The Benefits of Using Sunscreen

Florida is the Sunshine State, but with that comes a lot exposure to the sun. Floridians, snowbirds, and tourists love the state for its sunshine and warm weather. However, too much sun exposure can be dangerous. Overexposure to the sun creates oxidative radicals in a person’s skin tissue. The result? Premature wrinkles and aging of the skin, painful sunburns, and skin cancer. Below, I will discuss the importance of safety in the sun, which includes using sunscreen.

Living in a sunny climate places a person at a higher risk of developing melanoma. Melanoma is the deadliest form of skin cancer. In 2015, it was estimated 73,000 Americans were to be diagnosed with melanoma.  Long sun exposure and a few sunburns in your lifetime increases your risk of developing melanoma.

The sunlight contains ultraviolet rays,  UVA, UVB, and UVC. UVA rays are emitted all day and are the ones that contribute to skin cancer; UVB rays are the most intense from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. – these rays are the ones that are known to cause sunburns; and UVC rays do not reach the Earth’s surface.

Regardless of your complexion, it is recommended to wear sunscreen if prolonged exposure to the sun is anticipated. Cancer doesn’t discriminate based on skin shade, so protecting yourself from the sun’s rays is critical.

The American Academy of Dermatology recommends everyone uses sunscreen that protects against both UVA and UVB rays. Topical sunscreens offer a physical barrier/blocker of the sun’s UV radiation. The strength of protection of SPF 30 or higher is endorsed. Using the Biophotonic™ Scan offered in Dr. Kordonowy’s office, the amount of protective antioxidants derived from your vegetables and fruit in your skin can be measured.

It’s good to use sunscreen on a cloudy day, up to 8 percent of the sun’s rays can still penetrate your skin. Sunscreen should be applied to skin 15-30 minutes before heading outdoors, so the skin can absorb it. One ounce of sunscreen is the suggested amount to use over the body. Sunscreen should be applied  every two hours.

People have written about sunscreen not being safe for a person’s skin because of certain chemicals, but is it believed the benefits that sunscreen provides (preventing sunburn and skin cancer) beats out the not-yet proven claims of toxicity on the body. No one has died yet from sunscreen chemicals, but many people die each year from melanoma.

One in five Americans will develop skin cancer in their life. With high odds, it’s in your best interest to protect yourself from developing this type of cancer. If you have any concerns  or looking for a doctor in the area, contact Dr. Kordonowy of Internal Medicine, Lipid & Wellness in Fort Myers by clicking here or calling 239-362-3005, Ext. 200.

Spider Veins: Anyone Can Get Them

Anyone can get spider veins, but why can anyone get them? There are many reasons why a person of any age or gender, can get spider veins.

So, what are spider veins?

Spider veins, also known as telangiectasias or sunburst varicosities, are small, thin veins that lie close to the surface of the skin. These veins are connected to the  larger venous system, but are not an essential part of it. Spider veins are small, do not bulge, and are less likely to cause pain or turn into a vein disorder.

There are a few ways a person can form spider veins. Spider veins emerge from increase pressure on the veins. Common reasons spider veins develop are due to heredity, pregnancy, hormonal shifts, weight gain, prolonged sitting or standing, and certain medications. All of these things listed cause pressure on the veins.  With age, it becomes even easier for these veins to emerge, because the venous walls are weaker.

For those who have a genetic history of these veins in their family, there is a good chance they will develop the unsightly, fine veins despite any and all preventative efforts.

Since they won’t harm you, you can live normally with these veins; however, many people hate the sight of them and seek out treatment. Sclerotherapy sessions help the veins appear lighter; two or more sessions are usually needed. For those who have spider veins, they will most likely come back, and be a life-long battle. The body continues to produce them. Vein treatments for spider veins only treat currently visible spider veins, they do not prevent future occurrences.

Overall, don’t fret! For the most part, these type of veins aren’t a health risk for a young person, just blueish, purple branch-like patterns on the body. If you’re tired of seeing them on your body, Dr. Zuzga of West Florida Vein Center can treat them for you. To schedule an appointment with the vein doctor, call 727-712-3233 or click here.

