Chronic Back Pain Help from Chiropractic Care

One of the most often asked questions we get from patients with lower back pain is “how long do you think it could be before I feel better?”

That’s a very fair question. Healing and becoming pain free are the ultimate outcome here after all. For acute low back pain 2 to 4 weeks is standard. This encompasses 6 to 12 sessions in that time frame.

The initial treatment is the passive phase. Adjustments are done and the patient remains at rest using ice, heat, ultrasound, traction, and massage. The patient is not given any exercises at this point to strengthen the back muscles.

The second part of the treatment is what is known as the active phase. Exercises are added in at home to increase function and strength. This helps get you back to your daily life. Muscle supports the spine so the more muscle you have the better your spine and adjustments will hold in place.

Most patients with acute back pain (sudden onset) have symptoms that resolve in the first 4 weeks. Some patients though do go on to the level of chronic back pain lasting more than 12 weeks. If that is the case, you may have reached a healing plateau.

If the pain is mild to severe a patient may still need 1-6 visits for an episode. Rarely patients need ongoing care of 1 to 4 visits per month.

Generally back pain will subside over time with treatment. We have had great success over the years with our patients here in Fort Myers, Florida.

Living with chronic low back pain is a challenge, but chiropractors want to stress to patients that self-therapy is an important part of pain management. This can include rehabilitation and range-of-motion exercises.

Make sure to communicate all of your symptoms as well as what you are doing at home to help when you meet with your Chiropractor. That way you will get the best most effective care possible.

Give the office a call to schedule your visit. 239-332-2555. Visit: to learn more!

Chiropractic| Nutrition in Ft Myers, FL.

Fort Myers Chiropractor, Dr. Jason B. KasterChiropractic care is a safe, alternative treatment when applied appropriately. Chiropractic treatments help in dealing with the symptoms of many conditions. Are you going to wait for your symptoms to be felt, or are you going to prevent it as soon as possible?

Kaster Chiropractic and Associates – Chiropractic and nutrition in Fort Myers can help you and your family achieve their optimal health.

Can Your Heart Benefit from Using a Sauna Regularly?

sauna heart health

sauna heart healthDry vs. Wet Saunas – Are they good for you and can they help your heart?

The DRY SAUNA:. Dry saunas produce a heavy deep sweat which has a cleansing effect on the body by flushing out toxins and impurities, clearing the glands and the pours. This can be beneficial to your skin, but also for stress relief, relaxation, sooth asthma, soothing aching muscles, and even psoriasis, but did you know that spending time regularly in a sauna can help your cardiovascular health and lower the risk of dementia and even Alzheimer’s Disease?

That’s right! It has been shown to reduce the risk of sudden cardiac death, heart disease, and even cardiovascular disease. It has also been shown to help those with chronic fatigue, chronic pain, allergic rhinitis, and obstructive pulmonary disease.

Sauna use has also been shown to help boost athletic performance.

The STEAM ROOM: Steam rooms create a moist environment for you to sit in. Humidity produces different results than the dry sauna. It can be used to loosen stiff muscles and joints, break up congestion inside of your lungs and sinuses, and help improve circulation.

The INFARRED SAUNA: The heat produced is a direct result of infrared lamps.  Because they are a lower temperature (about 120 to 140) you can stay in them longer than a regular dry sauna. Infrared offers all the benefits of a dry sauna plus additional healing, weight loss and pain relief.

They even make personal at home saunas if you don’t care to share one at the gym!

No matter which sauna you choose make sure you stay hydrated. Bring a cold bottle of water in with you. Make sure that you are getting your trace minerals as well because you sweat them out.

Start with a shorter session and work your way up. Do not drink alcohol before or right after a sauna session.

What has your sauna experience been? Do you use them regularly? Let us know!

Doing the sauna weekly or even daily is great for the health of your heart!



Conquering Edema

Edema West Florida Vein Center

Edema West Florida Vein CenterEdema is painful and unsightly.

Venous induced edema can cause chronic swelling in the ankles, legs, and even in your feet.  Edema is often a sign that you have an underlying issue such as venous insufficiency (vein disease). It could also be a lymph node or kidney issue.

Having varicose veins increased the chance of water retention. Extra fluid increases the pressure of your blood flowing through the veins systemically. When this is allowed to continue, that pressure and water builds up causing swelling and edema.

