueish, purple branch-like patterns on the body. If you’re tired of seeing them on your body, Dr. Zuzga of West Florida Vein Center can treat them for you. To schedule an appointment with the vein doctor, call 727-712-3233 or click here.

5 Herbs for Healthy Circulation


Diabetes, damaged veins, and heart conditions can all benefit from a healthy diet infused with herbs that help with circulation. Peripheral arterial disease tends to be caused by lifestyle choices such as obesity, smoking, and lack of exercise. If you or someone you know has this condition or any venous insufficiency, herbs can be a wonderful way to increase blood flow throughout the body. Some people have circulation problems such as Reynaud’s disease that can benefit from home remedy

Healthy circulation uses home remedies such as herbs and vitamins to support its system. Of course, if you decide to take herbs to help with your condition, please consult with your doctor. Medicine interactions can occur and it is best to be safe before taking herbs by getting your doctor’s okay.

Important herbs for circulation:

  • Parsley: this common herb can be found in many dishes. It helps to open up the arteries and veins for better circulation
  • Cayenne Pepper: the heat of this herb is its dominant trait. Its ability to help blood flow is why it is a common herb found in circulatory supplements.
  • Ginger Root: in addition to this herb calming the stomach and digestive track, it also helps to open up blood vessels.
  • Horse Chestnut: it is important that you are aware that it is deadly to eat this herb raw. It is poisonous. It is safe to take in a processed form when an ingredient in supplements, though.
  • Prickly Ash: a stimulant, it is recommended for rheumatism, impurities of the blood, those with Raynaud’s disease. Great for digestion and circulation issues.

The herbs above all help increase circulation, however, if you have vein problems you need to consult with a vein doctor. Dr. Joseph Magnant of Vein Specialists is an expert in venous insufficiency and circulation problems. To schedule a consultation, please call 239-694-VEIN or online at WeKnowVeins.com.