Venefit™Targeted Endovenous Therapy


VenefitDon’t resign yourself to a life of leg pain with unsightly varicose veins.

Consult a Vein Specialist. While there is a myriad of treatments available one of the most popular today is the Venefit™ procedure. Venefit™ is minimally invasive and designed for varicose veins as well as Chronic Venous Insufficiency.

A Covidien ClosureFast™ endovenous radiofrequency ablation catheter will be inserted during the procedure. This will close enlarged damaged leg veins. When damaged areas of veins are sealed shut, the blood then naturally is forced to reroute itself to the surrounding healthy veins.

When compared to traditional laser treatment

  • Up to four times faster improvement and healing
  • Less pain
  • Less bruising
  • Fewer complications

Studies have shown that patients undergoing the Venefit™ procedure returned to work much faster than those who had vein stripping done.

The procedure

A catheter is inserted into the vein through a small incision just below the knee. The catheter is guided through the use of ultrasound imaging. During the procedure, the doctor treats each 7 cm segment of vein with a quick 20-second blast of radiofrequency energy. This causes the vessel to shrink around the catheter. This is repeated and continued along the vein for the length of the damage. The treatment is quite fast.

This procedure can be performed in a clinic setting and does not require hospitalization.  This method of catheterization delivers a consistent source of heat to each area. The result is less bruising and rapid patient recovery. Venefit™ is minimally invasive and eliminates the need for general anesthesia. It leaves little to no scarring.

The Results Speak for Themselves

The Venefit™ procedure is performed only as a medical necessity as diagnosed by a trained vein specialist. While it is not intended to fix cosmetic issues the successful treatment of CVI using the Venefit™ procedure can produce improvements visually.

As with any medical procedure, you should consult your vein specialist and review all safety information associated with any procedure.

If you are interested in learning more about this procedure we invite you to speak with our specialists at The West Florida Vein Clinic in Tampa, Florida. 727-712-3233 or visit online at

My Legs Hurt, Why?

legs hurt

legs hurtThe aches and pains of daily life seem to increase as we age.

We feel a little less spry and a little stiffer when we wake up. It may take us longer than it used to in to get going about your day, but if your legs actually hurt and you are in pain that is not attributable to the normal aging process.

If you have ongoing leg pain, achy legs, feelings of heaviness, feeling like your legs are fatigued without much activity and even swelling (edema), experience restless leg syndrome or visible varicose or spider veins these are all potential signs of venous insufficiency/vein disease.

If left undiagnosed and untreated it can progress and lead to the onset of changes in the skin such a thickening, discoloration and ulcerations. Legs may become discolored and red as well as splotchy. The good news is that this is mostly reversible with proper treatment. The sooner you seek medical treatment, the faster and more successful your recovery can be.

Treatments offered:

Diagnostic Evaluations

Conservative Therapy

Injection Sclerotherapy

Foam Sclerotherapy

Laser Sclerotherapy


Endovenous Ablation

Vein Gogh

All of which can be performed by finding a Vein Specialist through‘s online search. You can also reach them by phone by dialing (239) 288-6203.  At, their goal is to educate you regarding venues disease and empower you by offering a confidential venous evaluation form the comfort and privacy of your home.

Once treated, the risk of bleeding and ulceration is lessened significantly. The most dramatic changes can be seen in patients who have chronic venous insufficiency which is secondary to superficial venous dysfunction. Once the underlying problem has been treated the skin changes can be stopped in their progression and even reversed in some patients allowing healing to occur.

Thanks to the technology of today’s medical field there are many safe options which your Vein Specialist can help you decide what is the best course of treatment for your specific case.

Let  YOUR on-ramp to finding the solution to your vein problems.

Avoid a Heart Attack with These Key Tips


heartStress has a horribly negative effect on your body.

The physical manifestation may begin as anxiety but it can quickly lead to high blood pressure, heart palpitations and even chest pains. Any discomfort centered in the chest is disarming and can make you worry. Rightly so, but it is important to know how to distinguish a possible heart attack from acute stress or a panic attack. 

Prevention is the best medicine. 

  • Eliminate things and people that cause you stress. Avoid it as much as you can even if it means saying no to people or events you would normally agree too.
  • The heart is a muscle. WOrking out and getting cardiovascular exercise can help your body deal more easily with stress.
  • Stop smoking.
  • Check your cholesterol.
  • High Blood Pressure left unregulated can wear out the heart and valves. Monitor your blood pressure. If it’s consistently high, talk with your doctor.
  • Eat lots of grains and fruits
  • Get omega-3’s in daily
  • Avoid trans fats
  • Talk. Venting is healthy for your mind, soul, and body.
  • Too much sugar can damage arteries. Monitor your blood sugar levels.