5 Herbs for Healthy Circulation


Diabetes, damaged veins, and heart conditions can all benefit from a healthy diet infused with herbs that help with circulation. Peripheral arterial disease tends to be caused by lifestyle choices such as obesity, smoking, and lack of exercise. If you or someone you know has this condition or any venous insufficiency, herbs can be a wonderful way to increase blood flow throughout the body. Some people have circulation problems such as Reynaud’s disease that can benefit from home remedy

Healthy circulation uses home remedies such as herbs and vitamins to support its system. Of course, if you decide to take herbs to help with your condition, please consult with your doctor. Medicine interactions can occur and it is best to be safe before taking herbs by getting your doctor’s okay.

Important herbs for circulation:

  • Parsley: this common herb can be found in many dishes. It helps to open up the arteries and veins for better circulation
  • Cayenne Pepper: the heat of this herb is its dominant trait. Its ability to help blood flow is why it is a common herb found in circulatory supplements.
  • Ginger Root: in addition to this herb calming the stomach and digestive track, it also helps to open up blood vessels.
  • Horse Chestnut: it is important that you are aware that it is deadly to eat this herb raw. It is poisonous. It is safe to take in a processed form when an ingredient in supplements, though.
  • Prickly Ash: a stimulant, it is recommended for rheumatism, impurities of the blood, those with Raynaud’s disease. Great for digestion and circulation issues.

The herbs above all help increase circulation, however, if you have vein problems you need to consult with a vein doctor. Dr. Joseph Magnant of Vein Specialists is an expert in venous insufficiency and circulation problems. To schedule a consultation, please call 239-694-VEIN or online at

Signs of a Heart Attack

heart attack

Heart attacks continue to be the leading cause of death for both men and women in the United States today.  The rate for survival increases when a person experiencing a heart attack is with someone who knows the signs. What to keep in mind is that heart attacks can differ with each person. So, the signs of a heart attack in one person might be different in another person. There are some signs that are more common than most, which we list below.

Heart attacks can occur quickly with no warning. They can also build-up gradually and with such a slow onset of symptoms that many of those who have heart attacks are not aware of what is happening until it is too late. Recognizing the signs of a heart attack is very important. Knowing what to look for can save someone’s life, maybe your own.

What for these signs and get immediate medical attention:

  • Chest discomfort – many survivors recall that the “chest pain” they experienced wasn’t exactly painful, but more lie a squeezing and full feeling with “chest pressure”.
  • Discomfort around the chest –We’ve all heard the warning sign that the left arm goes number right before a heart attack. But, in reality, anywhere around the chest can experience pressure, numbness, and pain such as the shoulders, neck, jaw, back, arms and stomach.
  • Shortness of breath – some people may experience fatigue, exhaustion, or shortness of breath and trouble breathing right before a heart attack. This symptom tends to be more common in women than in men and can actually start appearing a few months before an impending heart attack.
  • Gastrointestinal problems – although less common, some people report feeling sick to their stomach and having heartburn before a heart attack. Sometimes, they will vomit. Having this problem is actually very dangerous since you might not realize it is your heart and mistake it for the flu.

If you are concerned that you or someone you love may be at risk for a heart attack, then contact the physicians at Tampa Cardiovascular Associates today by calling (813) 975-2800, and we can get you scheduled for an evaluation with one of our cardiologists.

FDA Releases New Nutrition Label

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced the new Nutrition Facts label for packaged foods back on May 20th. The current nutrition label is more than 20 years old. The FDA felt the change was needed so that consumers can have the most accurate nutritional and serving information about the food.  Food and beverage manufacturers have until July 26, 2018 to comply with these new changes.

The new label was created to reflect new scientific information. The purpose of the new label is to make it easier for consumers to make better food choices.

The major changes to the label i are modifying the list of required nutrients on the label, updated serving size requirements, and a new design.

The biggest change to the nutrition label is its appearance. The general look of the label is the same, but the changes were made so consumers could read certain components of the label easier.  The type size was increased for “Calories,” “servings per container” and the “serving size.”  The type was  bolded for the calories and “serving size.”

The label must now show the actual amount and percent daily value of vitamin D, calcium, iron and potassium. Manufacturers have the option to declare the amount for other vitamins and minerals.  At the bottom of the label, the footnote has been rewritten to better explain what percent Daily Value means.  It will read “The % Daily Values tells you how much a nutrient in a serving of food contributes to a daily diet of 2,000 calories.”   The diet is based on 2000 calories eaten in a day .

