Anxiety and Heart Disease – Is There a Connection?



Anxiety attacks and heart attacks are often misdiagnosed by the person having them. They feel very similar and are both terrifying.

If you have experienced an anxiety attack you know that it is based in your heart center. You feel it in your chest often in the form of butterflies and even heart palpitations. You may even have an elevated heart rate level during times of raised anxiety and trouble breathing normally.

Anxiety is not healthy, especially on an ongoing basis. Stress can make you physically sick as well as emotionally. When chronic, anxiety can increase your risk for heart issues.

While normal types and amounts of stress are healthy and motivating, being anxious now and then is normal. If it becomes chronic that it may pose a negative threat to your wellbeing.

40 Million people in the USA experience anxiety yearly. Generalized anxiety disorder is defined by at least 6 months of excessive worrying or feeling anxious about unrelated events. Approximately 5% of adults meet the criteria for this disorder. The incidence is higher, coming in at 11% among those with coronary artery disease and 13% of those with heart failure.

It has not been established whether anxiety sets off heart disease or vice versa. It is known that chronic anxiety can change the way the body reacts to stress. This happens via hormones and physiological reactions meant to keep us safe – known as the flight or fight response.

If your fight or flight response is constantly engaged it can lead to heart issues as well as adrenal burn out which may, in turn, cause other endocrine system issues.

Confusing Anxiety for a Heart Attack

A panic attack is so very similar in feel to a heart attack people often mistake them. Upon a trip to the ER, you will receive a diagnosis of non-cardiac chest pain. As many as 1 in 3 people will experience this in their lifetime.

What Can You Do?

The best answer medical professionals have found so far is a combination of medication and talk therapy. A cognitive behavioral therapist will help you identify unwanted thoughts and establish what is anxiety based and what is something that genuinely needs to be looked at and considered.

Medications work as a temporary bandaid to allow you to get through tough anxiety-filled times while working through the root cause with a therapist or on your own using tools such as automatic writing, meditation, yoga, or other relaxation healing based activities.

The best advice is never to ignore chest pain of unknown source. It is far better to be safe than sorry. If you are in the Tampa Florida area and looking for a cardiologist we invite you to check out the physicians at Tampa Cardiovascular Associates. 813-975-2800.

Transdermal Human Growth Hormone


somadermThe office of Dr. Jason Kaster, D.C., has found a way to revitalize your wellbeing and bring back the feelings of health you had in your youth. 

This may sound like doing the impossible but the fact is – it can be done.

On average, around the age of 30, our biology starts to slow. This can mean weight gain, foggier thinking, lines beginning to show on our faces, all the signs of age. We live in a youth-obsessed society where many of us will do literally anything to fight the signs of aging. Much of what is on the market and available can be a hindrance to our health if not downright dangerous.

Finally, an all natural answer

Human Growth Hormone also is known as simply HGH. HGH is a widely studied and scientifically documented hormone which drops in natural regulation as we get older. HGH, produced by the pituitary gland is what brings about growth in children throughout the natural life cycle. It helps control body composition, muscle growth, bone growth, fat and sugar metabolism, heart function, and all the fluids in the body. It essentially is a hormone that keeps you young and active.

Athletes have been turning to HGH for years to enhance performance and recovery as well as stimulate new muscle growth. The problem is that many products have been found to have side effects and even be harmful in its synthetic form.

You may even have seen supplement pills that promise to kick your body into gear again and trick it into producing HGH naturally. These claims are widely unfounded in science.

While we have believed in the power of HGH up until now we have never suggested it to our patients, let alone considered selling it in our office. Finally, an all natural homeopathic product has hit the mainstream market. SOMADERM™ Gel by New U Life works on a cellular level. It offers a cutting edge scientific breakthrough using the power of HGH.

The gel is applied topically and transported transdermally to the blood pathways in the body. Transdermal application is far more absorbable and effective than pills which lose potency during digestion.

You no longer have to accept the symptoms that come with age. With SOMADERM™ Gel, you can regain your youth. SOMADERM™ Gel – the ageless standard.

Interested? Come in for a consultation and talk with Dr. Kaster, D.C. to learn more!