Edema is painful and should be addressed as soon as possible with a Vein Specialist such as Dr. Mark Zuzga, D.O. at the West Florida Vein Center of Safety Harbor, Florida.

While there is no substitute for a professional consultation and medical advice, we wanted to give you a few things that you can do at home.

Wearing compression stockings during the day can help keep your vein walls supported and strong.

Regular exercise can help promote blood flow.

Raising / elevating your legs can help reduce pressure and ease the job your heart has to pump blood throughout the body, thus alleviating pressure on your leg veins and reducing swelling and pain.

Ice therapy – use cool ice packs on your legs at night and if possible, during the day for 15 to 20 minutes to help keep inflammation in check.

Keep Hydrated – The less water you have in your body the harder it is for your heart to work properly. Chronic dehydration can lead to vein problems.

Eat a low salt diet – Salt retains water and can make edema worse.

Travel or working – take breaks and stand up and walk around as often as you can.

If you are noticing pain, swelling, edema, varicose veins, or other leg pain related issues we cordially invite you to come in to West Florida Vein Center and do an evaluation with Dr. Zuzga, D.O. 727-712-3233.

Do You Feel Like You Are Aging Before Your Time?

Renovovita cellular anti aging

Renovovita cellular anti agingTime is a strange thing. When we are young we look forward to the big 10. From there its 16, the age where we can drive by ourselves and feel freedom. At 18 you can join the military and are legally an adult and at 21, in most states, you can legally purchase alcohol. Most of us cannot wait to be 21. From there some kind of weird reversal happens!

Many people as we advance start to lie about their age. Though of course in your 20’s you’re certainly are not looking old. Especially to those of us who are older, you still look like children, but even those as early as 28 and 29 start dropping years and stating younger ages than they are in order to capture and maintain youth because it is so prized in our society.

It is insane to think people are getting Botox and fillers in their late 20’s and 30’s but it is happening. If you are worried about looking old before your time here are a few pointers from those who have made it through and are still living active youthful lives many envy.

  1. Get some sun ( just don’t over do it… sun burns damage) the sunshine itself is actually healing.
  2. Hydration. Drink lots of good pure non tap water..
  3. Movement – the old adage “if you don’t use it you lose it” as it turns out is very true. Exercise.
  4. Say what you are thinking. Never stifle who you are for anyone. It isn’t healthy.
  5. Healthy Diet. Natural whole foods. Avoid processed foods in excess.
  6. Supplement with the right ingredients that support the body in daily cellular renewal fighting off ageing and deterioration of the body.
  7. Get massages, chiropractic, and body work done. You only get one body so take care of it.
  8. Stay away from taking prescription drugs and if you must take them do detoxes often. They are very hard on the body and can age you faster than just about anything out side of genetics.
  9. Make friends. Take the time to nourish friendships and family connections. They feed the soul.

RenovoVita has specially formulated our products to enhance your life experience from within. Happiness, success, enjoyment of life – all start with feeling your best. If you are ready to experience a new level of cellular joy from within, allowing your body to work properly and nourish itself in turn allowing you to live the most optimistic healthy existence possible – you need to experience the RenovoVita difference.

Visit to learn more and jumpstart your life today.

FDA & Legal Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Cardiovascular System Basics with the West Florida Vein Center of Safety Harbor, Florida


A Look at the Cardiovascular System

At The West Florida Vein Center of Safety Harbor | Tampa Bay, Florida, we understand that the majority of our patients are not physicians themselves and have only a basic layman’s understanding of the vascular system. While this is generally enough information, as a person ages or their vein health becomes an issue, there may come a time when treatment at a vein center by a licensed vascular specialist becomes necessary.

For those who become vein patients, a certain level of understanding of the cardiovascular system becomes crucial in understanding and addressing what is going on in their own bodies.

We have included a basic easy to follow introduction to the vascular system in this article. This guide is simply intended to introduce some of the vocabulary words your doctor will likely be using with you, ensuring that their directions and recommendations are clear.

The circulatory system is made up of a series of blood vessels designed to carry blood, oxygen, and nutrients delivering them throughout the body. Waste products your body doesn’t need is picked up at the same time throughout the tissues and carried to the correct locations for disposal.

