Update! Sleeping with the TV on Can Disturb Circadian Rythems and Lead to Health Issues


sleep-with-tv-onMany people leave the television on for noise as they go to sleep, but the question becomes, is this bad for our health?

It’s a common practice and most don’t ever think twice about it. The problem is when your tv is left on, even quietly, in a room where you are trying to sleep it interrupts your ability to get to the level of REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep. This is the deep sleep where your brain and body are able to regenerate and heal.

The exposure to the blue high-frequency Calvin scale light readings that the RGB output of a tv screen produce is a nonnatural daylight effect which can mess with your circadian rhythms and natural ability to fall asleep and stay asleep. One recent study found that exposure to nonnatural light cycles may have other health consequences besides insomnia including increased risk for depression and anxiety.

The other issue with the tv playing while you are sleeping is that during sleep even though your mind is “turned off” and you are sleeping, your subconscious still hears and takes in everything. They don’t call TV “Programming” for nothing. Your subconscious is literally being programmed. While you may be perfectly able to monitor what you watch while awake, show after the show comes on without you being able to change the channel while you are snoozing. This leaves a wide window open for shows containing violence, anger, sadness, remorse, anxiety, loud startling noises that could actually wake you anyway. These emotions can carry over into your own life and feel like they belong to you when in reality its nothing more than “programming”.

Many that sleep with the TV on becoming dependent on it to go to sleep creating bad sleep habits. Try other bedtime behaviors such as meditation, reading, journaling, or simply clearing your mind. Try a sleep mask to block out all light, and earplugs to get rid of the sound. Sensory deprivation is great for sleep.

It may take some time but you might be happily surprised once you make the adjustment at how much more rested you feel when you wake up and just how easily you are able to drift off once you get used to it.

If you have problems relaxing enough to go to sleep try natural sleep aids such as lavender, valerian, vervain, or melatonin. All are sold over the counter at any health food store and many grocery stores as well.

www.drkasters.com can help you sleep naturally with regular chiropractic adjustments, dietary changes, and supplementation. Give them a call today to schedule 239-332-2555.

Do You Take Aspirin Daily? – You Need To Know This!


aspirin-no-longer-recommendedCardiologists and General Practitioners are no longer recommending an aspirin regimen for the majority of the public.

For years aspirin has been the standard recommended protocol for seniors. Millions age 70 and up in the USA take one aspirin per day routinely as it was previously touted as the go-to answer by the American Heart Association as the best preventative measure to help protect against potential stroke and heart attack.

In a recent study which included 20,000 patients, the outcome contradicted previous results. The recommendation of 1 aspirin a day is no longer used for anyone who is not already at an elevated risk. This risk group includes those who have already had a heart attack or stroke in their past.

If you have had either a heart attack or stroke, stents inserted, or a propensity towards blood clots – aspirin can still be a lifesaver. If that isn’t the case there are better options.

“It’s much more important to optimize lifestyle habits and control blood pressure and cholesterol as opposed to recommending aspirin.” Said Dr. Roger Blumenthal, the doctor who co-chaired the new guidelines.

Aspirin – The New Findings

Anyone who is already at a risk for bleeding – someone who is on blood thinners, has diabetes, ulcers, heart disease, kidney disease, gastrointestinal tract issues, or is on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, steroids, or anticoagulants should not use aspirin at all. Not even just for a headache.

Aspirin – What is It?

It was discovered in1763 by Reverend Edmund Stone of Chipping-Norton, England. Aspirin is made from the chemical ingredient known as Salicylic acid made from the bark of the willow tree. 

A more natural approach 

Aspirin is used because it’s an analgesic.  An analgesic acts on the central nervous system to help alleviate pain. It is also an anti-inflammatory – when you can reduce inflammation, this also negates pain.

Salicylic acid, the same ingredient your aspirin tablets are made from, can be found right in your daily dietary intake. This is a list of foods that contain salicylic acid and can encourage your body to rely on a healthy natural alternative to aspirin in pill form.







Chili peppers


Currants (including dried currants)







Licorice (the herb, not the candy)

Meadowsweet (an herb)



Plums and prunes





Turmeric (the spice)

Willow Bark


If you are taking aspirin as a daily regimen preventatively consult your physician or cardiologist. Their recommendations very likely have changed thanks to modern research.

If you are in the Tampa Florida area visit www.tampacardio.com or call (813) 975-2800 to schedule a consultation.

Varicose Veins, The Hidden Dangers

varicose veins tampa west florida vein center

varicose veins tampa west florida vein centerOn the surface, varicose veins might seem like a vanity issue the truth is they are a cosmetic warning sign that something is medically wrong. All varicose veins should be monitored by a Vein Specialist when they begin to present. The sooner you can treat them, the less damage can be done.

Left untreated varicose veins which are the visual presentation of chronic venous insufficiency (damage to the veins which lead to an inability to properly transport blood throughout the body’s circulatory system) will get worse over time and more pronounced. The once visual issue can lead to pain and discomfort.