Vein Ligation and Stripping – The Recovery Process

varicose veins

When a patient decides to undergo any type of medical procedure it is important that they have all of the information. This includes what to expect post-procedure. Though the vein treatment may take only a few minutes, your body will need some additional care and rest afterward.

varicose veinsEvery person recovers at a slightly different rate. Your own recovery time may vary. This is based on the average experience of all of our patients.

What You Can Expect

Your leg(s) may feel a little sore or stiff for the first few weeks. You may be prescribed pain medication to get through this part of the recovery. Your legs in the areas they worked on may be slightly bruised.

We ask that you continue to wear tight compression dressings for the first 3 days after surgery. If you have stitches they will dissolve on their own or your doctor will let you know they need to be removed if non-dissolvable within 14 days.

Make sure to rest for 3 to 7 days. Veins removed will be immediately non-visible. Those injected will take time to fully dissolve and disappear from sight.

Caring for Yourself at Home

  1. Your doctor may limit activity for a few days
  2. Get enough rest/sleep
  3. Avoid strenuous activities
  4. Prop your legs up on a pillow many times throughout the day
  5. Walk a little more each day
  6. Take all medicine as directed
  7. Do not drive until you are given the go ahead
  8. You may shower after the compression dressing comes off. Please do not take a bath for the first two weeks.
  9. Ice and elevate. 10-20 minutes at a time place an icepack on the leg worked on.
  10. Be sure to follow up with your physician as directed for the very best outcome.

If you have any questions do not hesitate to call and ask, that is what we are here for during your recovery. Ready to take back your leg and circulatory health? Call us to schedule an appointment today: (727) 712-3233.

Did You Know That Orthotics Could Help You Avoid Joint Replacement?


orthoticsWhen many of us hear the word orthotics, foot pain comes to mind. The thing is, they are to help rebalance far more than just your feet. Your feet are your base. If not properly aligned the rest of your body ends up out of alignment.

The result of walking unevenly can be ankle pain, knee pain, hip issues, and back problems. When you have custom orthotics created for your daily footwear any misalignment is corrected. This saves the rest of your body wear and tear.  This realignment helps diminish or stop all together pain that was a result of bad alignment.

Billions of dollars are spent every year on surgeries. Knee and hip replacements alone came in at $6 billion in 2013 and it is estimated that a whopping 11 million will need either a hip or knee replaced by the year 2030.


Having Foot Levelers created for you can help correct posture, gate, and stance allowing your body to move more freely avoiding injury. This leads to less possibility of worn out body parts down the road, meaning you age minimizing any pain or injury and could eliminate a need for surgery. Orthotics are inexpensive, especially when compared to the major medical bills that come with surgery.

Orthotics efficiency has been backed by studies over the past 66 years proving that if you simply wear them in your shoes, they decrease back, neck, hip, knee, and even ankle pain.

When you get a new pair of Foot Levelers it is important to ease slowly into them. Your body may have been in its incorrect alignment for years now. It will not return overnight to proper. Start the first day wearing them for an hour. Remove and wear your shoes without them. The next day move the time up to 2 hours. Then 3 and so on until you are wearing them all day long.

You may be tempted to ignore that direction. Please for your own sake, don’t. The new alignment if forced all day at once in the start will leave you waking up with very sore legs, feet, and possibly the rest of your body as if you did a really strenuous workout. Aching isn’t the goal.

Most people remark they can feel an immediate difference in the way they stand and move and over a short period of time they are amazed at just how much better they feel overall.

If you have neck pain, back pain, hip pain, knee or ankle pain, please give us a call. Our office has a state of the art Foot Levelers foot scanner in-house. We can create a pair of corrective orthotics just for you.

Fort Myers Chiropractor, Dr. Jason B. KasterChiropractic care is a safe, alternative treatment when applied appropriately. Chiropractic treatments help in dealing with the symptoms of many conditions. Add to that, nutritional recommendations that can help your body heal itself. Are you going to wait for your symptoms to be felt, or are you going to prevent it as soon as possible?

Dr. Jason B. Kaster, a chiropractor in Fort Myers can help you and your family achieve their optimal health.