The types of Blood vessels and what they do

  • Capillaries are extremely numerous and tiny blood vessels located between the veins and arteries. The main purpose of capillaries is to assist both the arteries and the veins as they perform their functions. Capillaries distribute the oxygenated blood from the arteries out into the cells, and then collect the waste and distribute it back into the veins.
  • Veins are medium-sized vessels that perform an extremely important function in the circulatory system. It is the job of the body’s veins to pump blood from throughout the body’s tissues back to the heart, expanding as they collect waste.
  • Arteries are the largest, fewest, and most vital vessels within the human body. The purpose of arteries is to carry oxygen-rich blood pumped directly out of the heart and distribute it throughout all other tissues. The body’s major arteries are quite large but break down into smaller and smaller branches in order to be able to reach all of the body’s organs.

It’s easy to see how vital this system is. Other important bodily systems – the respiratory, digestive, and urinary systems, as well as the body’s ability to regulate its own temperature – would not be able to function without nearly constant interaction from the vascular system. Because the pumping action in the vascular system must constantly battle with the force of gravity, the body’s arteries, veins, and capillaries must work very hard, and they are highly sensitive to problems and issues.

While you may understand the vascular system a little better after reading this, unless you are a physician you will most likely not be able to self-diagnose or treat any venous conditions that come up. Without a properly functioning system of blood vessels to distribute oxygen and eliminate waste, the body would simply fail.

To learn more about the vascular system and the importance of your vascular health, please get in touch with Dr. Zuzga at West Florida Vein Center today. (727) 712-3233 to schedule your appointment.


The Fountain of Youth – Legend, Myth, and the Reality of Renovo Vita


Since time immemorial people have been searching for secrets to help them live longer and more youthfully. The story of the fountain of youth itself has roots around the world as a mythical spring that would restore youth to anyone who bathed in or drank from its waters though none of these tales seemed to pin point the actual location.

Stories of restorative waters go back as far as the river of paradise in the fourth century B.C. The fact that this story was told in many societies all over the globe seemed to lend credence to its possible existence.

Spanish Explorer Ponce de Leon received a contract in 1512 to explore and settle islands previously unexplored. Where he anchored was off the eastern coast of Florida. Though he had been told by the king to keep an eye out for this idyllic body of water otherwise deemed the fountain of youth, Ponce de Leon never found it. The tale was created by Antonio de Herrera y Tordesillas, the Spanish king’s historian. He wrote that it turned men into boys to help solidify the imagination and belief of the people.

With the legend now alive and well a statue of the explorer was placed in St. Augustine, one of Florida’s oldest cities. A nearby tourist attraction portraying itself as the fountain of youth.

So, while Mr. Deleon may not have ever really found what he was looking for we believe it is because he was looking in the wrong place.St. Augustine, Florida still holds the Fountain of Youth as a tourist attraction.

At Renovo Vita we believe we have found the secret, and we are ready to share it with the world. That secret is cellular renewal nutrient technology. Recreating, repairing, and rebuilding your body on an individualized cellular level from the inside out, one cell at a time, naturally.

We have performed the trials, done the studies, and seen the real-life results. Renovovita revitalizes! The fountain of youth does exist. It just isn’t a literal water fountain.

To find the fountain of youth you must look inside yourself. Decide you are ageless, and it becomes possible.

We have hand crafted three amazing products that work individually and even better when used together. Virg-NWith-N, and Zero-N. Help restore wellness, boost your immune system, and keep you feeling and looking your very best.

We truly believe that with these supplemental advances age really becomes just a number.

Interested to learn more?





INterested? Check out the links above! We are happy that we did.

Chronic Depression & Heart Disease


chronic-depression-heart-diseaseIf you’ve ever experienced depression you understand that it can sometimes feel like you have a broken or heavy heart. 

Research has shown both that heart disease can cause depression and that depression can cause heart disease. The answer is yes, chronic ongoing depression can lead to physical heart problems.

Things to consider:

  • Depression is the leading cause of disability throughout the entire world.
  • 1 in 3 Americans will die from heart disease.
  • 1 in 20 adults in America experiences major depression each year.
  • 1 in 3 heart attack survivors experiences major depression each year.
  • Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States.
  • People with a history of depression are 4 times more likely to experience a heart attack within 14 years than those who have no history of depression.
  • Heart disease patients with depression are 4 times more likely to die within 6 months than those without depression.

