You May Have “Red Tide Sickness”
This isn’t the same old naturally occurring Red Tide.
This devastatingly oversized unrelenting bloom has co-mingled with blue-green algae and stayed around for close to a year now. The release from Lake Okeechobee has been feeding it and growing it spurred on by our lack of drop in temperature this fall. The Red Tide bloom has grown to nearly the size of the state of Connecticut.
What you need to know:
The toxins released have killed our wildlife and hurt many local businesses. It is affecting not only water quality but because it can become aerosolized and carried in the wind, has also altered our air quality. The toxins released from the Red Tide (Brevetoxin) and Blue Green Algae (Cyanotoxin and Myostine) have mixed with the organophosphates released from agricultural companies such as US Sugar (Glyphosate (Monsanto’s RoundUp) and other pesticides and herbicides as well).
These airborne particles are making humans as well as pets sick. Many people are visiting frustrated doctor after frustrated doctor who have so far been unable to diagnose the bizarre range of symptoms leaving their patients lacking hope and feeling terrible.
Symptoms you may be experiencing:
Headache pain, Lethargy, Exhaustion, Frequent feelings of a head cold or flu, Itching eyes, Itchy face, Fever, Runny Nose, Watering eye (usually only one side), Glassy eyes, Blurry Vision, Tinnitus (ringing ears), Sensitivity to light, Memory problems, Muscle twitches similar to restless leg syndrome, Excess saliva, Brain fog, Agitation, Digestion problems, Heart Palpitations, Anxiety, Confusion, and even Depression.
According to WINK NEWS (see video below start playing at 28 seconds), FAU researchers state that 100% of people tested so far have come back positive for Cyanotoxin (blue-green algae microcystin exposure) which lowers your immune system.
Many are choosing to take the Cholinesterase RBC and Plasma blood test for pesticide toxicity (organophosphates) as well and are also coming up positive. It is vital to note that those reading the results on this test know that according to the CDC the lab values marked as acceptable are incorrect. Toxicity can present at just 40% of the top acceptable level.
So far, though there are a urine and blood test in a lab study setting for animals, we have found no local labs offering a Brevetoxin (red tide) blood test for humans.
Listen to what Reporter Chris Grisby had to say about the situation right here in SW FL.
He was let go from Wink News shortly after this shockingly honest report.
If you are unexplainably ill in Southwest Florida we strongly urge you to give us a call and find out how you can do a neurotoxin cleanse to help heal your body from this exposure. Give the office of Dr. Jason Kaster, D.C. a call today at 239-332-2555 or visit to send an email.