Preparing Your Immune System for Anything That Comes Your Way


Imune-system-fort-myers-dr-kasterThis pandemic has proven just how vital your immune system is to keep strong and healthy all year long.

We wanted to offer you some tips on what you can do to build it if you don’t already have a strong immune system.

Boost Your Immunity

Do Not Smoke. Smoking breaks down your immune system and makes you less healthy overall.

Limit or quit drinking. Alcohol is dehydrating and toxic to the body. Your liver has to work hard to process it and takes energy away from other repairs.

Let Go of the Stress
 – Stress is the number one thing that breaks down immunity. Eliminate and minimize as much as you can.

Take Care of  Yourself. Wash your hands frequently, keep them away from your face, eyes, mouth, ears, and nose

Work Out. Movement, stretching, weight barring exercise, and cardiovascular exercise are needed to keep every system in the body in working order. 

Sleep. Sleeping 7-9 hours a night is when your body repairs itself. No sleep = no repair. Eventually, you will overtax your system and it can break down.

Maintain a healthy weight. Carrying around excess weight makes every organ in the body work harder than it should have to.

Take care in the preparation of meat. This goes for seafood as well. Undercooked meats and seafood can lead to food poisoning and nothing smacks the body down like a round of food poisoning. Wash down counters and surfaces that raw items have touched.

Eat Healthy – We are what we eat. Fresh fruits, vegetables, healthy proteins, healthy fats, limiting processed foods and sugars, all contribute to health and wellness.

Visit your chiropractor regularly – getting adjusted to eliminate subluxations gives a major boost to your nervous system which controls every part of your body. Keep it working well and your health will follow!

Ready for an adjustment? We would love to see you in our office. Give us a call at 239-332-2555 to schedule in Fort Myers, Florida in the office of Dr. Jason Kaster, D.C.

Treatment Options for Varicose Veins in Safety Harbor, Florida

varicose veins west florida vein center

varicose veins west florida vein centerIf you have put off healing yourself from varicose veins or even going for a consultation with a Vein Specialist because you didn’t think you could afford a cosmetic procedure, wait no longer. Most vein issues are not considered cosmetic and are covered under insurance!

If you have varicose veins it means you have a condition known as Venous insufficiency. This is an indication of physical damage to your veins. Leaving damaged veins untreated can lead to the spreading of damage making things worse. Even if they do not start out painful, often can lead to pain.

Vein issues can make your legs feel tired, achy, itchy, and even painful. When left untreated for a very long time ulcerations can occur which are very difficult to heal.

The best course of action is to make an appointment, have an exam, and find out what exactly you are dealing with as well as a recommended best course of treatment to get you back to health.

Dr. Mark Zuzga of the West Florida Vein Center has been treating patients for years now with much success. In-office, they offer several state-of-the-art medical options that can heal those damaged veins for good.

Option 1: The Venefit Procedure Endovenous Targeted Therapy – We proudly offer the Venefit™ procedure, formerly known as the VNUS Closure™ procedure, for the treatment of varicose veins and CVI. The Venefit™ procedure is a minimally invasive segmental ablation treatment that utilizes radiofrequency (RF) energy to provide an even and uniform heat to contract the collagen in the vein walls, causing them to collapse and seal. Once the diseased vein is closed, blood will re-route itself to other healthy veins.

The Venefit™ procedure allows for a quick, comfortable recovery and a return to everyday activities for the average patient, while also improving the appearance of varicose veins.

The Venefit™ procedure has been proven in clinical studies to have excellent long term effectiveness, with less pain and bruising than endovenous laser.

*A comparison of the patient experience between those treated with the Venefit ™procedure, using the Covidien ClosureFast™ Endovenous Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA) Catheter, and those treated with 980nm laser ablation.

Option 2: Sclerotherapy – Sclerotherapy involves the injection, via a very fine needle, of a solution into small to medium varicose veins and spider veins. The solution causes the veins to shrink, close off, and gradually disappear. A session usually lasts approximately 15 minutes. There are few reported allergic reactions to the solution used. Depending on the number of veins, multiple sessions may be required, which will be decided after the initial consultation and evaluation.   Sclerotherapy is sometimes used alone but in the instance of very small spider veins, laser treatment is also used.

Option 3: Microphlebectomy / Phlebectomy – Varicose veins are micro-surgically removed through tiny punctures about the size of the tip of a ballpoint pen.  The word “phlebectomy” literally means removing the vein. On the day of the procedure, the doctor or nurse will mark your leg where the veins bulge out. Then, a special local anesthetic (numbing medication) called “tumescent” is injected into the area surrounding your vein. The doctor will make tiny incisions or “stabs” of about 2-3mm – the size of a ball-point pen tip – and use a crochet-type hook to “grab” the vein and remove it. This interrupts the vein, causes any remaining portions of the vein to “clot off”, and gets rid of those unsightly bulgy areas!

Option 4: EVLT (Endovenous Laser Treatment or Endovenous Ablation) – This revolutionary new treatment for large varicose veins was pioneered at Cornell University in New York. Originally performed in Spain, the EndoVenous Laser Ablation is performed in the office, takes less than an hour, and accomplishes the same thing as a major surgical vein stripping. Using ultrasound guidance and local anesthesia, a thin laser fiber in a catheter is threaded up through the vein. As the catheter is slowly withdrawn, the laser shrinks and seals the large vein that causes varicose veins in most patients. There is little or no visible scarring. In those patients who are candidates for the procedure, it is 97% successful.

Interested to learn more and find out what option may be right for you? Don’t wait. Call us today at (727) 712-3233 or visit to learn more about each procedure.

Tips to Reverse and Help Prevent Heart Disease


heart-disease-tampa-cardio-tampa-floridaReady to take the leap and commit to heart health? It isn’t as challenging as you think. Just follow these tips for ultimate heart health!

