Want Vein Treatment but not sure insurance will cover it?

Many patients are reluctant to go see physicians, especially Vein Specialists, because of the fear of cost. It is automatically assumed by most that this is a vanity treatment and there is no way insurance would foot the bill. This is not always the case. In fact, this is not the case most of the time. Depending on the severity of your venous insufficiency your treatment, so long as not considered simply cosmetic will likely be covered.

While it’s true that spider veins generally are not covered, varicose veins are almost always considered a medical necessity. 

If the veins on your legs have enlarged bulging veins that appear purplish or blue in color and your legs feel heavy, painful, itchy, or swollen it is guaranteed that you are experiencing venous insufficiency.

Treatments for varicose veins have advanced throughout the years and are now outpatient procedures that generally take about an hour or so (though multiple sessions may be needed in certain cases). There is no need to live in pain. 

An ultrasound of the veins can be done in the office to show which veins have become defective, to demonstrate medical necessity and to plan treatment. All insurance plans require a venous ultrasound before they will approve treatment of varicose veins. Vein treatments can then be scheduled. To begin the process give us a call and set up an appointment for a vein screening. 

If you have further questions or are experiencing symptoms that you would like to have addressed, we invite you to give us a call today at 727-712-3233 and Let The West Florida Vein Center Vein Specialists help. Call for a consultation. www.westfloridaveincenter.com

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