If your chest feels weird – like it’s under pressure, aches, has pain, heart palpitations or other uncomfortable sensations or just sense that something may be wrong, never ignore it and just hope it will go away. Visit Tampa Cardiovascular Associates. Worrying about your health and the unknown can also cause undue amounts of stress, when one visit and a checkup could very well put your fears to rest.

If you are in the Tampa, Florida area we invite you to give us a call today 813-975-2800 or visit Our expert staff can help you get a clear picture of what is going on with your heart and your health and set you on the course to the best possible stress free mindset and healthy body possible.

Is it Menopause?


menopauseIf you are in the age range of 35-50 you may start to experience symptoms of menopause.

What is menopause?

Menopause is the time at which menstruation stops for a woman and she is no longer able to reproduce. It can include hot flashes, night sweats, sleep issues, emotional swings,irregular or missed periods, hair thinning, and even changes in sexual appetite. These are all very jarring symptoms that can interrupt your daily life. All you want is to feel back to your old self again. But how do you get there? Television advertisements would have you believe that your only salvation is through hormone replacement therapy. That just isn’t the case.

Tips and Tricks to help alleviate symptoms

While its not reasonable to expect to avoid hot flashes there are triggers that can bring them on more frequently or cause them to be more severe.

Triggers can include:

  • An overly warm environment
  • Hot hair dryers
  • Hot food or drinks
  • Exercise
  • Stress
  • Smoking
  • Alcohol
  • Sugary foods
  • Eating spicy foods  
  • Hormonal changes

A few ways to combat hot flashes:

  • Wear lightweight, absorbent cotton clothing, and pajamas at night.
  • Grab a cold drink when you start to overheat.
  • Turn on a fan or go into a cooler room.
  • Try to relax with meditation or deep breathing if you feel nervous or anxious
  • Dress in layers.

While all of these tips will help, the key is proper nutritional support. Eating will can keep your body in balance.

There are certain natural herbs and plants that can ease the transitional symptoms.

Black Cohosh

Beneficial for both men and women in supporting healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels. It supports relief from women related issues. Supports a healthy respiratory system. CAUTION: Should not be used during pregnancy or in the presence of chronic illness.

Wild Yam

Contains progesterone-like substance that helps support women health issues. Also supports healthy joints. CAUTION: Should not be used during pregnancy.

Dong Quai

Don’t Quai is a good herb for women supporting their monthly health issues. It nourishes the reproductive organs and is great for the blood. It also supports relaxation. CAUTION: Should not be used during pregnancy. Should not be used by diabetics, or persons who are light-sensitive.


Kudzu supports bone strength and is rich in isoflavones.

Red Clover

Red Clover supports healthy lungs. Helps strengthen the immune system. Phytoestrogens contained in Red Clover support healthy bones in women during menopause. It is also good for skin disorders.



Chaste Tree

Chaste Tree supports healthy hormone levels and is beneficial for women’s health issues. CAUTION: Should not be used by children or pregnant women.


Damiana supports the delivery and flow of oxygen to the genital area; this benefits both men and women. Also supports overall energy level. CAUTION: Can interfere with Iron absorption when used internally.

When taken in combination they can offer relief for menopausal symptoms. While the list of side effects/risks from pharmaceutical hormone replacement therapies range from stroke, blood clots, ovarian cancer, fluid retention,breast cancer, gallstones, dementia, headaches, nausea, vaginal discharge, weight gain, breast tenderness, spotting on your skin, and even in rare cases, uterine fibroids or endometriosis – These natural alternatives are safe and in many cases effective.

For more information on nutrition and supplementation visit the office of Dr. Jason Kaster, D.C. in Fort Myers, Florida.

Chiropractor in Ft Myers, FL.

Fort Myers Chiropractor, Dr. Jason B. KasterChiropractic care is a safe, alternative treatment when applied appropriately. Chiropractic treatments help in dealing with the symptoms of many conditions. Are you going to wait for your symptoms to be felt, or are you going to prevent it as soon as possible?

Dr. Jason B. Kaster, a chiropractor in Fort Myers can help you and your family achieve their optimal health.