1.  Eat Your Vegetables!

We are what we eat. Eating a diet high in vegetables ensures we get all of the vitamins and minerals our bodies need. This is in direct opposition to what eating has become here in America. Junk, Junk, Junk… processed foods have taken over and they are killing us.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture estimates that 32% of our calories come from animal sources, 57% from processed plant foods, and only 11% from non-bleached grains, beans, fruits, vegetables, and nuts.  Plant-based food is essential to heal the body and protect your heart.

2. Quit Smoking

34.3 million people smoke as of 2019. Smoking can be devastating for your cardiovascular health. If you smoke, quit. Your heart will thank you.

3.  Maintain a Healthy Weight

BMI is a better indicator of a healthy size than just weight alone.  Recommended BMI as a goal should be 20-25. The more weight you carry the harder your organs and skeletal structure all have to work. Give your body a break and stay within range.

4.  Exercise

30 minutes of movement a day is the minimum. Go for a walk, stretch, do some yard work or work around the house, bike, swim, run, go to the gym, just get that blood flowing and muscles moving.

5.  Sleep like a baby

Seven to eight hours a night is ideal. Less and you may be cutting your life expectancy. Your body needs this time to rest, repair, and heal. That goes for your heart as well as the rest of you.

6.  Never ignore symptoms, signs, or heredity

If you notice an issue or are at high risk due to heredity, don’t wait. Get it checked out. The Tampa Cardiovascular Associates want you to know that with advanced blood work you can detect heart disease a decade before you have a heart attack.

  • Check your cholesterol and advanced cholesterol
  • Your three-month sugar numbers
  • Your A1C
  • Your inflammation
  • Your high sensitivity C-reactive protein
  • Your homocysteine level
  • Your lipoprotein A
  • Your vitamin D

7. Take a Suana often

Infrared saunas have been shown to improve the function of the cells that line the arteries.

The infrared light on the spectrum is the one that is able to penetrate our skin and activate our energy system.  Studies suggest that regular sauna sessions can help stabilize blood pressure.  An infrared sauna can help you and your heart stay healthy. Saunas also help your body rid itself of toxins through sweat much like exercise.

These have been our helpful self-care tips for keeping your heart healthy.

Visit or call 813-975-2800 to schedule an appointment.

Get a Healthier Spine with Chiropractic Care in Fort Myers, Florida


spine-health-fort-myers-florida-back-pain-neck-pain-dr-kaster-800x533Physical pain costs us a lot emotionally and monetarily.

Chronic pain takes over your every thought… conversely, if you have luckily never been in pain on an ongoing basis, it isn’t something you would likely think about or consider proactive treatment for… but you might just want to pause for a moment and consider…

You can achieve a healthier spine through chiropractic care.

A surprising 90% of the United States population may just be affected by a spine misalignment and accompanying back or neck pain at some point during their life. This includes those involved in accidents, those who lift heavy weight repeatedly or do repetitive motions for work or sport, those who are overweight, and smokers. With all of these high-risk categories, it’s a good idea to be supportive proactively of your spine health so that problems never develop.

How to maintain a healthy skeletal system

Manage your weight. It is far too easy to gain weight and not notice until you have packed on 20, 30 or more. Staying within 10 lbs of your ideal body weight is the most healthy option.  When we gain weight, our bodies distribute it evenly.  But if you picked up a 30 lb. weight and tried to carry it around for an hour you might get a better idea of what you are doing to your body. Every organ has to work harder. That means more wear and tear, especially on the spine.

Strength training. Muscle is the support for your spine. Lack of muscle tone makes it more likely you will pull things out of place and cause subluxations. subluxations lead to pain and if left untreated deterioration and even disease.

Eat healthy in reasonable portions. When dining out portions in the USA are not reasonable. Restaurants give you the most for your money. That can mean dishing out each customer a plate with 2 to 3 servings of food on it. Clean your plate is no longer solid advice. Stop eating when you are full and take leftovers home and eat them the next day as another meal. Your body and wallet will thank you.

Bend and stretch! Before you work out, always stretch. It helps to limit injury and contributes to physical fitness. This is one vital component that many people, even hardcore gym rats, forget. 

Quit Smoking. Smoking restricts blood flow to the entire body. Cigarettes contain over 4,000 chemicals none of which are good for your health. The sad fact is that smokers are actively slowing the body’s ability to heal. This includes your spine.

Sleep 7 to 9 hours per night and try and go to bed at the same time every night.

Pain while sleeping is not normal and needs to be corrected.

  • Side sleepers – reduce pressure on the spine by putting a pillow between your knees.
  • Back sleeping placed almost 50 pounds of additional pressure on the spine that can be reduced by 50% if a supportive pillow is placed under the knees.

Your Stance

Never lock your knees while standing. It places pressure on your lower back. Always keep knees slightly bent.

Pushing. Pick pushing over pulling. Use your leg muscles to avoid back strain.

Sitting (especially extended periods of time). Avoid slouching at all costs. Back straight, spine straight. Do not round your shoulders. Keep your knees slightly higher than hips. Head up and looking straight forward.

The Lift. Never lift with your back. Always engage the legs. Avoid twisting.

Carrying. Once you are at a carry, keep the object close to the body and use both hands to help distribute the weight.

Reaching and Bending. Bend your knees rather than at the waist. If something is above shoulder height, get a stool. Straining to reach high can cause neck, shoulder, and mid-back injury.

Adding these simple physical motion strategies can increase your odds of living a pain-free, healthy life!

If you have any further questions don’t hesitate to contact the office of Dr. Jason Kaster, D.C. in Fort Myers, Florida. 239-332-2555.