After reading the above statistics regarding heart disease and depression, it is obvious that heart disease and depression are related, though how and why they are related is a much more complex issue. Let’s begin by examining the potential ways in which depression can lead to heart disease. Have you ever heard the phrase “stress kills”? While this statement may seem a little overly dramatic, it does have a lot of basis in medical facts. When a person is stressed out, the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline are released and the sympathetic nervous system is activated, oftentimes referred to as a person’s “fight or flight” response. When a person is depressed, it often results in a chronically elevated level of these hormones, a situation that can have detrimental effects on the heart over time.

On the other hand, depression has been known to occur as a result of heart disease. In one recent study, nearly half of all patients examined a week following a major heart disease surgery showed beginning signs of clinical depression. But why is this? While the relationship between heart disease and depression is still under study, one possible answer is that patients who have recently undergone major heart surgery tend to feel slow and sluggish, finding it difficult to get back into their regular routines. If their regular routines have been threatened by heart disease or they must change their lifestyles drastically in order to adjust to new health concerns, they will understandably start to feel a sense of discouragement and hopelessness.

In addition, heart disease patients with depression often do not receive the correct medical treatment in order to address both issues simultaneously. This can in part be due to the actions of the patient directly, as depression can make it difficult for people to remember to take care of themselves, and patients may forget to take their medications or simply not feel the motivation to do so. Similarly, they may also lack the motivation and energy to keep their follow-up appointments even simply. Furthermore, many cardiologists and primary care doctors simply don’t have the experience with or exposure to patients with mental illness the way psychiatrists and psychologists do and may not be able to properly recognize when a patient is experiencing depression. For this reason, heart disease patients with depression often get overlooked for their depression and are not effectively treated for it the way a patient seeking treatment for mental illness specifically would.

While there are still a lot of unknowns regarding the relationship between depression and heart disease, both conditions can be effectively treated with proper recognition and monitoring. For compassionate cardiologists who care about the overall health of their patients and not just medical issues addressed by them specifically, contact the Tampa Cardiovascular Associates by calling (813) 975-2800 today.

Our physicians are always here for you and are happy to address any concerns you have related to your heart health or to refer you to a qualified mental health specialist. WWW.TAMPACARDIO.COM. 

We Hold Stress In Our Bodies – Reduce Stress Be Healthier


stress-covid-coronavirus-health-dr-kaster-fort-myers-flYour body can only handle so much stress before illness sets in

2020 Has been one awfully stress filled year so far. It is more important than ever for all of us to take the time to care for ourselves.

This pandemic has all of us thrown off our schedules and normal ways of life. It is incredibly taxing on the body as well as the mind.

Here are a few ideas 

Pause what you are doing and breathe. The fact is that when you rush around and have elevated anxiety levels you aren’t breathing deeply, especially if you live in a city where masks have been mandated. If that is the case and you are wearing a mask, please take this suggestion seriously. Take a minute, sit down, breathe into the count of 4 and out to the count of 4 through your nose. Close your eyes and repeat 4 times (minimum). Do this several times per day. Your body needs oxygen.

Say No – It is ok to say “No”. Never overextend yourself. This is the #1 reason people are stressed out. They feel they need to help everyone all the time no matter what is asked or how inconvenient.

Keep to Do Lists. The physical act of making a list helps to organize your thoughts and get you ready to accomplish tasks. As you finish each item remove it from your list. The more you get crossed off the better you will feel. And on that last mark off, give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back. Listing also eliminates that dreaded feeling of “I have forgotten something.”

Focus on Gratitude – It’s easy to get riled up… all it takes is one rogue news story hitting your eyes or ears by way of tv, radio, internet, or conversation. Driving can also be very anxiety provoking. Step back and make a list of things you have in your world to be thankful for. What brings you joy?

Be Generous with your time – Giving is energy exchange. It makes you feel good and it helps others. Volunteer or just do a nice gesture for other people, strangers included, now and than.

Do something nice for yourself – Get a massage or a chiropractic adjustment. Both boost mood, health, and overall wellness.

We are all in this together. So, lets take care of each other. Remind each other that while its lovely to help others, you have to take care of yourself first or there will eventually be nothing left to give.

Chiropractic, Nutrition, & Massage Therapy in Ft Myers, FL

Chiropractic care is a safe, alternative treatment when applied appropriately. Chiropractic treatments help in dealing with the symptoms of many conditions. Are you going to wait for your symptoms to be felt, or are you going to prevent it as soon as possible?

