Cough Remedies for That Cough That Just Lingers

cough florida dr kaster

cough florida dr kasterThis year seems to be “Year of the Cough”. Many of us, despite the rising temperatures, have this lingering nagging cough, that simply refuses to leave. What can you do about it?

For many weeks now there have been reporting in the state of Florida of irritating cough that simply lingers. Coughing helps to clear the throat of irritants and phlegm. It can also be a symptom of allergies, bacterial infection, or a virus. There is a lot of air pollution in Florida right now and that is not helping.

If you still have a productive cough (coughing up phlegm) after more than two weeks you need to pay attention as it could be a bacterial infection. Bacterial infections may require treatment. Bacterial infections can be treated with medications as well as IV fluids in order to rehydrate. On the flip side, upper respiratory infections are viral. They have to run their course naturally.

There are several natural ways in which you can help your body fight off invaders.

Take a look at the best cough helpers.

Fluids – Be sure to drink plenty of liquids. Hydration is vital as your body works to fight off a virus or bacteria. Your condition should begin to improve. If it does not, or if it gets worse, you develop a fever, or cough up blood please seek medical help.

– Mix 2 teaspoons of honey with herbal non-caffeinated tea, lemon, and warm water.  The honey is soothing while the lemon can help as a decongestant. Honey is a natural antibiotic.

Peppermint – Peppermint acts as a decongestant, a throat soother, and helps to break down and eliminate mucus. Peppermint also holds antibiotic properties.

Probiotics – Probiotics will help support your immune system function and calm sensitivities to allergens like pollen while balancing your internal flora.

Thyme – This household herb helps relieve cough and aids in healing bronchitis. It can help to relax the muscles in the throat while soothing and relieving inflammation. To make some thyme tea: add 2 teaspoons of crushed thyme to 1 cup of boiling water, allow it to steep for 10 minutes, cool a bit, and drink. You may strain it, but it will not hurt to drink the thyme itself.

Bromelain – That’s right, grab some pineapple or head to the health food store for a supplement. Bromelain can help suppress cough and loosen that mucus in your throat. (Do not take if you are already on antibiotics or blood thinners).

Chiropractic Adjustments – Surprisingly chiropractic adjustments can help you fight off a cough as well. When your body is fully in alignment your nervous system is able to fully revitalize all organs as intended. This can help your body heal more quickly and keep your immunity high so you do not catch every cold and cough that comes through.

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Chiropractic – A Great Choice for Back Pain


back-pain-fort-myers-dr-kasterBack pain makes life unbearable. It affects the very core of your body making each movement strained.

It makes daily life much more difficult and wears you out in a hurry.

Many patients seek help initially from their regular General Practice Medical Doctor. The most common treatments applied are medications such as pain killers and muscle relaxers combined with at home recommendations for exercise and occasionally a directive to do physical therapy.

While medications may offer some relief, they do not fix the underlying problem and they do carry the risk of abuse and addiction as well as a wide variety of side effects.

The better more permanent solution is found in Chiropractic care. Millions use chiropractic to stay free of pain and in good shape throughout life. It is also a great choice to help alleviate or prevent back issues.

How Chiropractic Can Help Ease Back Pain

  • The AMA agrees that chiropractic care is effective in handling acute pain.
  • Chiropractic patients are less likely to use or even abuse medications helping to fight the war of opioid addictions we have in the USA today.
  • Chiropractic can help prevent future back pain. It returns balance to the body rather than just treating symptoms.
  • Chiropractic is less expensive than traditional medical care and is often covered by insurance.
  • Adjustments can help you to avoid needing back surgery. Chiropractic should be the first line of treatment advancing only to surgical methods when all else fails.
  • Chiropractic is a full body approach. The focus is on whole body wellness. This leads to better health overall.
  • Chiropractors will often work hand in hand with massage therapists who, once you are aligned again, can help get your muscles, tendons, and ligaments to loosen up and release pain as well.

Almost 80% of adults deal with back pain in some form during their lifetime. This common health care issue produces roughly $240 billion dollars a year for doctors and medications.

You do not have to suffer from back pain. See your chiropractor today. If you are in the Southwest Florida area come visit our office. 239-332-2555.

The Opioid Epidemic and How to Heal Naturally with Chiropractic Instead


opioidLiving in pain can make life unbearable.

It is no shock that so many patients become addicted to prescribed opioid pain killers. Taking pain killers initiates a vicious cycle where the pain is gone and you feel ok too as soon as it wears off you are right back to square one again and relying on pills to be able to navigate life.