Here are some other updates to the nutrition label:

  • “Added sugars” in grams as a percent daily value will be included. It is hard to meet nutrition requirements if you eat more than 10% of your calories from added sugars.
  • Vitamin D and potassium will be required on the label, along with calcium and iron.
  • “Calories from Fat” is being removed from the label, because research revealed that this type of fat is more important than the amount. “Total Fat,” “Saturated Fat,” and “Trans Fat” will still be required.
  • Serving sizes must be based on amounts of food and drinks that people actually consume, not what “looks acceptable as determined by the manufacturer.”  The Nutrition Labeling and Education Act  requires that serving sizes be based on what people actually eat in a typical setting or serving.
  • Package size affects what people eat. Serving sizes will better reflect how people typically eat at one time.
  • For products with  more than a single serving, manufacturers will provide a “dual column” label to indicated the calories and amount of nutrients in both a serving and in the entire package.

Nutrition labels are just a guideline. The portion size you need as an individual varies based on a variety of factors (medical history, height, weight, gender, metabolism, diseases, disorders, etc.). If you need help with your diet, it’s best to talk to a health professional. Contact Dr. Kordonowy of Internal Medicine, Lipid & Wellness in Fort Myers for a nutrition consult. To schedule an appointment, call 239-362-3005, Ext. 200 or click here.

The Eye Machine Review: Its Mission In Treating AMD

A Review Of The Eye Machine & Its Technology

The Eye Machine, LLC was formed in 2014 to develop and manufacture a medical device to treat macular degeneration. The goal is to lease these devices to optometrists and other medical professionals in order for them to help their patients with age-related macular degeneration.

The National Eye Institute notes that over 10 million people in the United States have a form of age-related macular degeneration. Also, they indicate that more than 1 in 10 people over the age of 70 have experienced some vision loss to the disease. With this many people suffering from loss of vision, The Eye Machine, LLC needed to step forward and take a stance to help the movement toward a solution. Our unique technology is at the forefront of ophthalmologic science.

Unfortunately, age-related macular degeneration is the number one cause of legal blindness in adults over the age of 50 years. As the “baby boomers” age, there will be an increase the number of people with AMD. By honing our new technology, we will meet a growing population of people with macular degeneration.

What Is AMD?

AMD is a breakdown of the macula in the retina. A “black cloud” forms in the patient’s central vision, making it difficult to perform everyday activities such as driving, reading, watching television, and working on a computer. This eye disease progressively deteriorates the patient’s vision. It can even impair their ability to see color and contrast in objects. The innovators of the technology behind The Eye Machine are dedicated to helping those who suffer with AMD regain some of their vision. By Improving the metabolism of the cells, it helps to generate healthier photoreceptors in the macula. This creates the potential for the improvement of the patient’s vision.

How Does It Work?

This effective, non-invasive treatment for AMD is revolutionary and is used for all forms of macular degeneration. The technology uses BioCurrent Therapy which emits targeted frequencies to stimulate a response at the retinal level. By doing this, the cells and blood vessels receive a better oxygen flow. This also allows more nutrition to be delivered to the cells.

The electrotherapy treatment delivers a low level of electric current to the eye. Each one-hour procedure, which incorporates a special type of goggle to deliver the current, has been shown by studies to improve movement of nutrition from the blood to the cells. These special goggles work with a generator station to deliver micro current in a patented waveform to four places on the closed eye lid. The four sites consist of the upper left lid, the lower left lid, upper right lid and lower right lid. Each area takes 40 seconds to deliver the electric current effectively.

While the technology still needs to complete a regulatory approval process with the FDA, it is expected to be the future of treating patients with AMD

Their Mission & Focus

Our team here at The Eye Machine, LLC brings a variety of disciplines to the company. Michael Samuel M.D., our Medical Advisor. He is nationally known for research, clinical work, and surgery. He was a part of a team that performed the first surgical implant of stem cells for dry macular degeneration. We are fortunate to have him as our medical advisor for The Eye Machine. Dr. George O’Clock, Ph.D. is our Chief Science Advisor. His extensive experience in technologies that successfully treats eye disease makes him the ideal advisor for this mission.

While the technology still needs to complete a regulatory approval process with the FDA, it is expected to be the future of treating patients with AMD.

Read more about their exciting new technology on our website or contact us for more information. please call us at (760) 292-2805 or visit our website. They are located at 74-900 Highway 111, Suite 127, Indian Wells, California 92210.