Dr. Jason Kaster, D.C. Fort Myers, FL

Dr. Jason B. Kaster of Kaster Chiropractic and Associates is a chiropractor in Fort Myers, Florida. They can help you and your family achieve their optimal health through nutrition, mas.

      SCHEDULE NOW!   239-332-2555    

Get Back in the Swing of Things at the Gym, The Right Way


Most of us have been out of the loop spending too much time just relaxing on the couch. 

This means less physical activity leading to slowed metabolisms, weight gain or loss, stiffer muscles and joints, and even possibly aches and pains surfacing.

Now that some gyms are opening again, you may be ready to get right back to it. Please use some caution. A body at rest wants to stay at rest, even if your mind is raring to go. Your physical self needs some time to warm back up. Go slowly.

Do not go back in on day one and try to pick up right where you left off. Start out slow and light. Ease up to where you were over a one to two week period. Failing to do so can land you right back at home on the couch with an injury. Pulled muscles, strains, sprains, and just simply overusing unworked muscles, tendons, and ligaments can be the result of too hard too fast.

Be easy on yourself. This time off was not your doing or fault. We all collectively had to take a break. Begin by stretching! Then move on to starting out with slower speeds on machines like treadmills and stair masters at reduced levels and on free weights and nautilus machines it is best to start what feels like ridiculously light doing high reps and move up in weight from there reducing down to your normal sets.

Make sure to drink lots of water to properly hydrate, eat well, get the rest you need to recover after a workout, and if you have access consider the sauna or hot tub to ease sore muscles.

Before you start back getting a chiropractic adjustment to make sure you are in alignment is a fantastic idea. In order for your body mechanics to work at full function, you need to be in alignment. Building muscle while pulling weight wrong can cause more damage than good.

The office of Dr. Jason Kaster – Kaster Chiropractic and Associates welcomes you to schedule your pre-workout adjustment to make sure you are maximizing your gym time. Give us a call at 239-332-2555 or visit to learn more about us.

What to Include in a Vein Healthy Diet


vein-diet-west-florida-vein-center-300x200Varicose veins and vein health in general can be supported via your diet.

In addition to a variety of both highly successful invasive and minimally invasive treatment options available, you can also make certain lifestyle changes that can help minimize discomfort as well as reduce the appearance.

In addition to maintaining a healthy weight, not smoking, and exercising frequently, is to take a close look at what is being included in your diet.

The right diet can help you manage a healthy weight, and that can do wonders for varicose veins. It is a good idea to make note of which foods increase water retention, as well as which foods to incorporate and what benefits each holds.

We compiled a list of foods that are beneficial for vein health

Vitamins E and C

Why Vitamin E?

Vitamin E supports veins by fortifying vein walls as well as promoting healthy blood flow. It has also been shown to strengthen the power of vitamin C when used in combination. Vitamin E has proven effective topically to reduce the appearance of veins.

Why Vitamin C?

Vitamin C assists in circulation. It also contains two very important connective tissues that are partly responsible for keeping veins toned and strong: collagen and elastin.

Foods high in vitamins C and E include:

  • Broccoli
  • Nuts
  • Peppers
  • Citrus fruits
  • Spinach

High Fiber Foods

Constipation can make veins worse.

Being constipated increases pressure on veins. If you already have varicose veins and vein damage it can make them feel increasingly uncomfortable and contribute to their formation or worsening.

The answer: Eat a diet rich in fiber.  Fiber makes stool bulkier and softer, allowing it to pass through the intestines without problems.

Foods high in fiber:

  • Berries
  • Bran
  • Broccoli
  • Beans
  • Leafy Greens


Sometimes referred to just as “flavonoids,” are antioxidants that are found in plants (fruits and vegetables). Bioflavonoids are found in many of the same foods that contain high amounts of vitamin C.

Bioflavonoids can help reduce the appearance of varicose veins by strengthening vessel walls and preventing stress inside of the veins from free radicals. They are often recommended for combating other conditions including heart disease and Alzheimer’s.

Foods high in bioflavonoids include

  • Strawberries
  • Garlic
  • Tea
  • Peppers
  • Citrus fruits

If you’d like further advice on how to manage your varicose veins or venous insufficiency through diet and lifestyle choices, or if you’d simply like more information on treatment options available for your condition, contact Dr. Zuzga of the West Florida Vein Center today by calling (727) 712-3233.