Complications including skin ulcers, DVT (deep vein thrombosis blood clots), phlebitis, bleeding, dermatitis, itching, Restless Leg Syndrome, and wounds that may not heal may become issues if untreated.

Many avoid doing anything about their vein issues for fear of either pain or price. The truth is that vein treatment is virtually painless. We offer several different treatment options of which your physician will recommend one that is right for your case. There is almost no downtime and all are performed on an outpatient basis.

Insurance covers most procedures as varicose veins are a medical condition, not an elective treatment.

At The West Florida Vein Center of Tampa Bay | Safety Harbor we offer:

Microphlebectomy – Damaged veins are surgically removed through tiny punctures. The day of the procedure, your leg will be marked on the areas to be corrected. A local anesthetic “tumescent” is injected into the area surrounding your vein. Tiny incisions about 2-3mm each – are made and a crochet-type hook is to get ahold of the vein and remove it. This interrupts the blood flow and causes any remaining portion of the vein to clot and gets rid of the bulging diseased vein area.

Sclerotherapy – Sclerotherapy helps via injection through a very fine needle. The injectable solution causes the veins to shrink, close off and gradually dissolve. Each session lasts about15 minutes. Most tolerate the solution with no issues. Multiple sessions may be required. This will be decided after the initial consultation and evaluation.

The Venefit Procedure – Formerly known as the VNUS Closure™ procedure, for the treatment of varicose veins and CVI. This is a minimally invasive procedure of segmental ablation that utilizes radio frequency (RF) energy to provide an even and uniform heat to contract the collagen in the vein walls, causing them to collapse and seal. Once the diseased vein is closed, blood will re-route itself to other healthy veins.

Endovenous Ablation – This revolutionary new treatment for large varicose veins takes less than an hour and accomplishes the same outcome as surgical vein stripping. Using ultrasound guidance and local anesthesia, a thin laser fiber in a catheter is threaded up the vein. As the catheter is slowly withdrawn, the laser shrinks and seals the large vein that causes varicose veins in most patients. There is little or no visible scarring.

If you are in the Safety Harbor or Tampa Bay area of Florida we invite you to come in and see Dr. Zuzga of the West Florida Vein Center. www.westfloridaveincenter.com. Just give us a call to schedule your appointment today! (727) 712-3233.

Can Running Age Your Body?


runningThe simple answer is YES.

While walking is great for your health by boosting cardiovascular health, toning and strengthening muscles, tendons, ligaments, and bone health, jogging, has more drawbacks than benefits when it comes to aging.

The more strenuously you work your body, the greater the calorie burn. The more calories burnt, the more weight potentially lost. The issue is that there is a lot more to the equation than just calories.

In your youth, your body is strong, your heart is healthy, and exercise by running or jogging, bringing your heart rate up to near its maximum capacity for a time isn’t an issue. As we age that maximum capacity begins to drop. When you go too hard and your heart pumps at too high of a heart rate you aren’t just burning unwanted fat – you are also causing your body to go after the muscle. This is why you see so many runners who are not fat by any means, but their body composition is often that of a “thin fat” person. Meaning they are lean but not solid.

To garner the most benefit a quick walk is far better for you overall keeping your heart rate in the fat burning range of 132-142 vs the higher rates jogging and running bring on.

Take a moment to really look around and notice the people at your gym – they work out for months and even years and you won’t notice much difference in the way that they look, despite a lot of effort. Long sessions of cardiovascular exercise can actually accelerate the aging process. Why? Because it increases free radicals. These free radicals are scavengers that prey on your body’s tissue and nutrients. Unless you are training for a marathon, most gym goers are overdoing it on the cardio, especially if running or jogging. It is hard on your joints from your ankles, knees, hips, all the way up to jarring your shoulders and neck repeatedly.

The other issue is with dehydration. Water helps you burn fat as well as suppress hunger. Drinking a gallon of water a day can take years off your look, help you drop extra fat, save your liver and kidneys from overworking chronically, allowing you to have more energy. Your liver is your number one fat burning organ.  If it is chronically overworked with toxins, it cannot do its job and that extra fat will stick.

HIIT cardio is the answer. High-Intensity Interval Training. This involves no running. HIIT has been shown to burn more fat, keep your heart healthy, and save your joints. HIIT essentially goes back and forth between high and low heart rate. This gives the biggest fat burn.

If you intend to do weight training that day do the weight training first rather than the HIIT cardio. You will have more energy and feel less worn out at the end.

HIIT training Directions – it can be done outside with no equipment, on a treadmill, an elliptical, a bike, a lateral machine, or even a rowing machine. Start out with 30-second intervals. Start slow and warm up. Then begin to alternate between 30 seconds all out at a good pace nice and fast (you can even crank up the grade or level) and then bring it back down to almost nothing allowing your heart to relax and slow back down. Repeat over and over again for 10-15 minutes.

For more info please visit www.drkasters.com