Florida has a huge prescription drugs problem. By the CDC’s latest numbers as many as 1 in 4 patients who are prescribed opioids for long term care will have to deal with addiction. Thousands are being treated yearly in Florida’s emergency rooms for abusing their prescriptions.

Just in the past 20 years, deaths involving prescription opioid medications have quadrupled.

It isn’t just an addiction that needs to be focused on. There is the fact that these drugs do nothing to heal you. Numbing a pain may convince the patient that they are healing or that the problem is less severe in nature than it really is.

Chiropractic and other non-drug approaches to pain management can be the first line against pain and addiction caused by the saturation of the body by prescription opioid pain medications. Growing research validates the effectiveness of chiropractic, leading many respected health care organizations to recommend chiropractic for pain relief.

The American College of Physicians updated the guidelines for the treatment of acute and chronic low back pain to recommend chiropractic first before resorting to drug therapies.

The American Chiropractic Association (ACA) encourages patients to utilize non-drug related therapies first before resorting to the use of prescription drugs to help alleviate pain.

Even the CDC Center for Disease Control has announced guidelines for prescribing opioids that also promote non-drug alternatives for the treatment of chronic pain.

You do not have to live in pain or constantly rely on prescription medication to try to normalize again. We invite you to come to see us at the office of Dr. Jason Kaster, D.C. right here in Fort Myers, Florida. Let us get you back on track to health and eliminate pain, naturally – by allowing your body a chance to really heal.

Call the office of Dr. Jason Kaster, D.C. in Fort Myers, Fl. 239-332-2555 or visit him online at to learn more.

Why You Should See Your Chiropractor Following a Car Accident


car-accident-fort-myersWhat to do following an accident:

Call the police and file a report

Get the other party’s information and insurance card

– Remaining calm can help reduce the inflammatory reaction

Go to the ER to get checked out for any broken bones or internal injuries

– Ice any areas you feel pain in for 10 – 15 minutes at a time repeating every couple of hours.

– Take Turmeric, Bromelain, or Papain to help with inflammation and pain. Though it OTC remedies like Tylenol or Alleve do work well, they can also slow healing.

– Use Arnica Montana – A homeopathic made from arnica flowers for bruising and muscle soreness. It can be taken orally or applied topically.

– Rest

– Expect delayed onset muscle soreness. Much like going to the gym and working out really hard, over the next few days you will very likely feel sore. It will pass, just be easy on yourself in the meantime.

See your chiropractor ASAP – Following the ER Visit getting in to see your chiropractor is vital. You have 14 days in the state of Florida to seek medical help.

Seeing a chiropractor as soon as possible enables your body to heal as quickly and easily as possible while minimizing damage. A thorough exam will be performed as well as X-rays. If they feel you need an immediate adjustment they will do that as well as set the course of treatment going forward.

Even in the event of a minor accident, the curvatures in the spine can be straightened. This is especially true of the neck and cervical spine. The soft tissues may heal but without realignment, the spinal curvature remains straightened. This may cause osteoarthritis and degenerative joint disease as you age.

When you are involved in an accident the two parties that show up on the scene when you call 911 are the police and the ambulance. It is important to get checked if you feel any pain or discomfort, first for broken bones, potential internal injuries, cuts, and bruises, or contusions. The EMT’s and the emergency room are great for this. What many overlook are that there are even more likely, due to impact, possible misalignments now in your musculoskeletal system. This is sometimes referred to as soft tissue damage and misalignment issues.

In the 24 hour period following an accident, your body can be in a state of shock. Your system is trying to protect you by producing dopamine and other chemicals in the brain. This is so that you can still function post-trauma to be able to get yourself out o the situation that has or is injuring you. Because of this, you may not feel the damages inflicted. Pain and soreness often don’t set it till the next day.

Car accident pain can occur anywhere in the body. The most common injuries are neck injuries because of the way we are strapped to our vehicles. Though we are held in tight by the body, our heads have to be able to stay mobile. When a vehicle is hit, the neck is whipped one way then back the other way. This is known as Hyperflexion-hyperextension. These injuries can majorly affect the soft tissues in the neck as well as the joint capsules and intervertebral discs.

The result is often whiplash

Whiplash symptoms:

  • Neck pain and soreness
  • Shoulder pain and soreness
  • Arm pain
  • Numbness
  • Dizziness
  • Inflammation
  • Jaw issues
  • Anxiety
  • Nausea
  • Back pain
  • Depression
  • Lightheadedness
  • Foggy thinking

If you have been in an accident or know someone who has – though the sooner the better on treatment, there is no time limit where you can heal. Even older injuries can be helped through chiropractic care.

Give us a call 

239-332-2555 or