Is it a Stye?


styeWhat IS a stye?

A Stye is an eye infection.  A stye can form when a single oil gland on the edge of your eyelid becomes infected with a staph bacterium originating inside of the nose. The eye can become infected when you scratch or pick your nose and then inadvertently touch your eye.

Do you need to see a doctor for a stye?

Most of the time a stye will heal on its own, but if you do not see improvement after 7 or 8 days, make an appointment to go visit your eye doctor. They can prescribe an antibiotic ointment to help prevent reoccurrences.

Redness, pain, and swelling are well-known markers of a stye infection as well as the telltale white bump. This is sometimes accompanied by a swollen eyelid or entire eye. While they are contagious, infecting others is unlikely unless you share pillows, bedsheets, washcloths or towels with others. It is best to keep all of them separate and washed often.

Styes pop up seemingly out of nowhere overnight. One day your eye is clear and healthy and the next, irritated, red and swollen. Though a stye won’t impair your vision, it is uncomfortable and aggravating. It may also make you extra sensitive to light and feel like you have something in your eye that you cannot get out.

It may look very much like a pimple with a white head, but unlike a pimple, it is not advisable to try and pop. – Attempting to pop will cause more pain and will thwart healing. It is not constructed like a pimple and no amount of pressure will push the infection out, you may end up rupturing it and spreading the bacterium and making the situation worse.  Instead, apply hot compresses to get it to come out by itself. 10 -15 minutes at a time keeping your eye closed 3-4 times a day will work the stye to the surface and out of your eye over the course of several days.

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Nova Oculus To Expand Internationally

Nova Oculus To Expand Internationally

Nova Oculus Partners, the company with plans to bring to market its pioneering medical device for the treatment of Age-Related Macular Degeneration, is now going “international.”

With the creation of Nova Oculus Partners International, the company is developing strategies to license its device and patented micro-current therapy in Japan, Australia, Britain and the European Union, Argentina, Colombia and Cuba. Nova Oculus Partners will receive 15 percent of the gross revenue from any licensing agreement signed through Nova Oculus Partners International into those countries.

The Nova Oculus device is already engaged in clinical patient trials in Canada, and regulatory approval for full market commercialization in that country is expected by mid-2017. Some preliminary testing has also been done in Mexico.

Currently, the development of the Nova Oculus device is focused on securing the necessary international certifications that are required before various government-sanctioned regulatory approvals can be granted. Mass production of the device by the company’s manufacturing partner is slated to begin in the spring of 2017. Company officials expect that once certification for the device from the International Organization of Standards is granted, regulatory approval in Canada is achieved, and CE Mark approval for the European market is given, gaining access to other international markets will follow.

It is estimated that more than 26 million people in Britain, the EU, Japan and Australia are afflicted with AMD. As many as three-quarters of a million of those could be treated by the Nova Oculus device in the first year alone. After five years, that number could be as high as 3.75 million patients. According to the company’s calculations, a potential market of that size could conservatively represent $245 million in revenue from treatments and equipment leases in the first year. After five years, that figure could be as high as $500 million.

These figures do not include the numbers from Canada, the U.S., or elsewhere.

About Nova Oculus:

Nova Oculus Partners, LLC was formed to develop, manufacture, and lease to medical professionals an electrotherapeutic medical device to treat visual disease, providing a pulsed micro-current output delivered to the retina by way of a closed eyelid. This treatment method can help mitigate the effects of age-related macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy.

The Nova Oculus company’s pulsed micro-current therapy represents a new, non-invasive treatment for all forms of macular degeneration. The device output signal is structured to provide a range and pattern of frequencies to stimulate the desired physiologic response at the retinal level. This low current has been shown by studies to stimulate the production of the active transport enzyme, adenosine triphosphate (“ATP”), which facilitates the movement of nutrition from the blood to the cell.

According to recent studies, this treatment improves permeability of the blood vessel membranes and cells, allows better oxygen and nutrition delivery to the cells, metabolism, and removal of by-products from the cells. Through these mechanisms, pulsed micro-current therapy improves retinal pigment epithelium (“RPE”) efficiency and in so doing may restore and/or improve retinal function.

Nova Oculus Partners Revolutionize AMD Treatment

If you are looking to invest in a company that has the forward vision in the field of ophthalmology, Nova Oculus Partners is the key. Their innovative team has revolutionized the treatment of age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

Age-related macular degeneration affects millions of Americans. This eye condition clouds the central vision making it very difficult to do everyday tasks such as drive a car, read a book, or watch television. Contrast and colors can be affected as well. AMD causes deterioration of the central vision over time. It is the number one cause of legal blindness in adults over the age of 50 years old. Nova Oculus Partners developed this new system to help those who suffer from AMD improve their vision and slow the progression of the disease.

The treatment only takes one hour, so it can easily be performed in a physician’s office. The patient wears a special type of goggles that delivers low-level microcurrents to targeted points on the outer eye. Eyes are closed during the treatment and the currents stimulate four specific points on the eyelids. This microcurrent encourages the exchange of nutrition through the membranes of the eye, assisting in the transfer of oxygen and nutrients. It is a non-invasive treatment to help the patient’s retinal function. The medical device will be leased to medical professionals in order for them to treat their patients.

Nova Oculus Partners’ new technology is revolutionary in the optical field. This technology still needs to complete a regulatory approval process with the Federal Drug Administration. It will be the future for treating people who suffer from AMD.

Please read more about Nova Oculus Partners on our website, or feel free to call us for more information. 760-292-2812 or visit our website. We are located at 74-900 Highway 111, Suite 127, Indian Wells, California 92210.

Nova Oculus Partners Develop Revolutionary Technology

Try to imagine how it feels to look at your phone and not see anything but a dark spot in the center of it? This is what it is like to live with age-related macular degeneration. It affects all aspects of life from driving a car to the store to reading the newspaper or dialing a phone number. These everyday tasks that most people perform without issues are very difficult for anyone suffering from age-related macular degeneration. Nova Oculus Partners has developed a revolutionary new technology that could potentially slow the progression of the condition and improve patient vision.

Age-related macular degeneration is a caused by a thinning of the macula which covers the retina and the hardening of blood vessels and capillaries leading to the center of the eye. It does not happen overnight. This is a condition that worsens over time. This disease of the eyes impairs the patient’s central vision and can even affect how the eye registers contrasts and colors.

The innovative team at Nova Oculus Partners has developed an effective non-invasive treatment for dry age-related macular degeneration. It is a simple procedure performed by the patient’s physician in which the patient wears a special type of headset that facilitates the delivery of a low level micro-current to specific points on the outer eye. With the eyes closed, the machine targets spots on and around the eye that stimulate a response at the retinal level. The result is an increase in blood flow and oxygen to the eye’s cells. This, in turn, encourages more nutrition to be exchanged through the membranes in the eye. A procedure takes about an hour to complete.

While the technology still needs to complete the regulatory approval process with the FDA, it is expected to be the future of treating patients with dry AMD. They are located at 74-900 Highway 111, Suite 127, Indian Wells, California 92210. Read more about our exciting new technology on our website or contact us at (760) 292-2812 for more information.